Southern Economic Association 2012 Program
Participant List

CH-Chairman    D-Discussant    I-Introduction    Mod-Moderator
P-Paper Author    Pan-Panelist    Par-Participant    Pre-Presenter Sp-Speaker



Abdel-Rahman, Hesham M., University of New Orleans

P 12F; D 12G; CH 12G

Abowd, John M., Cornell University

P 16C

Acchiardo, Charity-Joy, George Mason University

D 19H; P 19H

Adhikari, Dadhi, University of New Mexico

P 09K

Adler, Barry E., New York University School of Law

P 11H

Adongo, Jonathan O., Missouri Southern State University

P 21F; CH 21F; D 18K

Afreen, Evana, Georgia State University

P 08C; D 08C

Aguero, Jorge, University of California, Riverside

P 15D; D 15D

Ahmad, Nazneen, Weber State University

D 19L; P 19L

Ahmad, Yamin, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

P 16M; D 16M

Ahn, JaeBin, International Monetary Fund

P 15J

Akacem, Mohammed, Metropolitan State University of Denver

P 02A; CH 02A

Akpandjar, George Mawuli, University of Mississippi

P 08C; P 02J; D 20K

Alam, Mahmudul, National University of Malaysia

P 24D

Aldridge, Arnie, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

P 05J; D 05J

Ali, Mir M., Food and Drug Administration

D 19F; P 20G; P 06I

Aligica, Paul Dragos, George Mason University

P 18I

Allahrakha, Meraj, George Washington University

P 15F; D 15F

Allen, Jeff, University of Oregon

P 12B

Allen, Samuel K., Virginia Military Institute

P 19C; D 19C

Alm, James, Tulane University


Almada, Lorenzo, Georgia State University

D 13C; P 20H

Altamirano, Nelson, National University


Altindag, Duha T., Auburn University

P 11F

Amialchuk, Aliaksandr, The University of Toledo

P 20G; P 06I

Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina, San Diego State University

P 20D; CH 20D; P 24G; P 18M

An, Lian, University of North Florida

P 12H; D 12H

Anbarci, Nejat, Deakin University

P 03D

Anderson, Benjamin C., Colgate University

D 17H; P 17K; D 17K

Anderson, D. Mark, Montana State University

D 18A; P 20C; D 20C; D 17D; P 07L

Anderson, James E., Boston College

P 08A

Anderson, Lisa R., The College of William & Mary

P 19D; P 09H

Anderson, Lori, Framingham State University

D 19B; P 19B

Anderson, Michael, Washington & Lee University

P 09I; CH 09I

Anderson, Seth, Tuskegee University

D 05D; P 05I

Andrews, Tracy, IMPAQ International, LLC

P 11F

Aradillas-Lopez, Andres, University of Wisconsin-Madison

P 07G

Arce, Daniel G., The University of Texas at Dallas

Pan10F; P 19G; CH 19G; P 09H; D 14J; P 03K

Argys, Laura M., University of Colorado Denver

CH 18A; D 24B; P 07H; CH 22L; D 18M

Arias, Omar, World Bank

P 13G

Artés, Joaquin, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

P 11M; D 11M

Artz, Georgeanne, Iowa State University

P 22J

Ascari, Guido, University of Pavia

P 12M

Asgeirsdóttir, Tinna Laufey, University of Iceland

P 07H

Ashraf, Ali , University of New Orleans

P 24D

Asiedu, Elizabeth, The University of Kansas

P 02J; D 02J

Astorne-Figari, Carmen, University of Memphis

CH 19I; P 19I

Athanassoglou, Stergios, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei

P 04J

Atkins, Danielle, The University of Georgia

D 19F; P 19F

Austin, Wesley, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

D 21H; D 05J; P 05J

Averett, Susan L., Lafayette College

P 18A; D 24B; CH 11G; D 07I; P 18M

Ayar, Musa, University of Wisconsin-Baraboo/Sauk County

P 19K; D 19K

Ayyagari, Padmaja, University of Iowa

P 07I

Azevedo, Christopher, University of Central Missouri

P 04D

Badasyan, Narine, Murray State University

P 08J

Baek, Deokrye, Louisiana State University

P 20G

Baez, Javier E. , The World Bank

P 13G

Bagchi, Aniruddha, Kennesaw State University

D 01C; CH 02M; P 02M

Bagchi, Shantanu, Georgia Southern University

P 01F; D 06J

Bailey, James, Temple University

D 18F; P 18F

Balafoutas, Loukas, University of Innsbruck

P 03C

Balasubramaniam, Divya, Saint Joseph's University

D 10B; P 14J

Ballor, Jordan, Acton Institute

P 21G

Baltagi, Badi, Syracuse University

P 18K

Bang, James T., St. Ambrose University

P 08J; D 10L

Bansak, Cynthia A., St. Lawrence University

D 08L; CH 18M; P 18M

Banzhaf, Melissa Ruby, U.S. Census Bureau

P 24B; D 07H

Bao, Chuanjian, Beijing Normal University

D 15H; P 15H

Barbier, Edward, University of Wyoming

P 24D

Barbieri, Stefano, Tulane University

D 02G; P 02G

Barefield, Alan, Mississippi State University

D 24A

Barnett, Sarah Beth L., National Center for Injury Prevention and Control

P 11F

Barreca, Alan, Tulane University

D 10D; CH 02F; P 11G; P 12L

Barrus, David, Brigham Young University-Idaho

P 19K

Barthel, Anne-Christine, University of Kansas

P 02K

Bartkus, James, Xavier University of Louisiana

P 03F

Basu, Bharati, Central Michigan University

P 07M

Basu Roy, Subhasree, Georgia State University

P 19B; D 19B

Bates, Laurie, Bryant University

P 18A

Batinti, Alberto, West Virginia University

CH 07K; D 05M; P 05M

Bayar, Omer, University of Evansville

P 19J; D 19J

Bearfield, Domonic, Texas A&M University

P 08I

Beaudin, Laura, University of New Hampshire

CH 16H; P 16H; D 12L

Beaumont, Paul, Florida State University

P 20M

Beck, Jason, Armstrong Atlantic State University

P 18G; CH 18G; D 18H; Pan14I

Beckman, Steven, University of Colorado Denver

P 16B

Beckworth, David, Western Kentucky University

P 07J; D 07J

Bédard, Mathieu , Aix-Marseille Université

P 23K

Bell, Andrew, Columbia University

P 04I

Bell, Jason, Duke University

P 01K

Bempong Nyantakyi, Eugene, Whitworth University

D 02J; P 09K

Benitez-Silva, Hugo, Stony Brook University

D 07D; P 07D

Bennett, Mark, University of Maryland Baltimore County

P 22A

Bentzen, Jan, Aarhus University

P 17J; D 21K; D 09L; P 09L

BenYishay, Ariel, University of New South Wales

P 13G

Benzell, Seth, Tulane University

P 11C

Berdiev, Aziz, Bryant University

P 02B; D 02B

Berggren, Niclas, Research Institute of Industrial Economics

D 20A; P 08C; P 19J; D 19J

Bergh, Andreas, Lund University

D 13K; P 13K; D 05L

Berlemann, Michael, Helmut-Schmidt University Hamburg

P 08B

Berliant, Marcus, Washington University in St. Louis

P 16D; D 12F; D 02G; P 02G; D 06H

Besedes, Tibor, Georgia Institute of Technology

P 03G

Bettinger, Eric, Stanford University

P 17G

Bharadwaj, Prashant, University of California, San Diego

P 15D

Bhardwaj, Shilpi, Binghamton University, The State University of New York

D 20C; P 21L

Bhatt, Rachana, Georgia State University

P 17D; D 07H; Pan12K

Bhatta, Gunakar, Wayne State University

P 20A; D 20A

Bhuiyan, Rokon, California State University, Fullerton

P 19J; CH 19J; D 18K

Biehl, Amelia, University of Michigan-Flint

D 15F; CH 02I; P 02I

Bigerna, Simona, Uninettuno University

D 02I; D 03M

Bilo, Simon, George Mason University

D 24H; P 23K; D 01L; P 01L

Biner, Burhan, DePaul University

D 05L; P 06M; D 06M

Birkbeck, Jane, Thompson Rivers University

P 09A

Birkeland, Kathryn , University of South Dakota

P 13A; D 09M

Bishop, John A., East Carolina University

CH 16A; P 16B; CH 16B

Biswas, Arnab, University of West Florida

D 02G; P 08J; CH 08J

Bizuneh, Menna, College of St. Benedict/St. John's University

CH 01L; P 01L; P 01M; D 01M

Bjornskov, Christian, Aarhus University

D 10B; P 10B; P 13K

Blackburn, Vincent, New South Wales Department of Education and Training

P 13B

Blackwell, Calvin, College of Charleston

P 14F

Blair, Roger D., University of Florida

P 22C

Blanchard, Emily J., Tuck School of Business Dartmouth College

P 05F; D 05G

Blomquist, Glenn C., University of Kentucky

P 04A; CH 04B

Blonigen, Bruce, University of Oregon

P 21B

Blume-Kohout, Margaret, University of New Mexico

D 09K; P 09K; D 02M; P 02M

Blunch, Niels-Hugo, Washington and Lee University

CH 20H; D 14J

Boadway, Robin, Queen’s University

P 06H

Bodvarsson, Orn, St. Cloud State University

D 15M; CH 15M; P 15M

Boettke, Peter J., George Mason University

Mod23C; Pan23C; D 21D; P 17F; Pan23H

Bollinger, Christopher R., University of Kentucky

P 14A

Bonardi, Jean-Philippe, University of Lausanne

P 23G

Bond, Timothy N., Purdue University

D 13I; P 13L

Bonnal, Michael, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

P 17H; CH 17H; CH 10K

Born, Patricia, Florida State University

P 11A; D 11C

Boston, Thomas D., Georgia Institute of Technology

CH 10A; D 10A; P 10A; CH 14D; D 14D; P 14D

Boudreaux, Christopher J., Florida State University

P 01F; D 05J

Bowen, Daniel Henry, University of Arkansas

P 13J

Boylan, Richard T., Rice University

D 11A; P 11C

Boyle, Austin, Florida State University

P 06J; D 11L

Bradford, W. David, The University of Georgia

CH 19F; P 19F; D 06I

Bradley, Anne Rathbone, Institute for Faith, Work, & Economics

CH 06D

Bradley, Elizabeth S., The University of Georgia

D 14A; D 16C; P 20D; CH 17G

Brashers, Preston M., University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research

