2014 Sessions for Emi Uchida

2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 25H
Natural Resources


John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University

Session Chairs:

Wendong Zhang, The Ohio State University


"Does the Endangered Species Act Spillover?"
Merlin Mack Hanauer, Sonoma State University (Contact Author)

"Two Birds with One Stone? Targeting Forest Conservation for Multiple Benefits"
Allen Blackman, Resources for the Future
Jessica Chu, Resources for the Future
Leonard Goff, Resources for the Future
Juha Siikamaki, Resources for the Future

"Poverty Traps and Degraded Ecosystems"
Kyle Montanio, University of Rhode Island
Thomas Sproul, University of Rhode Island
Emi Uchida, University of Rhode Island

"Optimal Fines When Oil Spills Are Random"
Will Wheeler, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Charles Griffiths, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


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