2014 Sessions for Benjamin D. Keen

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 03A*
Government Policy and the Macroeconomy


Michael Plante, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Session Chairs:

Nathaniel Throckmorton, College of William & Mary


"A Case for Credit Easing at the Zero Lower Bound"
Alexander Richter, Auburn University
Nathaniel Throckmorton, College of William & Mary

"The Limitations of Forward Guidance"
Nathaniel Throckmorton, College of William & Mary
Alexander Richter, Auburn University (Contact Author)
Benjamin D. Keen, The University of Oklahoma
William T. Gavin, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

"Estimates of State-Contingent Deviations from Rational Expectations, with an Application to Forward Guidance"
Lance Kent, The College of William & Mary (Contact Author)

"Fuel Subsidies, the Oil Market, and the World Economy"
Michael Plante, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Mine K. Yucel, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Nathan S. Balke, Southern Methodist University (Contact Author)


Nathaniel Throckmorton, College of William & Mary
Alexander Richter, Auburn University


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 05K
Topics in Applied Macroeconomics


Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University

Session Chairs:

Giandomenico Sarolli, Drew University


"Risk Shocks and Staggered Production in International Business Cycles"
Yuanzhi Gao, Vanderbilt University (Contact Author)

"The Flows and Allocation of Foreign Aid: The Impact of Millennium Development Goals"
Hongwei Song, University of Arkansas (Contact Author)

"Beating Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts with a MIDAS Touch"
Huan Zhou, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Contact Author)

"The Effect of VATs on Government Balance Sheets"
Alexander B. Ufier, The University of Oklahoma (Contact Author)


Giandomenico Sarolli, Drew University
Martin Davies, Washington and Lee University
Benjamin D. Keen, The University of Oklahoma
Ergys Islamaj, Vassar College


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