P 15G; CH 15G; D 22J

Bray, David, Florida International University

P 12A

Bray, Jeremy, RTI International

P 05J

Brennan, Shae, University of Dayton

P 13B

Breuer, Janice Boucher, University of South Carolina

P 22J

Briggs, R.J., Pennsylvania State University

P 04F

Brito, Jerry, The Mercatus Center

P 14C

Brooks, Taggert J., University of Wisconsin, La Crosse

CH 13A; P 13A; D 09M

Brown, Alasdair, University of East Anglia

P 22D

Brown, Christian, Middle Tennessee State University

D 13I; P 05J; CH 05J

Brown, David P., University of Florida

P 19H; D 19H

Brown, Michael A., Wells Fargo

P 13I; D 20K

Brown, Willie H., Mississippi State University

P 10H

Brozovic, Nicholas, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

P 02L

Bruner, David M., Appalachian State University

P 04G

Budzinski, Oliver, Ilmenau University of Technology

P 22C

Buehn, Andreas, Utrecht University

D 08B; P 08B; P 15G; D 15G

Burge, Gregory S., University of Oklahoma

P 14A

Burke, Emily, Metropolitan State University of Denver

P 20B; CH 20B; D 21G

Burkhauser, Richard, Cornell University

P 07D

Butkiewicz, James L., University of Delaware

P 19C; D 19C

Butt, Eric, University of Dayton

P 13B

Byrd, W. Jennings, Troy University

P 22A

Byron, Sharri C., Auburn University Montgomery

D 05A; P 05B; D 10D; P 20G

Cachanosky, Nicolas, Suffolk University

P 17F; D 20J

Cadigan, John, Gettysburg College

P 03A

Cai, Jie, Huazhong Normal University

P 12H

Calcagno, Peter T., College of Charleston

P 15B

Caldwell, Bruce J., Duke University


Camacho, Adriana, Universidad de los Andes

P 13G

Cameron, Trudy Ann, University of Oregon

P 04H

Campa, Pamela, Stockholm University

D 08J; P 02L

Campbell, Douglas, The University of Memphis

D 18H; P 18H

Canas, Jesus, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

P 08L

Cannonier, Colin, Belmont University

P 15D

Capehart, Kevin W., American University

P 21J

Caporale, Tony, University of Cincinnati

P 22F

Carden, William Arthur, Samford University

P 06D

Carilli, Anthony M., Hampden-Sydney College


Carroll, Kathleen A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

P 22H; D 22H

Carruthers, Celeste K., The University of Tennessee

P 17G; CH 08I; D 08I

Carter, Kelly, Morgan State University

D 24I; P 09K; CH 09K

Castaneda, Marco A., University of Texas at Tyler

P 07B; D 07B

Castilla, Carolina, Colgate University

P 13G; P 10I

Caudill, Steven B., Rhodes College

P 12J

Caviglia-Harris, Jill L., Salisbury University

CH 04A; P 04I

Cavusoglu, Nevin, James Madison University

D 01L; P 01L

Cesur, Resul, University of Connecticut

P 18A; P 07H; D 20I; D 07L; P 18M

Chahyadi, Candra, Eastern Illinois University

P 22F

Chakraborty, Shankha, University of Oregon

P 12B; CH 12C; D 12D

Chambers, Catherine M., University of Central Missouri

P 04D

Chambers, Dustin, Salisbury University

P 02B

Chambers, Paul, University of Central Missouri

P 04I

Chanda, Areendam, Louisiana State University

D 12B; P 12C; CH 12D

Chang, Chun-Ping, Shih Chien University

P 02B

Chang, Semoon, University of South Alabama

P 06B

Chang, Sun Joseph, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center

D 16H; P 17K; D 12L; P 12L

Chang, Wei-Shiun, Humboldt University of Berlin

P 03C; CH 03C

Chang, Yang-Ming, Kansas State University

P 07M

Chang, Yunhee, University of Mississippi

P 20A; D 20A

Chatterjee, Chiradip, Florida International University

P 22K; D 22K

Chatterjee, Santanu, The University of Georgia

D 12C; P 12D

Chatterjee, Swarn, The University of Georgia

P 20A; P 02I

Chaudoin, Stephen, University of Pittsburgh

D 08A; P 08A; D 01C

Chen, David Y., North Carolina A&T State University

D 10J; P 10J

Chen, Jan-Jo , Chicago State University

P 12I

Chen, Jian-Chern , Northwestern Polytechnic University

P 12I

Chen, Jihui, Illinois State University

P 19K; CH 19K

Chen, Susan, University of Alabama

D 24B; P 09J

Chen, Xiaohong, Yale University

P 07F

Chen, Xuan, University of Miami

P 07K

Cheng, Chak Hung Jack, Murray State University

D 07C; P 01J; CH 01J

Cheng, Cheng, Texas A&M University

P 08I

Chernomaz, Kirill, San Francisco State University

CH 03K; P 03K

Cherry, Todd L., Appalachian State University

P 03H

Chezum, Brian E., St. Lawrence University

D 11D; P 11D

Chi, Miao, Drew University

D 13D; P 13D; CH 13D

Chicoine, Luke, DePaul University

P 15D; D 15D

Chin, Aimee, University of Houston

P 02D

Chiou, Jong-Rong, Tam Kang University

P 16B

Cho, Yongwon, Washington State University

CH 20G; P 20G; P 12J; D 12J

Choi, Namsuk, Korea Economic Research Institute

P 06A; D 06B; D 06C

Choi, Young-Jin, North Carolina State University

P 19L; D 19L

Chou, Shin-Yi, Lehigh University

P 18B; P 14J

Chowdhury, Abdur, Marquette University

P 12M

Chowdhury, Abdur R., United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

P 08B

Chowdhury, Subhasish Modak , University of East Anglia, U.K.

P 22D

Christensen, Finn, Towson University

P 22L

Christensen, Harold R., Centenary College of Louisiana

P 24I; D 24I

Chuang, Hwei-Lin, National Tsing Hua University,Taiwan

P 15I

Chung, Hyein, Binghamton University

P 22I

Cintina, Inna, University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization

