2014 Sessions for Ju-Chin Huang

2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 26H
Incentives and Valuation of Environmental Goods

Session Chairs:

Laura Beaudin, Bryant University


"Integrated Model of Water and Energy Use at the Residential Level: How Far Are Economic Incentives Effective Under Climate Induced Disruptions?"
Sanchari Ghosh, Northeastern State University (Contact Author)
Matthias Ruth, Northeastern University

"Evaluation of Current Use Property Taxation Program Features Using Duration Analysis and Competing Risk Regressions"
Darshana Udayanganie, Central Michigan University (Contact Author)

"Adaptation of the Hedonic Valuation Method: An Investigation of Non-Market, Climate-Related Goods in Imperfectly Competitive Markets"
Ju-Chin Huang, University of New Hampshire
Laura Beaudin, Bryant University (Contact Author)

"The Economic Impacts of Forest Pathogens in Washington State: A Hedonic Approach"
Logan Blair, Central Washington University (Contact Author)


Darshana Udayanganie, Central Michigan University
Sanchari Ghosh, Northeastern State University
Andres Jauregui, Columbus State University
Laura Beaudin, Bryant University


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 25K


John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University

Session Chairs:

John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University


"Hedonic Prices, Taxation, and Imperfect Competition"
Ju-Chin Huang, University of New Hampshire
Min Qiang Zhao, Xiamen University
Laura Beaudin, Bryant University

"Incentive Targeting for Carbon Sequestration with Spatially Heterogeneous Land Types Under Asymmetric Information"
Taeyoung Kim, The University of Tennessee
Christian Langpap, Oregon State University
Seong-Hoon Cho, The University of Tennessee
Paul R. Armsworth, The University of Tennessee

"Environmental Quality and Health: A Dynamic Optimization Approach"
Shana M. McDermott, The University of New Mexico
Benjamin A. Jones, The University of New Mexico


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