2014 Sessions for Erte Xiao

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 02D*
Social Interaction and Pro-Social Behavior


Siyu Wang, George Mason University

Session Chairs:

Seung Choi, George Mason University


"Demanding or Deferring? Cross-Cultural Experimental Analysis of Communication and Coordination Between Genders"
Siyu Wang, George Mason University
Daniel Houser, George Mason University

"Good News, Bad News, and Social Image: The Market for Charitable Giving"
Luigi Butera, The University of Chicago
Jeff Horn, George Mason University

"It’s Not Just the Thought That Counts: An Experimental Study on Hidden Cost of Giving"
Sophia Xiaofei Pan, University of the South- Sewanee
Erte Xiao, Carnegie Mellon University

"Markets and the Emergence of Social Relationships"
Seung Choi, George Mason University
Virgil Henry Storr, George Mason University


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4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 12I*
Experiments in Charitable Giving: The Science of Philanthropy


Anya Savikhin Samek, University of Chicago
John A. List, The University of Chicago

Session Chairs:

John A. List, The University of Chicago


"A Field Experiment on Directed Giving at a Public University"
Catherine C. Eckel, Texas A&M University
David Herberich, Sears Holdings Corporation
Jonathan Meer, Texas A&M University

"Social Recognition in Charitable Giving: In Pursuit of Perfection"
Judd Kessler, The University of Pennsylvania
Katherine L. Milkman, The University of Pennsylvania
Yiwei Zhang, The University of Pennsylvania

"Taking or Giving? The Price of Giving: How Much Do Individuals Dislike Taking?"
Oleg Korenok, Virginia Commonwealth University
Edward Millner, Virginia Commonwealth University
Laura Razzolini, Virginia Commonwealth University

"Sign Me Up: A Model and Field Experiment on Volunteering"
Daniel Houser, George Mason University
Erte Xiao, Carnegie Mellon University


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