P 10I

Claar, Victor V., Henderson State University

D 21G; P 21G; D 07K

Clark, Don P., The University of Tennessee

P 12L; D 12L

Clark, J.R., The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

CH 01F; P 01F; P 01G; CH 01G

Clark, Michael, Hillsdale College

CH 10M

Clark, Michael, Wesleyan University

P 10M; D 10M

Clarke, George R.G., Texas A&M International University

D 18I; P 20K

Cleetus, Rachel, Union of Concerned Scientists

CH 04I; P 04L

Clemens, Georg, DICE-Duesseldorf Institute for Competition Economics

P 19D; D 19D

Clements, Matthew, St. Edward's University

D 19G; P 19G

Clemm, Geoff, Deloitte Consulting

P 21L

Click, Reid W., The George Washington University

D 05B; P 05C; CH 05H

Coates, Dennis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

CH 22B; P 22B; P 22C; P 22H; D 22H

Coats, R. Morris, Nicholls State University

D 06I; CH 02K

Cobbe, James, Florida State University

CH 21K

Cochran, Howard H., Belmont University


Cojoc, Doru, University of Iowa

P 19D

Colantuoni, Francesca, University of Massachusetts Amherst

P 06J

Collett-Schmitt, Kristen, University of Notre Dame


Collier, Trevor, University of Dayton

D 13D; P 13D; P 22F

Collins, Courtney, Mercer University

D 17B; P 17B; D 13D; P 13D

Colman, Greg, Pace University

P 24B

Compton, James, United States Naval Academy

P 03F

Congdon-Hohman, Joshua, College of the Holy Cross

P 20F

Conley, John P., Vanderbilt University


Connors, Joseph, Duke University

P 06D; CH 01I; P 01I; D 01I

Conover, Emily, Hamilton College

P 13G; D 13G

Coogan, Laura L., Nicholls State University

D 10C; P 10C

Cook, Lisa D., Michigan State University

P 10D

Cordero Salas, Paula, University of Alabama

P 09H; P 19I; D 19I; D 14J

Cordoba, Juan Carlos, Iowa State University

P 13K

Corey, Joab, Florida State University

P 14B; Pan14G; Pan14I

Corman, Hope, Rider University

D 18C; D 11F; P 11F; P 07H; P 20I

Cornet, Bernard, University of Kansas

D 02I; P 16L; CH 16L

Coronado, Roberto, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

P 09F

Corrêa, Maria, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

P 12A; D 08K

Cosby, Arthur G., Mississippi State University

P 10H

Cotten, Stephen J., University of Houston-Clear Lake

P 03H; D 18K

Cotti, Chad, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

D 17D; P 13I; P 07L; CH 07L

Couch, Jim F., University of North Alabama

P 11M

Couch, Kenneth, University of Connecticut

D 19B; P 19B; D 13H; P 13H

Cover, James Peery, The University of Alabama

P 07C; D 07C; P 18J; CH 18J

Covington, Reginald, Cornell University

P 20I; P 18M

Cowan, E. James, Fairleigh Dickinson University

P 23L

Cox, James C., Georgia State University

P 15G; P 03H

Coyne, Christopher J., George Mason University

P 23F; CH 23F

Cozad, Melanie, Furman University

D 05K; D 05M; P 05M

Craig, Joseph Dean, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

P 20D; D 20D

Craig, Steven G., University of Houston

P 02G; D 13L

Craighead, William D., Wesleyan University

P 07A; D 07A; P 16M; CH 16M; D 16M

Crispin, Laura, Saint Joseph's University

D 20C; P 20C

Crofton, Stephanie, High Point University

P 03D

Cronin, Chris, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

P 06F

Crooker, John R., University of Central Missouri

P 04D

Crowder, William, The University of Texas at Arlington

CH 20M; P 20M

Crowe, Ronald, Our Lady of the Lake University

P 22B; D 15I; P 15I; D 12J

Crowley, Christian, U.S. Department of the Interior

P 22K; D 03M

Crowley, George R., Troy University

CH 17B; P 17B; D 17B

Cuesta, Ana, University of Minnesota

P 10C

Cuff, Katherine L., McMaster University

D 16D; P 06H

Cugliari, Christine, High Point University

P 04K

Cui, Jinshu, Georgia Institute of Technology

P 04L

Cunningham, Scott, Baylor University

D 11G; P 06I; D 01K; P 22L

Curtis, Chadwick C, University of Richmond

D 13A; P 09M

Curtis, Mark , Georgia State University

P 17D

Cushing, Matthew J., University of Nebraska - Lincoln

P 21H

Cutler, Harvey, Colorado State University

P 10D

Czajkowski, Jeffrey, University of Pennsylvania

P 14F

Dagne, Getchew A., University of South Florida

P 18K

Dahl, Gordon, University of California, San Diego

P 18B

Dalton, Michael, Duke University

P 05L

Daly, Christina, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

P 08L

Daniels, Joseph, Marquette University

CH 08B; P 08B; D 12M

Darden, Michael, Tulane University

D 06F; P 06F

Darity, William A., Jr., Duke University

P 11I

Das, Shreyasee, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

P 02D; D 02D

DasGupta, Nandita, University of Maryland at Baltimore County

P 09A; D 09A

Datta, Amlan, University of Memphis

D 20B; P 20B

Datta, Anusua, Philadelphia University

D 18B; P 18C

Datta, Deepa, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

D 20L

Daunfeldt, Sven-Olov, Dalarna University

P 19J; D 10L; D 06M; P 06M

Dave, Dhaval M., Bentley University

P 24B; CH 18C; D 18C; P 18C; D 17D; P 20I; P 18M

Davidson, Carl, Michigan State University

P 06H

Davies, Martin, Washington and Lee University

P 08M; D 08M

Davis, Michael, Southern Methodist Univeristy

D 21K

Dawson, John W., Appalachian State University

D 01I; P 01I

de Araujo, Pedro, Colorado College

D 20D; P 21L

De Pace, Pierangelo, Pomona College

P 12M; D 12M

DeAngelo, Gregory, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

D 08H; P 08H

Deb, Partha, Hunter College

P 11F

Debnath, Sisir, University of Virginia

D 16F; P 16F

Dechenaux, Emmanuel, Kent State University

P 08H

Deck, Cary A., University of Arkansas

P 03C; P 03D; P 03G

Deily, Mary E., Lehigh University

P 18B

Dellachiesa, Alejandro E., Bates College

D 16H; P 16H; D 22K; P 12L

Demir, Firat, The University of Oklahoma

P 02J; CH 02J; D 09K

DeNicco, James P., Drexel University

P 24H

Denslow, David A., Jr., University of Florida

P 18I

DePasquale, Christina, University of Michigan

P 22C

Depken, Craig A., II, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

P 14A; P 22B; CH 22F; Mod12K

Depro, Brooks, Research Triangle Institute International

P 04A

DeSimone, Jeffrey S., The University of Maryland

P 18A

Dhar, Paramita, Central Connecticut State University

CH 13H; D 13H; P 11L; CH 11L

Dhongde, Shatakshee, Georgia Institute of Technology

D 02B; P 02B; P 18D; CH 18D

Diarrasouba, Malick, State of Nebraska

P 05D

Diette, Timothy M., Washington and Lee University

P 24C; P 08F; CH 08F; D 08F; P 11I; P 20K

Dills, Angela K., Providence College

P 18A; P 18C; D 08F; D 20I; D 07L

Dimitrova-Grajzl, Valentina, Virginia Military Institute

D 15G; P 14L; CH 14L

Dinopoulos, Elias, University of Florida

P 01C

Dismukes, David E., Louisiana State University Center for Energy Studies

P 16I

Dodge, Eric R., Hanover College

D 01F

Dong, YingYing, University of California at Irvine

P 06G

Dorn, Brian P., San Jose State University

P 14C

Douglas-Buser, Whitney T., Berry College

D 06I

Dourado, Eli, The Mercatus Center

CH 14C; P 14C

Dreger, Christian, German Institute for Economic Research

D 20B; P 20J

Drewianka, Scott D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

P 13I; D 05J; D 02K

Du, Juan, Old Dominion University

P 19B; D 19B

Du Rietz, Gunnar, The Research Institute of Industrial Economics

P 15F

Dua, Nitin, Bates White Economic Consulting

P 21A

Dubas, Justin M., Texas Lutheran University


Ducking, Johnny, North Carolina A&T State University

P 14A; P 22F

Duffy, John, University of Pittsburgh

P 03A

Duleep, Harriet, College of William & Mary

P 15M; D 15M

Duncan, Brian, University of Colorado Denver

P 18B; D 18M

Duncan, Thomas K., George Mason University

P 23F

Durmaz, Nazif, University of Houston-Victoria

D 05D; P 05I; P 12L

Durrance, Christine Piette, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

P 18B; P 22C

Dutcher, Glenn, University of Innsbruck

P 03B; P 03C; P 03G; CH 03G; P 04I

Dutta, Nabamita, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

D 13A; P 08C; P 09M

Dynan, Lynda, Northern Kentucky University

P 18C

Eckel, Catherine C., Texas A&M University

P 16G; P 09H; P 03K

Edlund, Lena, Columbia

P 22L

Edwards, Jason T., Andrew Young School of Policy Studies

P 08L

Ehret, Michael, Nottingham Trent University

P 23G; D 03L

Eichler, Stefan, Dresden University of Technology

P 08B; D 08B

Eide, Eric R., Brigham Young University

P 17G

Eizenberg, Alon, Hebrew University

D 17I; CH 03L; P 03L

Ellig, Jerry, George Mason University

P 24F

Emerson, Tisha Lin Nakao, Baylor University

CH 14B; P 14B; Mod14G

Enchelmeyer, Brian, University of Wyoming

P 04J

Endres, Anthony M., University of Auckland

P 23G

Epstein, Brendan, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

D 24H; P 24H

Escaleras, Monica P., Florida Atlantic University

P 14F; CH 14F

Escobari, Diego, The University of Texas-Pan American

P 20B; D 20B; P 17I; D 18J

Estelle, Sarah M., Hope College

D 18A; D 13D

Fackler , James S., University of Kentucky

P 09D

Fairchild, Gregory B., Tayloe Murphy Center

P 10A

Fairchild, Joseph, Bank of America

P 14D; P 12G

Fan, Maoyong, Ball State University

P 08L

Fang, Hanming, University of Pennsylvania

P 03I

Fang, Zheng 'Muriel', University of Akron

D 19B; P 14K

Fard, Sara, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

P 22B

Faría, Hugo J., Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración

CH 19C; P 19C

Farmer, Amy, University of Arkansas

CH 11C; P 03D

Fatas, Enrique, University of East Anglia

P 09H

Favero, Alice, Yale University

P 04F

Fawson, Chris, Utah State University

P 18F

Faye, Sophie, Suffolk University

P 14J

Feinberg, Robert M., American University

D 21A; CH 21A; P 21B

Feldman, Gabriel, Tulane University

D 22H; P 22H

Felkey, Amanda J., Lake Forest College

P 14B

Feltovich, Nicholas, Monash University

P 03B; P 03D

Fernandes, Ana Margarida, The World Bank

P 12C

Fernandez, Adriana Z., Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

D 07C; P 07C

Fernandez, Jose, University of Louisville

D 07I; P 18M

Ferrantino, Michael, U.S. International Trade Commission

P 09I

Ferrier, Gary, University of Arkansas

P 21A; D 21B

Fertig, Angela, The University of Georgia

P 20G

Fillieule, Renaud , Université Lille Nord de France

P 23K

Findley, T. Scott, Utah State University

P 01F

Finger, Stephen, University of South Carolina

CH 22K; P 22K; D 02L

Finlay, Keith, Tulane University

D 11A; P 11C; D 10D; D 11G; P 06I

Fishback, Price, University of Arizona

P 19C

Fleissig, Adrian, California State University - Fullerton

P 12F

Florence, Curtis S., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

P 11F

Fon, Vincy, The George Washington University

CH 01D; CH 11H; P 11H

Forbus, Philip R., University of South Alabama

D 06C

Forczyk, Nathan KI., Auburn University Montgomery

P 06I

Ford, Michael, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

P 21D

Foster, Gigi, University of New South Wales

P 08F

Foster, James E., George Washington University

P 13K

Foster, Joshua, University of Arkansas

P 03C; P 03G

Fournier, Gary M., Florida State University

P 21A

Franceschi, Dina, Fairfield University

CH 12A; P 02F; D 02F

Franks, Edwin, Macquarie University

P 16A

Frascatore, Mark, Clarkson University

D 19K; P 19K

Freeborn, Beth A., Federal Trade Commission

P 19D; D 09H; P 09H; D 18I

Freedman, Matthew, Cornell University

P 11F

Freeman, Matthew A., Mississippi State University

CH 04G

Freitas, Carlos, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

P 12A; P 08K

French, Joseph, University of Northern Colorado

P 19L

Frey, Elaine F., California State University, Long Beach

P 04G

Frisvold, David E., Emory University

P 11I; D 01K

Frizell, Julie, ERS Group

D 17H; P 17H

Fujishima, Shota, Washington University

P 16D

Fullerton, Thomas M., Jr., University of Texas at El Paso

P 09F

Fung, Winnie, Wheaton College

P 20G; D 20G

Gahvari, Firouz, University of Illinois

P 16D

Gallagher, Ryan, Northeastern Illinois University

P 17C

Gallego, Juan, University of Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia

P 17K

Gamper-Rabindran, Shanti, University of Pittsburgh

P 22K

Gao, Jason, Carleton University

P 12I

Gao, Jia, University of New Hampshire

D 20F; P 20F

Garcia Viñuela, Enrique, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

P 11M

Gardner, Lara, Southeastern Louisiana University

CH 06F; P 06F; D 20H

Garen, John, University of Kentucky

D 01G; P 01G; Pan01H

Garin, Julio , University of Georgia

D 24H; P 01J; D 01J; P 19M

Garner, Thesia I., U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

P 16A

Garrett, J.Z. , Hampden-Sydney College

D 13L

Gaskin, Darrell, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

P 10H

Gautam, Suman, Pennsylvania State University

P 04F

Gay, David E.R., University of Arkansas

CH 18H

Gayle, Wayne, University of Virginia

P 07F

Gayoso, Lyliana, Washington State University

D 08G; P 08G; P 24I; D 06L

Gentier, Antoine , Aix-Marseille Université

P 23K

Georges, Jessica, University of Florida

P 02F; D 02F

Geremew, Menelik S., Texas Tech University

P 21J

Gershenson, Seth, American University

P 08I; D 08I

Gervais, Antoine, University of Notre Dame

P 09I

Ghimire, Shankar, Western Michigan University

P 07K

Ghossoub, Edgar A., The University of Texas at San Antonio

D 22I; CH 20J; P 20J

Gillespie, Jeffrey M., Louisiana State University

P 17K

Gillette, Ann, Kennesaw State University

D 11D; P 11D

Gilpin, Gregory, Montana State University

D 14K; P 18L

Ginindza, Mzwandile, Emory University Economics Dept.

D 01J; P 19M

Ginn, Vance, Sam Houston State University

D 21J; D 09L; P 09L

Gittings, R. Kaj, Louisiana State University

D 24B; D 16C

Gladwin, Hugh, Florida International University

P 16H

Glass, Amy J, Texas A&M University

P 05F; D 05G

Glassman, Brian, Temple University

P 03M

Godonoga, Ana, College of Wooster

P 02B; D 19C

Goel, Manisha, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

D 08M; P 08M

Goffe, Bill, Pennsylvania State University

P 14B; Pan14G

Goggins, Kylie, Saginaw Valley State University

D 13J; P 13J; P 13K; D 13K

Goksel, Turkmen, Ankara University

P 06M

Goldsmith, Arthur H., Washington and Lee University

D 14B; Pan01H; CH 11I; P 11I; CH 21J; D 21J; CH 06K

Good, Michael, Florida International University

P 07K

Graef-Anderson, Rachel, College of Charleston

P 15B

Graham, Stephen, Environmental Protection Agency

P 04A

Grajzl, Peter, Washington and Lee University

P 14L

Gramm, Marshall K., Rhodes College

P 20L

Grant, Darren, Sam Houston State University

P 17D; Pan12K; P 07L

Graves, Jennifer, University of Oklahoma

D 15H; CH 14K; P 14K

Gray, Nathan L., Young Harris College

P 21D; D 21D

Green, Tiffany, Virginia Commonwealth University

D 11I

Grier, Kevin, The University of Oklahoma

P 20M

Grigelis, Peter, U.S. Department of Interior

P 04C

Grinols, Earl, Baylor University

D 09I

Grodner, Andrew, East Carolina University

P 16A

Groft, Daniel, McNeese State University

CH 07J; D 07J; P 07J

Gronberg, Timothy J., Texas A&M University

P 21D

Gronwald, Marc, Ifo Institute for Economic Research

P 04H

Groothuis, Peter A., Appalachian State University

P 22F

Grossman, Philip, Monash University

P 03B; P 16G; D 16G; D 09H

Groth, Tanja, Aarhus University

P 09L

Grube, Laura E., George Mason University

P 23M

Gu, Jingping, University of Arkansas

P 01J; D 01J

Gu, Weishi (Grace), Cornell University

D 24H; P 24H; P 10K; D 19M

Gudruis, Marisa, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

P 16A

Guezennec, Fanny, Georgia Institute of Technology

P 04L

Guilfoos, Todd, Binghamton University

P 04I; P 04J; CH 04L

Guldi, Melanie, University of Central Florida

P 18B; D 18C; P 11G

Gunter, Frank R., Lehigh University

D 02A; P 02A; P 18G; D 18G

Guo, Dina, University of Virginia

P 07D; D 07D

Gurmu, Shiferaw, Georgia State University

P 08J; P 18K; D 03L

Guse, Joseph, Washington and Lee University

P 14L

Gutierrez, Luis, University of Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia

P 17K

Gwartney, James D., Florida State University

Pan01H; P 01I; D 01I

Ha, Inhyuck "Steve", Western Carolina University

D 06B; P 06C

Haab, Timothy C., The Ohio State University

P 04C; P 04D

Haelermans, Carla, Maastricht University

P 13B

Hafer, Jennifer, University of Arkansas

D 16F; P 16F; D 18G; P 18G

Halim, Nafisa, Boston University

P 24D

Hall, Abigail, George Mason University

P 23F

Hall, Daniel T., High Point University

P 03D; CH 03D; P 04K

Hall, Jared, University of Central Arkansas

P 15B

Hall, Joshua C., Beloit College

D 21C; Pan23D; P 01F; D 01G

Hamersma, Sarah, University of Florida

P 19B; CH 19B; D 08I

Hamilton, Darrick, The New School

D 11I; P 11I

Hamilton, Jonathan H., University of Florida

CH 16D; P 16D; D 06H

Han, Taehee, Louisiana State University

D 07J; P 07J

Hankins, Keith, Rutgers University


Hankins, Scott, University of Kentucky

P 08I; D 22L

Hankins, William B., The University of Alabama

P 07K

Hanna, Heather, Mississippi State University

P 10H

Hansen, Benjamin C., University of Oregon

P 07L

Haque, Moon, The University of Memphis

CH 10C; P 10C; D 14J

Hardy, Bradley, American University

P 08I

Harris, Dan, Salisbury University

P 04I

Harris, Matthew, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

D 06G; P 06G; P 10K; D 10K

Harrison, R. Wes, Louisiana State University

P 17K

Harrison, Teresa D., Drexel University

P 24C

Harter, Cynthia, Eastern Kentucky University

P 14B

Hartman, Todd, Appalachian State University

P 04C

Hassan, M. Kabir, University of New Orleans

P 24D; P 21F; P 06M

Hattapoglu, Mustafa, Bursa Orhangazi University

P 11L

Hattori, Keisuke, Osaka University of Economics

P 03L

Hauk, William R., Jr., University of South Carolina

D 18I; P 18I; P 22J; CH 22J

Hawkins, Jenny, Oberlin College

D 19I; P 19I

Haynes, Jessica S., University of Florida

CH 20C; P 20C; D 20D

He, Qingxin, North Carolina State University

D 17I; P 17I

He, Quqiong, Louisiana State University

P 02A; D 02A; D 12I; P 02K

Hebert, David, George Mason University

P 23J

Heckelman, Jac C., Wake Forest University

D 01I; P 01I

Hedengren, David, George Mason University

P 06L

Heggeness, Misty, U.S. Census Bureau

P 13K

Heller, Lauren R., Berry College

P 02B; D 02B; P 06I; CH 06I; D 05K

Hellström, Jörgen, Umeå University

P 19J

Helmchen, Lorens, George Mason University

P 13C

Helms, Sara E., Samford University

CH 24C; P 24C; D 24C; P 08F

Herbst, Chris, Arizona State University

P 11G

Hernandez, Rey, Metropolitan State University of Denver

D 18B; P 18C

Herrera, Guillermo, Bowdoin College

P 04C

Hersch, Joni, Vanderbilt University

Pan10G; P 11H; D 11I

Herzberg, Roberta, Utah State University

P 18F; CH 18F; D 06I

Higashida, Keisaku, Kwansei Gakuin University

D 19K; P 03L

Higgins, Sean, Tulane University

P 05L

Hill, James Richard, Central Michigan University

P 22F

Hill, Jessica, Louisiana State University

P 17K; D 17K

Hill, Joshua, Middle Tennessee State University

D 10C; P 10K

Hill, R. Carter, Louisiana State University

P 20H

Hillebrad, Eric, Creative Recycling Enviro-Arts Training and Education Service

P 08K

Hilmer, Michael J., San Diego State University

P 17G

Hinde, Jesse, RTI International

P 05J

Hindsley, Paul R., Eckerd College

P 04G

Hirsch, Barry, Georgia State University

P 24B; P 17D; CH 17D; Pan01H

Hockenberry, Jason M, Emory University and NBER

P 13C; CH 13C; D 20G

Hoekstra, Mark L., Texas A&M University

D 17G; P 08I; D 22L

Hoffer, Adam, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

P 17B; D 17B; CH 08D

Hoffman, Denise, Mathematica Policy Research

CH 13I; P 13I

Hogan, Thomas L., West Texas A&M University

CH 17F; P 17F; D 19J

Hokayem, Charles, U.S. Census Bureau

P 13K; D 13K; CH 05L

Holcombe, Randall G., Florida State University

D 01F; P 01F; P 23G

Holian, Matt, San Jose State University

P 15A

Holloway, Betsy, Samford University

P 24C

Holmes, Paul, SUNY Fredonia

P 22F

Holmes, Will, Georgia Gwinnett College

D 20A; P 20A; D 02K

Hong, Gong-Soog, Iowa State University


Hong, Suting, Drexel University

P 06J; D 03L

Honkapohja, Seppo, Bank of Finland

P 12H

Hoover, Gary, The University of Alabama


Horwitz, Steven G., St. Lawrence University


Hotchkiss, Julie L., Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

CH 24A; P 24B; D 16C; D 17D; P 08L

Houser, Daniel, George Mason University

P 03I

Hoxha, Indrit, Penn State University Harrisburg

P 11L; D 03M

Hoyt, Gail M., University of Kentucky


Hsieh, Hsinling, Northern Michigan University

D 13I; P 14J; D 05L

Hsieh, Lin-Han Chiang, Georgia Institute of Technology

P 04B

Hsing, Yu, Southeastern Louisiana University

P 12H

Hu, Chenghao, The University of Oklahoma

P 02J

Hu, Tianyan, Lehigh University

P 18B; P 05K

Hu, Xiaobo, Clemson University

P 15H

Hu, Yue, The University of Texas at San Antonio

P 20C; D 20C

Huang, Ju-chin, University of New Hampshire

P 16H

Huang, Peter, University of Colorado Law School

P 01D

Huber, Joel, Duke University

P 01K

Hufstader, Meghan, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

P 10H

Hulbert, Jason P., University of Maryland

CH 19D; P 19D; D 19D

Humphreys, Brad R., University of Alberta

P 22C; P 22D; P 22H

Hunt, Leslie, University of Mississippi

P 11M

Hurd, Lawrence, Washington and Lee University

P 08K

Husain, Muhammad M., Georgia State University

P 24B; D 08M

Huth, William L., University of West Florida

P 04G

Hwang, Jae-Kwang, Virginia State University

D 11J; P 11J

Iams, Howard, Social Security Administration

P 19B

Ibarra-Salazar, Jorge, Tecnologico de Monterrey

D 19I; CH 14J; P 14J

Ignatin, George, University of Alabama Birmingham

P 22B; P 15I

Ince, Onur, Appalachian State University

P 19J; D 01L

Insler, Michael, United States Naval Academy

P 03F

Interis, Matthew G., Mississippi State University

CH 04D

Iqbal, Azhar, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC

D 16J; P 16J

Ireland, Thomas R., University of Missouri-St. Louis

P 21H

Isaac, R. Mark, Florida State University

P 03A; P 04I

Isaacs, Justin P., Hampden-Sydney College


Isaacs, Kristin, Environmental Protection Agency

P 04A

Isariyawongse, Kosin, Edinboro University

D 03L; P 03L

Islam, T.M. Tonmoy, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay

P 10B; D 10B

Islamaj, Ergys, Vassar College

D 07A; P 07A

Ito, Kazushi, Akita Prefectural University

P 22K

Jackson, John D., Auburn University

P 17C

Jahedi, Salar, University of Arkansas

P 11B

Jamal, A.M.M., Southeastern Louisiana University

P 12H

James, John A., University of Virginia

D 13M; CH 13M; P 13M

James, Russell, Texas Tech University

D 24C; P 24C

Jansen, Dennis W., Texas A&M University

P 21D

Jaremski, Matthew, Colgate University

P 13M

Jayawardhana, Jayani, University of Georgia

D 17K

Jenoeffy-Lochau, Marek, Buero am Carlsplatz

P 19G; D 19G

Jensen, J. Bradford, Georgetown University

P 09I

Jeong, Jin-Gil, Howard University

D 06A; P 06B

Jepsen, Christopher, University of Kentucky

P 17D

Jerzmanowski, Michal, Clemson University

P 12B; D 12C

Jewell, R. Todd, University of North Texas


Jha, Nikhil, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research

D 20F; P 20F

Jiang, Bing, Emory University

P 06K

Jiang, Jingze, Washington State University

P 22K; D 22K

Jiang, Wei, Columbia University

P 07G

Jin, Hailong, Iowa State University

P 10J; D 10J

Jin, Xin, Southern Methodist University

P 06K

Johansson, Dan, HUI Research

P 15F

Johnson, Christopher K., University of North Florida

D 16A

Johnson, Erik P., Georgia Institute of Technology

D 16I; P 16I

Johnson, John, Chicago State University

P 12I

Jones, Brian, Marquette University

D 08B

Jones, Daniel, University of Pittsburgh

P 24C; D 24C

Jung, Hojin, University of Oklahoma

P 11M; D 11M

Jurado, Ignacio, Oxford University

P 11M

Jurkatis, Simon, Free University

P 16K

Just, David R., Cornell University

P 15C

Kagundu, Paul, Georgia State University

D 02A; P 02C; CH 02C

Kahn, James R., Washington and Lee University

P 12A; P 02F; CH 08K; P 08K

Kahn, Matthew, University of California, Los Angeles

P 15A

Kakeu, Johnson, Georgia Tech

CH 04K; P 04M

Kalenkoski, Charlene M., Ohio University

P 08F; D 08F

Kaler, Amanda Marie, West Virginia University

D 08D; P 08D

Kalulu, Mavuto, University of Mississippi

D 08C; CH 18I; P 18I

Kandrac, John, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

D 16J; P 16J

Kang, Ari, University of Texas at Austin

D 18A; P 20I

Kang, Michael, Emory University

P 09C

Kanyama, Isaac, The University of Kansas

P 02J

Kao, Chiwa, Syracuse University

P 18K

Karadas, Serkan, West Virginia University

P 11J; P 06M; D 06M

Karahan, Gokhan, Delta State University

CH 11M; P 11M

Karl, James Bradley, Florida State University

P 11A

Karmann, Alexander, Technische Universitaet Dresden

P 08B

Kashian, Russell, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater

P 13A

Kass, Malcolm, University of Texas at Dallas

P 09H

Katayama, Munechika, Louisiana State University

P 09D

Kauper, David, Independent Scholar

P 14B

Kazianga, Harounan, Oklahoma State University

P 02C; D 02C

Kearns Hayter, Jill, East Tennessee State University

Pan14H; D 06J; CH 21L; D 21L

Keif, Echo, George Mason University

P 03M

Kelly, Christopher, University of North Carolina-Charlotte

P 14A

Kelly, Mark, University of Georgia

P 20A; D 20A

Kenny, Lawrence W., University of Florida

P 18I; D 18I; Pan12K; D 06L

Khamis, Melanie, Wesleyan University

D 13G; P 13G

Khan, Abdullah M., Claflin University

P 11J; D 11J

Khan, Shakeeb, Duke University

P 07F

Khanna, Neha, Binghamton University

P 04J

Khovansky, Serguey, Clark University

P 20L

Khurana, Indu, Florida International University

D 02M; P 02M

Kidane, Daniel, Texas Tech University

P 10L

Kiesling, L. Lynne, Northwestern University

P 13F

Kilambi, Vik, RTI International

P 04C

Kim, Hoseong, The University of Alabama

D 16A; D 16B

Kim, Jinhee, University of Maryland

P 20A

Kim, Kwan S., University of Notre Dame

CH 06A; CH 06C

Kim, Matthew, University of St. Thomas

P 19B

Kim, Seonghoon, Ohio State University

P 05L

Kim, Yoonbai, University of Kentucky

P 06C

Kimura, Koichiro, Institute of Developing Economies

D 12G; P 12G

King-Adzima , Kerry, Penn State-Erie

P 15A

Kirkley, James, University of Maryland

P 04C

Kitaoka, Hisaya, Franklin College

P 18H; D 18H

Klaiber, H. Allen, North Carolina State University

P 04D

Klein, Christopher C., Middle Tennessee State University

P 21A; D 21B

Klick, Jonathan, University of Pennsylvania Law School

P 09C

Klumpp, Tilman, Emory University

P 11B

Knight, Thomas, University of Florida

D 17J; P 17J

Kofoed, Michael S., The University of Georgia

D 14A; P 13J; CH 13J

Kohlhase, Janet, University of Houston

P 02G

Kohn, Jennifer, Drew University

CH 18B; P 18C; CH 07I; P 07I; D 07I

Kokkelenberg, Edward, SUNY Binghamton

P 21L

Komarek, Timothy M., Michigan State University

P 24A

Konishi, Yoshifumi, Sophia University

P 02L

Koppl, Roger, Fairleigh Dickinson University

P 23L

Koray, Faik, Louisiana State University

P 09D

Kosmopoulou, Georgia, University of Oklahoma

P 11M

Kosteas, Vasilios, Cleveland State University

P 05A

Kozlova, Olesia, University of New Hampshire

CH 01M; P 01M

Kreider, Brent, Iowa State University

CH 07D; D 07D; CH 07F; P 07G; CH 07G

Kremer, Stephanie, Free University Berlin

P 16K

Kritzberg, Dave, Appian Data services

P 12J

Kuchar, Pavel, University of Economics, Prague

D 14L; P 14L

Kudo, Shuhei, Akita Prefectural University

P 22K

Kumar, Nakul, George Mason University/Denison University

D 16G; P 16G

Kurkalova, Luba, North Carolina A&T State University

P 04L; CH 04M

Kurtulus, Fidan Ana, University of Massachusetts Amherst

P 10D

Kutlu, Levent, Georgia Institute of Technology

P 17J

La Noue, George, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

P 22A

Lackson, Kirsten, General Electric

P 19K

Lacombe, Donald J., West Virginia University

P 15A; P 11M

Lafky, Jonathan, Lafayette College

CH 03A; P 03A

Lagerlöf, Nils-Petter, York University

P 12B

Lahiri, Sajal, Southern Illinois University

P 01C; CH 01C

Lamarche, Carlos, University of Kentucky

P 11M

Lamberte, Antonio, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

P 08K

Landefeld, Paul Steven, Joint Committee on Taxation

P 08M; D 08M

Landry, Craig E., East Carolina University

P 04A; P 04G

Lane, Sarah, U.S. Agency for International Development

P 01M

Lari, Alireza, Wake Forest University

P 18F

Lari, Nasim , American Institute of Higher Education

D 18F; P 18F

LaRiviere, Jacob, The University of Tennessee

P 04H

Lastrapes, William D., The University of Georgia

P 09D

LaVeist, Thomas, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

P 10H

Lee, Bun Song, University of Arkansas-Fort Smith

P 06A; D 06A

Lee, Byung-Joo, University of Notre Dame

CH 06B

Lee, Chien-Chiang, National Sun Yat-sen University

P 02B

Lee, Darin, Compass Lexecon

P 17I

Lee, Dwight R., Southern Methodist University

P 01G; Pan01H

Lee, Hye-Jin, University of Texas at Brownsville

P 07C

Lee, Insook, University of California, Berkeley

P 05L

Lee, Jaehyuk, Auburn University

D 05D; P 05H; P 12L; D 12L

Lee, Sang H., Southeastern Louisiana University

D 17J; CH 17K; P 17K

Leeson, Peter T., George Mason University

P 03I

Lemke, Jayme, George Mason University

P 14L; D 14L

Lemoine, Derek, University of Arizona

CH 04F; P 04M

Leonard, Tammy C.M., The University of Texas at Dallas

P 20F; P 02I

Lester, Robert, University of Notre Dame

P 01J

Levin, Melinda, University of North Texas


Lewin, Peter, The University of Texas at Dallas

CH 23L; P 23L

Lewis, Lynne, Bates College

P 04C; Pan14G

Li, Danyang, Georgia State University

P 05K

Li, Suhui, George Washington University

D 13C; P 13C; D 05K

Li, Xun, University of Connecticut

D 09H; P 03L

Liebman, Benjamin H., Saint Joseph's University

P 05A; P 21B; D 05C

Lien, Hsien-Ming, National Cheng-Chi University

P 14J

Lillydahl, Jane, University of Colorado

P 21I

Lin, Chun-Wei, Colorado State University

P 10I

Lin, Eric, National Tsing Hua University,Taiwan

P 15I

Lin, Lee-Hsuan, Yuan-Ze University

P 12I

Lin, Tin-Chun, Indiana University Northwest

D 18H; P 18H

Lin, Yu Peng, University of Detroit Mercy

D 17H; P 17H

Lincoln, William, Johns Hopkins University

D 05F; P 05G

Linder, Florian, University of Innsbruck

P 03C

Lindo, Jason, University of Oregon

P 11G; P 08I

Lindrooth, Richard C., University of Colorado

P 07B

Liu, Ben-Chieh, Chicago State University

P 12I

Liu, Cathy Yang, Public Management and Policy

P 08L

Liu, Echu, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

P 14J

Liu, Elaine, University of Houston

P 22L

Liu, Haiyong, East Carolina University

P 16B; D 06G; CH 06G; P 06G

Liu, Jin-Tan, National Taiwan University

P 22L

Liu, Kang Ernest , National Chung Cheng University

D 12F; D 12G; P 12G

Liu, Lirong, Sam Houston State University

D 15J; CH 08M; P 08M

Liu, Long, The University of Texas at San Antonio

P 18K

Liu, Qihong, University of Oklahoma

D 19I; P 19I

Liu, Weiwei, Saginaw Valley State University

P 04B

Liu, Xiying, Iowa State University

P 13K; D 13K

Liu, Xuepeng (Paul), Kennesaw State University

P 08B; D 01C

Liu, Yongzheng, Georgia State University

P 22J; D 22J

Liu, Yu, The University of Texas at El Paso

P 09F

Livermore, Gina, Mathematica Policy Research

P 13I

Locke, Stephen, University of Kentucky

P 04A

Lockwood, Alex, Mercer University

P 13D

Logan, Trevon D., The Ohio State University

P 10D; D 22L

Long, Bridget Terry, Harvard University

P 17G

Longley, Neil, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

P 22B

Lopez, Edward, Western Carolina University

D 01F

Lopez, Rigoberto, University of Connecticut

P 03L

Lopezlira, Enrique, Howard University

P 06K

Loveridge, Scott, Michigan State University

P 24A

Lowe, Matthew, University of Oxford

P 12D

Lu, Yi, Barry University

D 13C; P 13C

Luccasen, R. Andrew, III, Mississippi University for Women

D 24A; P 16G; CH 16G; D 11M

Lucke, Navina, Technische Universtiaet Dresden

P 08B

Lukongo, Onyumbe, Mississippi State University

P 21K

Lumbantobing, Rotua, Westminster College

P 10B; D 10B

Luther, William, Kenyon College

P 01B

Lynch, Allen, Mercer University

P 17B

Ma, Jun, The University of Alabama

P 12G; D 12H

Ma, Jun, University of Alabama

D 12I

Ma, Jun, University of Alabama

CH 12I

MacKenzie, Douglas, Carroll College

D 16G; P 11M

Madsen, Erik Strojer, Aarhus University

D 19A; P 19A

Magness, Phillip W., Institute for Humane Studies


Maguire, Karen, Oklahoma State University

P 04K

Mahmud, Sakib, University of Wisconsin - Superior

P 24D

Maki, Jennifer, North Carolina State University

P 06I; P 05K

Makpayo, Kossi, Siena College

D 16J; P 16J

Maltritz, Dominik, University of Erfurt

P 08B

Malueg, David, University of California, Riverside

P 02G

Mamun, Abdullah, Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan

P 06M

Mandal, Bidisha, Washington State University

P 20G

Mangee, Nicholas, Armstrong Atlantic State University

P 18G; Pan14I; D 11J; CH 16K; P 16K; D 16L

Maniloff, Peter, Duke University

P 04L

Manish, Gurumani P., Troy University

P 23I

Mansfield, Carol, RTI International

P 04A; P 04C; CH 04H

Mansour, Hani, University of Colorado Denver

P 18B; D 11F; D 20I; P 22L

Marfisi, Christopher, Florida State University

D 15I; P 09J; CH 09J

Markowitz, Sara, Emory University

D 11F; P 11F; D 11G; D 01K

Maroney, Neal, University of New Orleans

P 21F

Marrero, Gustavo, University of Laguna

P 16A; D 16B

Marsh, Christina, University of Georgia

D 21A; D 07B; P 07B

Martin, Adam, King's College London

Pan09B; Mod23H

Martin, Lawrence, Michigan State University

P 06H

Martinez, Griselda, New Mexico State University

P 09F

Martinez, Jose J., University of North Texas


Martinez-Garcia, Enrique, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

P 10J; CH 10J; D 19L

Marvasti, Akbar, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

D 08K; P 08K

Maskus, Keith, University of Colorado

P 05F; D 05G

Mason, Dan, University of Alberta

P 22B

Mason, Joseph, Louisiana State University

D 13M

Mason, Robert, Georgia Gwinnett College

P 20A

Massetti, Emanuele, Yale University

P 04F; P 04J

Mathis, Gilbert, Murray State University

P 21I

Matisoff, Daniel, Georgia Institute of Technology

P 04B; P 04L

May, David L., Oklahoma City University

D 02K; CH 09L; P 09L

Mayer, Walter J., The University of Mississippi

P 18K

Mazumder, Sandeep, Wake Forest University

D 12M; CH 12M; P 12M

Mazzoleni, Michele Giovanni, Johns Hopkins University

P 21J

McAdams, Richard H., University of Chicago Law School

P 01D

McAndrew, William, West Virginia University

D 08D

McAusland, Carol, University of Maryland

P 08A

McCannon, Bryan C., Saint Bonaventure University

P 08H; D 08H

McChrystal, Caz, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

P 02M

McClellan, Chandler, Georgia State University

P 15F; D 15F

Mcconnell, Kenneth, University of Maryland

P 04C

McCoy, James Patrick, Murray State University

P 19A

McCully, Michael, High Point University

P 04K

McCurdy, Thomas, Environmental Protection Agency

P 04A

McDaniel, Tanga, Appalachian State University

P 04C

McDermott, John, University of South Carolina

P 22J

McDermott, Shana M., University of New Mexico

P 04J; D 17K

McEvoy, David M., Appalachian State University

P 04G

McGeary, Kerry Anne, Ball State University

P 07I

McGoldrick, KimMarie, University of Richmond

P 14B; Mod14I

McGowan, Danny, Bangor Business School

P 18J

McHenry, Peter, The College of William & Mary

D 24G; P 24G

McInnes, Melayne Morgan, University of South Carolina

P 07H

McKinney, Carl Nicholas, Rhodes College

P 20L

McKinnish, Terra, University of Colorado Boulder

P 22L

McLaughlin, Patrick, Mercatus Center

P 24F

McMahon, Matt J, The University of Tennessee

P 04H

McMillin, Kenneth W., Louisiana State University Agricultural Center

P 17K

McMillin, W. Douglas, Louisiana State University

D 09D; P 09D; CH 09D

McPherson, Michael, University of North Texas

Mod09G; Pan09G; D 06K; P 13L; D 13L

McQuoid, Alexander, Florida International University

D 15J; P 15J; CH 10L; P 10L

Means, Tom, San Jose State University

P 02I; D 02I; CH 03M

Meghir, Costas, Yale University

P 15D

Mehkari, M. Saif, University of Richmond

P 07C; CH 07C; D 24H

Meiners, Roger E., University of Texas at Arlington

P 13F; CH 13F

Mendez, Fabio, University of Arkansas

P 11B; D 11C

Meredith, Neil R., West Texas A&M University

P 21G; CH 21G; D 10K

Merrifield, John, The University of Texas at San Antonio

P 21C; CH 21C; P 21D; CH 21D

Meskey, Joe, East Carolina University

P 17I

Metzgar, Matthew, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

P 18G; D 18G

Mialon, Hugo M., Emory University

D 11A; P 11B; P 01K

Michel-Kerjan, Erwann, University of Pennsylvania

P 14F

Micheletto, Luca, Bocconi University

P 16D

Mieno, Taro, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

D 16I; P 02L; CH 02L

Milkman, Martin, Murray State University

P 19A; D 19A; D 18L

Miller, Daniel, Clemson University

P 21A; D 21B

Miller, Joshua J., Texas Christian University

P 22J; D 22J

Millimet, Daniel L., Southern Methodist University

P 08A; D 08A

Minier, Jenny, University of Kentucky

CH 12B; P 12C; D 12D

Misra, Kaustav, Mississippi State University

P 13K

Mitchell, David T., University of Central Arkansas

CH 15A; P 21C; P 14F

Mitra, Aniruddha, Bard College

P 08J

Mitra, Devashish, Syracuse University

P 01C

Mixon, Phillip, Troy University

P 22A

Mocan, Naci, Louisiana State University

CH 15C; P 15D; CH 15D; P 11F; CH 11F

Mohsin, Mohammed, The University of Tennessee

D 19J; P 19L; CH 19L

Molina, David J., University of North Texas

D 09F; Pan09G; D 05L

Molla, Rafiqul Islam , Multimedia University

P 24D

Molodtsova, Tanya, Emory University

P 19J

Monaco, Kristen, California State University, Long Beach

P 04G

Moore, Robert E., Georgia State University

CH 07H

Morales, Daniel, Barna School of Business

P 19C

Moreno Gonzalez, Othon Martino, The University of Texas at Austin

P 19D; D 19D

Morgan, Ash, Appalachian State University

P 04G

Mornah, Dekuwmini, Virginia Military Institute

CH 08C; P 08C; D 02J; P 02J

Morrison, Michael, University of New Mexico

P 21K; D 19M

Morriss, Andrew P., University of Alabama

P 13F

Mostashari, Shalah , University of Texas at Arlington

D 01C; P 07I; D 15J; P 15J

Mourao, Renata, Piatam Institute

P 02F

Mozumder, Pallab, Florida International University

P 12A; P 24D; CH 24D; P 16H; D 16H; P 22K

Mueser, Peter R., University of Missouri

P 17D

Mukherjee, Deepraj, Kent State University

P 08C; D 08C

Mukhopadhaya, Pundarik, Macquarie University

P 16A

Mukim, Megha, World Bank

P 09I

Mullan, Katrina, University of California, Berkeley

P 04I

Mundra, Kusum, Rutgers University, Newark

P 18K; D 08L

Mungan, Murat, Florida State University

P 09C; D 09C

Murdoch, James C., The University of Texas at Dallas

P 20F; P 02I

Murray, James, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

P 13A; D 13A; CH 09M

Murray, Michael, Bemidji State University

P 13A; D 09M

Murray, Sheena, University of Colorado, Boulder

D 08G; P 08G

Mursagulov, Azer, International Monetary Fund

P 12D

Myers, Samuel L., Jr., University of Minnesota

P 10C; D 10C; CH 10D

Mykhaylova, Olena, University of Richmond

P 22I; D 22I

Naanwaab, Cephas, Auburn University

P 05D; D 05H

Naeem, Afif, The Ohio State University

P 04C; CH 04J

Naghsh Nejad, Maryam, West Virginia University

D 08D; P 10L; D 19M

Naghshpour, Shahdad, University of Southern Mississippi

P 17C

Nair, Malavika, College of Charleston

P 23K

Nakabayashi, Masaki, The University of Tokyo

D 09K; P 06L

Nash, Jonathan, Emory University School of Law

D 09C; P 09C

Nath, Hiranya K., Sam Houston State University

P 08M

Nathan, Anil, College of the Holy Cross

P 20F; D 20F; D 21J

Nautz, Dieter, Free University Berlin

D 16K; P 16K

Nedelea, Justin C., Louisiana State University

P 02K

Nelson, Ashlyn Aiko, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University

P 07G

Nelson, Douglas, Tulane University

CH 21B; D 21B; P 01C

Nesbit, Todd M., The Ohio State University

P 15A; D 15A; P 15B; P 01G; D 01G

Nesson, Erik, Ball State University

P 11F; D 07H; P 01K

Nestoriak, Nicole, Bureau of Labor Statistics

D 20G; P 06L

Neveu, Andre, James Madison University

P 01L

Ng, Chen Feng, California State University, Long Beach

P 04G

Nicar, Stephen, St. Cloud State University

D 18D; P 18J

Nicholas, Lauren, University of Michigan

P 07D

Nicholson, Michael W., U.S. Agency for International Development

P 12J; D 01M; P 01M

Nicoara, Olga, George Mason University

CH 02B; P 18D; D 18D

Nieratka, Lindsey R., Florida International University

P 12A

Nikaj, Silda, Texas Christian University

P 19F; D 19F

Nikolaev, Boris, University of South Florida

P 05L

Nilsson, Therese, Lund University & IFN

P 08C; D 08C

Ninkovic, Jasminka, Oxford College of Emory University

Pan14G; P 14G

Noonan, Douglas S., Georgia Institute of Technology

P 04A; P 04B; P 20K; P 04L

Noonan, Kelly, Rider University

P 07H

Norrbin, Stefan, Florida State University

P 20M

Norton, Douglas A., Florida State University

P 03A

Norton, Seth, Wheaton College

D 08J; P 08J

Nourani, Vesall, RTI International

P 04C

Nti-Addae, Akwasi , The University of Kansas

P 02J

O'Brien, Patrick, Marquette University

P 08B

O'Dell, Manoah, Bowling Green State University

P 24I

O'Donnell, Kyle, George Mason University

P 23M

O'Shaughnessy, Bridget, McMaster University


Ocasio, Vange M., Whitworth University

P 10B; CH 10B; D 09F

Ochoa, Juan Marcelo, Duke University

D 20L; P 20L

Oda, Masao, Ritsumeikan University

P 15J

Oerther, Frederick J., III, Greensboro College

P 18D; D 18D; D 03M

Ogrokhina, Olena, University of Houston

D 05C; P 05D

Ogruk, Gokcen, University of Houston

D 16K

Oh, Kyungsoo, University of Colorado at Boulder

P 21K; D 09L

Ojeda-Joya, Jair, Banco de la Republica

D 07K; D 16L; P 16L

Okrent, Abigail, U.S. Department of Agriculture

P 04H

Olafsdottir, Thorhildur, University of Iceland

P 07H

Olbrecht, Alexandre, Ramapo College of New Jersey

D 19A; P 19A

Olson, Mary, Tulane University

P 01K

Onji, Kazuki, Australian National University

P 20J

Orazem, Peter F., Iowa State University

D 22J; P 22J

Oreopoulos, Phil, University of Toronto

P 17G

Orozco-Aleman, Sandra, Mississippi State University

P 24G; CH 24G; D 08L

Orrenius, Pia M., Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

CH 09F; P 08L; D 15M; P 15M

Osang, Thomas, Southern Methodist University

P 05B; CH 05D; D 09I

Ostad, Ramin, George Mason University

P 03I

Ott, Robert, Sewanee: The University of the South

P 16J; CH 16J; D 06M

Ouyang, Yusi, Cornell University

D 12I; P 12I

Owen, Laura, Johns Hopkins University

P 17G

Owens, Emily, Cornell University

D 11F; P 11F; P 08H

Owens, Mark F., Middle Tennessee State University

P 17J

Ozek, Umut, American Institutes for Research

P 17G

Ozturk, Orgul D., University of South Carolina

P 07H

Pabilonia, Sabrina Wulff, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

P 08F

Padgett, Caroline S., Francis Marion University

Pan14H; P 08K; D 08K

Paff, Lolita A., Pennsylvania State University

P 18G; D 18G

Paganelli, Maria Pia, Trinity University

P 01A; D 01B

Page, Marianne, University of California, Davis

P 11G

Palardy, Joseph, Youngstown State University

P 01G

Palme, Marten, Stockholm University

P 15D

Pan, Yao, The George Washington University

D 24G; CH 15H; P 15H

Pan, Ying, Louisiana State University

P 02A

Panda, Bibhudutta , University of Minnesota-Morris

D 02G; P 02G; D 07J; P 07J

Panovska, Irina, Washington University in St. Louis

P 24H; CH 24H

Papageorgiou, Chris, International Monetary Fund

D 12C; P 12D

Papakroni, Jorida, West Virginia University

P 06K; D 20L; P 20L

Parajuli, Rajan, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center

P 17K

Pardo, Cristian, Saint Joseph's University

D 07C; P 07C

Pardo, Rafael, Emory University School of Law

P 09C

Pargianas, Christos, University of Scranton

P 20A; CH 20A

Parisi, Francesco, University of Minnesota Law School

P 11H

Park, Jooyoun, Kent State University

P 05A; D 05B; CH 05F; P 05G; D 05G

Park, Kihyun, Korea Energy Economics Institute

P 22K; P 19L

Parker, Dominic, University of Wisconsin-Madison

P 13F

Parker, Randall E., East Carolina University

D 19G; CH 20L; P 20L

Parman, John M., College of William and Mary

P 10D

Pasten, Roberto, University of Talca

D 09H; P 18J; D 06K

Paul, Rodney, Syracuse University

P 22D

Pawlowski, Tim, University of Tuebingen

P 22C

Pearcy, Jason, Montana State University

P 13F

Pearlman, Sarah, Vassar College

CH 13G; D 13G; P 13G

Pecorino, Paul, The University of Alabama

CH 11B; D 11B; P 11C

Pekar, Zachary, Environmental Protection Agency

P 04A

Pena, Anita Alves, Colorado State University

P 10D; D 09F; P 10I; P 08L

Peng, Yulei, Texas A&M University

P 16J; D 16J

Pennington-Cross, Anthony, Marquette University

P 02I

Pentina, Iryna, University of Toledo

P 20G

Pepper, John V., University of Virginia

P 07G

Perdue, Adam, University of Houston

P 02G; CH 02G; D 11L

Perez-Sebastian, Fidel, University of Alicante

P 12D

Perry, John J., Centre College

CH 13L; P 13L; D 11M

Peters, H. Elizabeth, Cornell University

P 20I; P 18M

Peterson, Jeffrey, Kansas State University

P 04J

Petrere, Miguel, Universidade Estadual do Amazonas

P 08K

Petrolia, Daniel, Mississippi State University

CH 04C; P 04D

Petty, Jeffrey S., University of Lausanne

P 23G

Pflum, Kevin, The University of Alabama

P 13C; D 13C

Phiromswad, Piyachart, Chulalongkorn University

P 22I

Pierce, Justin R., Federal Reserve Board of Governors

D 21A; P 21B

Pinstrup-Andersen, Per, Cornell University

P 12I

Pitts, Joshua, Kennesaw State University

P 22A

Pitts, M. Melinda, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

P 24B; P 07H; CH 08L

Plant, Emily J., University of Montana

D 11D; P 11D

Podemska-Mikluch, Marta, George Mason University

P 01A; D 01B

Poe-Yamagata, Eileen, IMPAQ International, LLC

P 11F

Posadas, Benedict, Mississippi State University

P 06C

Postolache, Roxana, Capital University

D 19H; P 19H; CH 19H

Poulson, Barry, University of Colorado

P 21C; D 21C

Pozo, Susan, Western Michigan University

D 10D; P 24G

Premkumar, Deepak, Iowa State University

P 22J

Price, Gregory, Morehouse College

P 10A; D 14D

Price, Joseph, Brigham Young University

P 15C; D 15D; D 08F; P 11I

Price, Joshua, Litigation Analytics Inc.

D 20I

Prychitko, David, Northern Michigan University

CH 23A

Puozaa, Conrad, University of Mississippi

P 18I; D 13J; P 13J; D 14L

Qian, Tiefeng, Virginia Tech

P 03M

Qirjo, Dhimitri, SUNY Plattsburgh

P 10L; D 10L

Qu, Zichong Tom, East Carolina University

P 16B

Quackenbush, Austin, Iowa State University

P 22J

Quercia, Roberto G., The University of North Carolina

P 02I

Quintanar, Sarah Marx, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

D 17H; P 18L; CH 18L

Quispe-Agnoli, Myriam, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

P 24A; CH 24B; P 08L

Radmard, Hossein, West Virginia University

D 21G; P 21G

Raghav, Manu, DePauw University

D 20K; CH 20K; P 20K

Rajagopalan, Shruti, George Mason University

D 02D; P 02D; D 18I; P 23J

Ramalingam, Abhijit, University of East Anglia

P 03B

Ramalingam, Siddharth, Deloitte Research India

P 03B

Randall, Stephen, North Carolina A&T State University

P 04L

Randolph, Gregory M., Southern New Hampshire University

CH 17A; P 17A

Ranjbar, Omid, Ministry of Industry

P 05C

Raschke, Christian, Louisiana State University

P 15C; D 15D

Rassekh, Farhad, University of Hartford

D 05A; P 05C; CH 05I

Rau, Holger A., DICE-Duesseldorf Institute for Competition Economics

P 03B; P 19D

Ray, Rita, Gustavus Adolphus College

P 02D; CH 02D

Ray-Chaudhuri, Ranajoy, The Ohio State University

P 22I; D 22I

Raynold, Prosper, Miami University

D 21G; P 21G

Razzolini, Laura, Virginia Commonwealth University


Rees, Daniel I., University of Colorado Denver

P 18B; D 15C; P 07L

Register, Charles A., Florida Atlantic University

P 14F

Reichman, Nancy E., University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey

P 20I

Reichman, Nancy E., Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

P 07H

Rennhoff, Adam D., Middle Tennessee State University

D 17I; CH 17J; P 17J

Ressler, Rand, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

P 20H; D 20H

Restrepo-Tobon, Diego A., Binghamton University

P 20J; D 20J

Reyes, Javier A., University of Arkansas

P 05H; P 01J

Reyes-Loya, Manuel, New Mexico State University

P 09F

Reynolds, Curtis L., Kent State University

D 13L

Reynolds, Kara, American University

D 21A; P 21B

Reznik, Gayle, Social Security Administration

P 19B; P 13H

Ribar, David C., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

P 08F; D 11I

Richard, Brian, University of Southern Mississippi

P 17C; D 17C

Richard, Patrick, Uniformed Services University

P 10H

Rider, Mark, Georgia State University

P 15G

Rionero, Giuseppe, Middle Tennessee State University

P 05J

Rios-Avila, Fernando, Georgia State University

P 24B; P 02C; D 02C; D 12J; P 08L

Ripoll, Marla, University of Pittsburgh

P 13K

Rivas, Alexandre, Instituto Piatam

P 02F; D 02F; P 08K

Rivera, Jason M., The University of Georgia

D 14A; D 17G

Rizzo, Mario, New York University

CH 23I

Roberts, Dar, University of California, Santa Barbara

P 04I

Robinson, Jeffrey A., Rutgers Business School

D 10A; P 14D

Robles, Omar, Bureau of Labor Statistics

P 20G

Robst, John, University of South Florida

D 05K; D 07M; P 07M

Rockoff, Hugh, Rutgers University

P 13M

Rode, Martin, Florida State University

P 01I

Rodenberg, Ryan , Florida State University

P 22B; D 22H; P 22H; CH 22H

Rodgers, James D., The Pennsylvania State University

P 21H; D 21I

Rodrigues, Beatriz, Piatam Institute

P 02F

Rodriguez, Juan Gabriel, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

D 16A; P 16A

Roe, Brian, Ohio State University

P 19I

Roelands, Sebastian, University of Notre Dame

D 01J; P 01J

Rohac, Dalibor, King's College London

P 23I

Rojas, Christian, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

D 11B

Roman, Belinda, Palo Alto College


Romano, Christopher, Ramapo College of New Jersey

P 19A

Roney, Thomas M., Thomas Roney LLC Economic Consulting

CH 21H; D 21I; CH 21I

Ropele, Tiziano, Bank of Italy

P 12M

Rosenbaum, David I., The University of Nebraska-Lincoln

P 21H; D 21I

Rosokha, Yaroslav, The University of Texas at Austin

P 19D

Ross, Amanda, West Virginia University

P 18L

Ross, Kyle, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

D 05K; P 07M; D 07M

Rosser, J. Barkley, Jr., James Madison University

P 01A; D 01B

Roth, M. Garrett, Duke University

D 07K; D 14L; P 14L

Rothbaum, Jonathan, George Washington University

D 20G; CH 13K; P 13K

Rotz, Dana, Mathematica Policy Research

D 16F; P 08G; CH 08G

Roush, Justin, The University of Tennessee

P 04H

Routon, Wesley, Middle Tennessee State University

D 09J; P 09J; D 14K; P 21L

Roy, Jayjit, Appalachian State University

P 08A; D 08A

Roy, Sanjukta, World Bank Institute

P 09M

Rubin, Bruce , Old Dominion University

P 21I

Ruediger, Stefan, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

D 06K; D 02M; P 02M

Ruggiero, John, University of Dayton

CH 13B; P 13B

Ruhl, Kim Joseph, New York University

D 05F; P 05G

Runco, Mariano, Auburn University at Montgomery

D 09H; P 09H; D 02K

Runst, Petrik, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire

D 01A; P 01B; P 23I

Rupasingha, Anil, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

P 24A

Rupp, Nicholas G., East Carolina University

CH 17I; P 17I

Rutzler, Daniela, University of Innsbruck

P 03G

Ryvkin, Dmitry, Florida State University

P 11B; P 03C; P 03G

Saad, Syed, University of Saint Thomas

P 18F

Sabia, Joseph J., San Diego State University

P 18A; D 18B; P 07H; P 20I; P 18M; D 18M

Safa, Mohammad, University of New Orleans

P 21F; D 21F; P 06M; CH 06M

Sahakyan, Narek K., Wisconsin Center for Education Research

CH 12J; P 12J

Salas, Rafael, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

P 16A; D 16A; P 16B

Salemi, Michael, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

D 14B

Salloum, Ramzi G., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

D 18F; CH 05M; P 05M

Salmon, Tim, Southern Methodist University

P 03C; CH 03H; P 03H

Salter, Alexander, George Mason University

D 01A; P 01B

Salvino, Robert, Coastal Carolina University

P 17A

Salvo, Alberto, Northwestern University

P 03L

Samuel, Andrew, Loyola University Maryland

P 08H; D 08H

Samuel, Michael, Surveillance and Epidemiology Section

P 01K

Sanders, Nicholas, College of William & Mary

D 02F; CH 12L; P 12L

Sandstrom, Ursula, Bates College

P 04C

Sanford, Kenneth P., SAS Institute

P 24I

Santerre, Rexford E., University of Connecticut

P 18A

Santore, Rudy, The University of Tennessee

D 11A; P 11B

Sapra, Ritu, Rutgers University

D 24G; P 24G

Saral, Krista, Webster University Geneva

CH 03B; P 03B; P 03C

Sarangi, Sudipta, Louisiana State University

P 03G

Sarkar, Dipanwita, Queensland University of Technology

P 13D

Sarolli, Giandomenico, Drew University

P 07A; CH 07A; D 07A; P 16L

Sassi, Aliya, University of New Hampshire

CH 15F; P 15F; D 13K

Sato, Akiko, Osaka University

D 19C; P 19C

Sauer, Katherine M., Metropolitan State University of Denver


Sauer, Raymond D., Clemson University

P 22D; CH 22D

Saving, Jason L., Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

D 15G; P 15G

Sawyer, W. Charles, Texas Christian University

CH 05B; P 05H; D 05I

Schaur, Georg, The University of Tennessee

P 14B

Scherenberg Farret, Ericka, University of Texas at Dallas

P 03K

Schlosky, Minh Tam, West Virginia University

CH 11J; P 11J

Schmeiser, Maximilian, Federal Reserve Board

P 07D

Schmidt, Lucie, Williams College

D 18B; D 11G; P 20I

Schmitt, Pamela M., United States Naval Academy

P 03A; P 03F

Schmutte, Ian M., The University of Georgia

D 24A; CH 16C; P 16C; D 17G; D 07H

Schroeder, Mary, University of Iowa

P 17D; D 05M

Schrubbe, Angela, Marquette University

D 08B

Schuttringer, Ehren, Michigan State University

D 13C; P 13C

Schwenkenberg, Julia, Rutgers Newark

P 13J; D 13J

Scott, C. Patrick, Kansas State University

P 21J

Scott, Frank A., University of Kentucky

CH 24I; P 24I; P 19K; D 19K

Scott, Tyler A., University of Washington School of Public Affairs

P 04D

Seagren, Chad W., Naval Postgraduate School

P 23F

Secchi, Silvia, Southern Illinois University

P 04L

Seid, Yared M., Georgia State University

D 02C; P 16F; CH 16F

Seldon, Zena, Thompson Rivers University

D 09A; P 09A

Self, Sharmistha, Missouri State University

P 19M; CH 19M

Sen, Arzu, Zirve University

D 08J; P 08J

Sen, Astha, Georgia State University

P 15G; D 15G

Sen, Urmimala, Georgia State University

P 02C; P 09H

Sepulveda, Cristian F., International Center for Public Policy

P 15G

Serafinelli, Michel, University of California, Berkeley

D 16C; P 09K

Serfes, Kostas, Drexel University

P 06J

Serra, Danila, Southern Methodist University

P 11B; D 11C; P 03H

Servatka, Maros, University of Canterbury

P 03H

Shah, Manisha, University of California at Irvine

P 22L

Shapiro, Dmitry, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

P 03I

Sharma, Amarendra, Elmira College

P 18K

Sharma, Gunjan, University of Missouri

D 12B; P 12C

Sharma, Priyanka, Texas A&M University

P 06J; D 16L

Sheehan, Kathleen, West Virginia University

P 10B; P 08D; D 08D

Sheldon, Ian, The Ohio State University

P 17K

Shepherd, Joanna M., Emory University

D 09C; CH 09C; P 09C

Shewmake, Sharon, Vanderbilt University

P 04H

Shields, Martin, Colorado State University

P 10D

Shimazaki, Yoshiaki, Akita Prefectural University

P 22K; D 22K

Shimshack, Jay, Tulane University

P 11A; D 11B

Shinzato, Takashi, Akita Prefectural University

P 22K

Shippen, Bo, ERS Group

D 08G; P 17H

Shor, Mike, University of Connecticut

P 03G

Shore-Sheppard, Lara, Williams College

P 20I

Showalter, Mark H., Brigham Young University

P 17G; D 17G

Shuai, Jie, Nankai University

P 19I

Sicotte, Richard, University of Vermont

P 11M

Siegfried, John J., Vanderbilt University

P 14B

Signoret, Jose E., U.S. International Trade Commission

P 09I

Sills, Erin, North Carolina State University

P 04I

Silva, Emilson, Georgia Institute of Technology

P 04L

Silva, Simone, Murray State University

P 08J; D 08J

Silvia, John, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC

P 13I; P 16J

Simeonova, Emilia , NBER And Princeton University

D 15C; P 15D

Simmons, Kevin M., Austin College

P 14F

Simon, Benjamin, U.S. Department of Interior

P 04C

Simpson, Nicole B., Colgate University

P 15M

Sinkey, Michael, University of West Georgia

D 19F; P 19F

Sipic, Toni, Central Washington University

P 04B; P 04K

Sirven, Nicolas, IRDES

P 18B

Sitiuk, Mykhailo, University of Houston

P 05K

Siwar, Chamhuri, National University of Malaysia

P 24D

Sjoquist, David L., Georgia State University

P 17G

Skarbek, David B., Duke University

P 14L

Skarbek, Emily, King's College London

D 23B; P 14C

Skinner, Sarah J., University of Louisiana at Lafayette

P 05J; D 09K

Skira, Meghan, University of Georgia

P 10I

Skorup, Brent, George Mason University

P 14C

Slavtcheva, Dessislava, Clark University

P 16M; D 16M

Sloan, Frank, Duke University

P 11A; P 01K

Slonaker, Shea, Bethel University

P 21A

Slutsky, Steven, University of Florida

P 16D; CH 06H; D 06H

Smallwood, Aaron, The University of Texas at Arlington

P 20M

Smirnova, Natalia V., College of Mount Saint Vincent


Smith, Adam C., Johnson and Wales University

P 03I

Smith, Daniel J., Troy University

D 23B; Pan23C; P 17F; D 21J

Smith, James, Princeton University

P 14F

Smith, Parker, Tulane University

P 11C

Smith, Richard B., University of South Florida St. Petersburg

D 18A; P 18C

Smith, Stephen L.S., Gordon College

CH 09I; P 09I; D 07K

Smith, Taylor, University of Mississippi

D 13J; P 18K; CH 18K

Smith, Valdemar, University of Aarhus

P 17J; D 17J

Smith, W. James, University of Colorado Denver

D 16B; P 16B

Smith, William J., University of West Georgia

P 19F

Snow, Arthur, The University of Georgia

CH 14A

Snow, Nicholas A., The Ohio State University


Snyder, Thomas, University of Central Arkansas

CH 15B; P 15B

Sobel, Russell S., The Citadel

Pan23C; P 01F; D 01F

Sohngen, Brent , Ohio State University

P 19I

Song, Hongwei, University of Arkansas

P 03C

Sookraj, Rekha, Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago

P 05B

Sorkin, Igor, The Graduate Center, CUNY

D 01M

Sparber, Chad, Colgate University

P 20D; P 15M

Sparling, Alicia, Davidson College

P 06G; D 06G

Spearot, Alan, University of California, Santa Cruz

D 05F; P 05F

Spiegelman, Eli, Vanier College

D 02K

Spivey, Christy, The University of Texas at Arlington

P 07I; D 07I

St. Brown, Max, Washington State University

P 03L; D 02M

St. Pierre, Marc, Sewanee: University of the South

D 09L; P 09L

Stansel, Dean B., Florida Gulf Coast University

P 15B; D 21C; P 21C

Stapp, Robert, University of Arkansas

P 15J; D 15J

Staveley-O'Carroll, James, II, Lander University

P 22I

Stenkula, Mikael, The Research Institute of Industrial Economics

D 15F; P 15F

Stephens, Eric, University of Alberta

D 16D; P 06H

Stephenson, Frank, Berry College

P 22C; CH 22C

Stevens, Ann Huff, University of California, Davis

P 08I

Steward, Dwight D., Employstats

D 21H; P 21I

Stoddard, Brock V., Indiana University

P 03B; P 03D

Stoian, Nicolae Adrian, California State University East Bay

P 19D; D 19D

Stoica, Teodora, Quinnipiac University

P 20B; D 20B

Stone, Susan, Environmental Protection Agency

P 04A

Storr, Virgil Henry, George Mason University

Pan23C; CH 23M; P 23M

Stowe, Jill, University of Kentucky

CH 11D; P 11D; D 11D

Strain, Michael, American Enterprise Institute

P 16C

Strangways, Raymond, Old Dominion University

D 21H; P 21I

Stratmann, Thomas, George Mason University

D 06L; P 06L

Strazicich, Mark C., Appalachian State University

D 18J; P 18J

Stremitzer, Alexander, University of California, Los Angeles School of Law

P 01D

Stringham, Edward, Fayetteville State University

P 02I; P 23J

Strohush, Vitaliy, Elon University

CH 20F; P 20F; D 18L

Stroup, Caleb, Grinnell College

D 14B

Strow, Brian, Western Kentucky University


Stutsman, Sam, University of South Alabama

P 14F

Sutter, Daniel, Troy University

Pan23C; P 14F

Sutter, Matthias, University of Innsbruck

P 03C

Svec, Justin, College of the Holy Cross

P 20F

Swankoski, Kaylyn, Wells Fargo

P 13I

Swofford, James, University of South Alabama

D 12F

Swope, Kurtis J., United States Naval Academy

P 03A

Tabuchi, Takatoshi, University of Tokyo

P 02G

Tack, Jesse, Mississippi State University

P 04J

Talib, Basri , National University of Malaysia

P 24D

Tamborini, Chris, Social Security Administration

P 19B; P 13H

Tamer, Elie, Northwestern University

P 07F

Tamura, Robert, Clemson University

P 12B

Tan, Charmaine, Civil Service College Singapore

D 10K

Tan, Kerry M., Loyola University Maryland

D 17I; P 17I

Tang, Xun, University of Pennsylvania

P 07F

Tang, Ying, University of Florida

P 16I; D 16I

Tao, Yu-Li, National Tsing Hua University,Taiwan

P 15I; D 15I

Tarabar, Danko, Beloit College

P 01F

Tarko, Vlad, George Mason University

P 18I

Tarui, Nori, University of Hawaii

D 02L; P 02L

Tase, Manjola, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

P 10M; D 10M

Taskin, Ahmet Ali, University of Texas at Austin

P 03M

Tasto, Michael, Southern New Hampshire University

P 17A

Taylor, David, University of Memphis

D 21L; P 21L

Taylor, Lori L., Texas A&M University

P 21D; D 21D; P 08I

Tefft, Nathan, Bates College

P 07L

Teigen, Jeremy, Ramapo College of New Jersey

P 19A

Teimouri, Sheida, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

D 13A; P 09M

Teitelbaum, Joshua C., Georgetown University Law Center

P 01D

Temesvary, Judit, Hamilton College

P 07A; D 07A

Terrizzi, Sabrina, Moravian College

P 18A; D 18M

Tesfu, Solomon T., Mount St. Mary's University

P 08J; D 08J

Thabrew, Lanka, Vanderbilt University

P 04H

Theyson, Katherine Christina, Sewanee: The University of the South

P 02B; D 02C

Thiele, Veikko , Queen's University

P 06J

Thierer, Adam, The Mercatus Center

P 14C

Thomas, Diana W., Utah State University

Pan23D; P 23L

Thomas, Michael David, Utah State University

CH 23B; Pan23D; P 23L

Thompson, Alexi, Kansas State University

D 05B; P 05H

Thompson, Henry, Auburn University

D 05A; CH 05A; P 05B; D 05C; P 05I

Thompson, Lindsay, Johns Hopkins University

P 04C

Thomson, Cindy, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

P 04C

Thornton, Jeremy, Samford University

D 24C; P 24C

Thornton, John, Bangor Business School

D 18J; P 18J

Thrasher, John, University of Arizona

Pan09B; Mod09B

Tian, Chao Yue, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

D 02G; P 02I

Tien, Pao-Lin, Wesleyan University

P 16M

Tochkov, Kiril, Texas Christian University

P 08M

Tomal, Annette, Wheaton College

P 08J; CH 05K

Tomlin, Kasaundra M., Oakland University

P 05A; D 05I

Toomey, Michael, University of California, Santa Barbara

P 04I

Traian, Anca, Middle Tennessee State University

P 16F; D 16F

Trandel, Gregory A., The University of Georgia

P 14A

Tremblay, Carol, Oregon State University

P 03L

Tremblay, Victor J., Oregon State University

P 03L

Triandaru, Sigit, Macquarie University

P 16A

Trivitt, Julie, Walton College of Business

P 13J; D 21L

Troske, Kenneth R., University of Kentucky

P 17D

Troyan, Jessi, George Mason University

P 24I; D 24I

Tsoulouhas, Theofanis, North Carolina State University

P 01C

Turunen-Red , Arja H., University of New Orleans

P 12H; CH 12H; D 12H

Ubilava, David, Mississippi State University

P 04J

Unel, Bulent, Louisiana State University

P 12B; D 12D

Upadhyaya, Kamal P., University of New Haven

CH 05C; P 05D; D 05H

Upton, Gregory B., Jr., Louisiana State University

P 12F; P 16I; CH 16I; D 22K

Uwaifo Oyelere, Ruth, Georgia Institute of Technology

P 11I

Vadovic, Radovan, University of Texas at Dallas

P 03H

Vaidya, Varun, University of Toledo

P 10H

Valdmanis, Vivian G., University of the Sciences

P 21A

Valev, Neven T., Georgia State University

P 01M

Van Boening, Mark V., The University of Mississippi

P 11C

Van Essen, Matt, The University of Alabama

CH 03I; P 03I

Van Houtven, George, RTI International

P 04C

Vander Naald, Brian, University of Alaska Southeast

P 04H

VanderHoff, James, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

D 13J; P 13J

Vargas, Andres J., Texas Tech University

P 10L; D 10L

Vásquez Mazariegos, William F., Fairfield University

P 12A; P 02F; P 16H

Vaughn, Karen, George Mason University

CH 23G; CH 23J

Velikova, Marieta, Belmont University


Vera, Celia Patricia, Stony Brook University

CH 15I; P 15I; P 10K; D 06L

Vera, David, California State University Fresno

D 20J; P 20J

Verdon, Lisa, College of Wooster

P 02B; D 02B; D 06K

Vesselovsky, Mykyta, DFAIT

P 08A

Viard, Alan, American Enterprise Institute

P 15G

Vick, Brandon, Fordham University

P 15H; D 15H

Vilhuber, Lars, Cornell University

P 16C

Villarini, Gabriele, Willis Research Network

P 14F

Viscusi, W. Kip, Vanderbilt University Law School

P 11A; CH 11A; D 11B; D 06J; P 01K; CH 01K

Vishwasrao, Sharmila, Florida Atlantic University

P 06F; D 06F

Vollrath, Dietrich, University of Houston

D 12B; P 12D

Volpp, Kevin, University of Pennsylvania

P 11I

von der Ruhr, Marc, St. Norbert College

P 08B

Vorotnikov, Evgeny, University of Minnesota

CH 19A; P 19A; D 15I

Vytlacil, Edward J., NYU

P 07G

Waddell, Glen, University of Oregon

P 11G

Wagner, Richard E., George Mason University

CH 01A; CH 01B; P 01B

Walke, Adam G., University of Texas at El Paso

P 09F

Walker, Anne, West Virginia University

P 18L; D 18L

Walker, Douglas M., College of Charleston

D 17C; CH 17C; P 17C

Walker, Jay, Niagara University

P 21L; D 21L

Walker, Mary Beth, Georgia State University

P 20C

Walker, Thomas, The World Bank

P 13G; P 10I

Wallace, Scott, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

P 02M

Wandera, Martin, Center for Labour Research and Studies

D 09A

Wang, Chunbei, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth

D 13H; P 13H

Wang, Jennifer, University of Central Kansas

P 14F

Wang, Junling, University of Tennessee Health Science Center


Wang, Le, University of New Hampshire

P 20F; P 13H

Wang, Miao , Marquette University

D 08B; P 08B

Wang, Ran, Georgia Institute of Technology

D 17J; P 17J

Wang, Tong, Iowa State University

P 10J

Wang, Yang, Lafayette College

P 18A; D 18C; CH 20I

Wanner, Justin, Elon University

P 20F

Warren, Patrick L., Clemson University

P 07B; D 07B; CH 07B

Waters, Melissa, Southern University

P 20H

Watson, Tara, Williams College

P 20I

Watts, Michael, Purdue University

P 14B

Webber, Douglas, Cornell University

P 16C

Weinbach, Andrew, Coastal Carolina University

P 22D

Wenz, Michael, Northeastern Illinois University

P 17C; D 17C

Whang, Unjung, The University of Colorado at Boulder

P 13L

White, Lawrence H., George Mason University

P 23J; CH 23K

White, Mark D., College of Staten Island

CH 09A; P 09A

White-Means, Shelley, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center

Mod10G; CH 10H; CH 10I

Whitehead, John C., Appalachian State University

D 14B; P 04C; Pan14G; P 20K

Whitney, Gerald A., University of New Orleans

P 12F; CH 12F

Wilkins, Vicky, The University of Georgia

P 19F

Williams, Daryl, Kauffman Foundation

P 14D

Williams, Doug, Sewanee: The University of the South

P 11A; D 11C

Williams, Kelsey, Tulane University

P 11C

Williams, Richard A., Mercatus Center

P 24F; CH 24F

Williamson, Claudia R., Mississippi State University

P 01G

Wilson, Bonnie, Saint Louis University

P 01I

Wilson, John D., Michigan State University

D 16D; P 06H

Wilson, Mark, Saint Bonaventure University

CH 08H; P 08H; D 08H

Wilson, Wesley, University of Oregon

P 21B

Wimmer, Bradley, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

P 11D

Winden, Matthew, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater

P 04D

Winer, Kelly, Sweet Briar College

P 20D

Winters, John, University of Cincinnati

P 17G; D 08I

Wiseman, Travis, West Virginia University

D 16G; P 16G

Woldemichael, Andinet, Georgia State University

D 10J; P 07M; CH 07M

Wolff, Carolyn, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

D 09J; P 05K

Wolfson, Derek, University of Oregon

P 04B

Wolters, Juergen, Free University of Berlin

P 20J

Wong, M.C. Sunny, University of San Francisco

P 08B

Wooders, John, University of Arizona

P 03I

Woodland, Alan D., University of New South Wales

P 12H

Wooten, Jadrian, Washington State University

P 24I; D 24I

Wright, Joshua D., George Mason University

P 09C; D 09C

Wu, Mingge, Georgia Institute of Technology

P 15J; CH 15J; D 02L

Wu, Shu, University of Kansas

P 12G

Wu, Ying, Salisbury University

P 05C; D 05I

Xiao, Wei, Binghamton University

D 22I; P 22I; D 06K

Xu, Yongsheng, Georgia State University

P 09H

Yagihashi, Takeshi, Old Dominion University

P 19B; CH 22I; P 22I; D 18J

Yan, Ji, Appalachian State University

P 20H; D 20H; P 14K; D 14K

Yang, E., SUNY--Stony Brook University

D 15H; P 15H

Yang, Xuebing, Penn State Altoona

P 05A; D 05H

Yao, Jianfeng, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

D 07M; P 07M

Yasar, Mahmut, The University of Texas at Arlington

P 08A; CH 08A; D 21F; P 21F

Yazigi, Deema, George Mason University

D 01A; P 01B

Yewell, Katherine, Rhodes College

D 20F; P 12J

Yin, Na, Baruch College

P 07D

Yonai, Derek K., Campbell University

P 06D

Yoruk, Baris K., The State University of New York at Albany

D 15C; P 15C

Yoruk, Ceren Ertan, Northeastern University

P 15C

Yost, Daniel, University of Cincinnati

P 22A

Yotov, Yoto V., Drexel University

D 08A; P 08A; D 12B

You, Yu, University of Kentucky

D 06A; P 06C

Young, Andrew T., West Virginia University

D 10B; P 10B; P 08D; P 16G; P 10L

Yu, Xiaofei, Suffolk University

P 12H; D 12H

Yuan, Jia, University of Macau

D 12I; P 12I

Zahirovic-Herbert, Velma, The University of Georgia

D 02I; P 02I; D 06J

Zamzow, Ben, University of Arizona

P 02K

Zapata, Daniela, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

P 08F

Zarate, Raul A., Universidad de los Andes

P 13G

Zavodny, Madeline, Agnes Scott College

P 15M

Zeager, Lester A., East Carolina University

D 16B; P 16B

Zeng, Junchuan (Jesse), University of Missouri

P 06K

Zerbe, Richard, University of Washington School of Law

P 04D

Zhang, Lei, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania

D 02I; P 02I

Zhao, Jinzhuo (J.Z.), Hampden-Sydney College

CH 05G

Zhao, Junnan, The Graduate Center, CUNY

D 01L; P 01L

Zhen, Ying, Wesleyan College

D 05J; P 05J; D 05L

Zheng, Xiaoyong, North Carolina State University

P 17I

Zhou, Li, University of Alberta

P 22C

Zhu, Susan Chun, Michigan State University

D 05F; P 05G

Zhu, Zhen, University of Arkansas

P 18G

Zhylyevskyy, Oleksandr, Iowa State University

CH 06J; P 20L; D 20L

Zillante, Arthur L., The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

P 14A; P 03F; CH 03F; P 03I

Zugelder, Michael, Old Dominion University

P 21I

Zuppann, Andrew, The University of Houston

P 11G; D 22L