Southern Economic Association 2009 Program
Participant List

CH-Chairman    D-Discussant    I-Introduction    Mod-Moderator
P-Paper Author    Pan-Panelist    Par-Participant    Pre-Presenter Sp-Speaker



Acosta, Carolina, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello

P 01G

Adams, Mollie, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

P 05I

Adarov, Amat B, University of Arkansas

P 07D

Addy, Samuel, The University of Alabama

P 09B

Adom, Assande Des', Eastern Illinois University

D 09J; P 09J

Affuso, Ermanno, Auburn University

D 14C; D 11K; P 11K

Ahn, Junki, Economics Research Institute

P 21C; D 21C

Akacem, Mohammed, Metropolitan State College of Denver

P 21A; Pan13B

Al-bahrani, Abdullah, University of Kentucky

P 12G; CH 12G

Al-Nadi, Ali M., The University of Tennessee

D 17C; P 08D; D 08D

Ali, Mir M., The University of Toledo

P 11J; CH 18K

Aliaga-Diaz, Roger A., The Vanguard Group, Inc.

P 08D

Alierta, Mariano, Annuorum SL

P 04A; D 23F; D 23G; P 02K

Allen, Brandeanna Dawn, Middle Tennessee State University

P 13J

Allen, Samuel K., Virginia Military Institute

P 03I

Alpanda, Sami, Amherst College

P 23A; D 09C; P 09D

Altamirano, Nelson, National University


Amialchuk, Aliaksandr, The University of Toledo

P 11J

Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina, San Diego State University

P 17D; P 22H; P 18J

An, Lian, University of North Florida

D 21A; P 21A; D 23B

Andersen, Steffen, Copenhagen Business School

P 05C; P 05K

Anderson, Benjamin C., The Ohio State University

P 11B; D 08G

Anderson, Christopher M., University of Rhode Island

P 20B

Anderson, D. Mark, University of Washington

D 16D; P 19F; CH 19F

Anderson, Kathryn H., Vanderbilt University

CH 17D

Anderson, Lisa R., The College of William & Mary

P 17F

Andrews, Rodney J., University of Texas at Dallas

P 07J

Aradillas-Lopez, Andres, Princeton University

P 03A; D 03B

Ardelean, Adina, Santa Clara University

P 14K

Argys, Laura M., University of Colorado Denver

P 15H

Armour, Brian S., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CH 15H

Arya, Shweta, The University of Texas at Dallas

P 05G

Ashby, Nathan J., The University of Texas at El Paso

P 01G

Ashenmiller, Bevin, Occidental College

P 20J

Assefa, Tibebe, The University of Texas-Pan American

P 17C; D 17C

Assibey-Yeboah, Mark, The University of Tennessee

P 06C

Auriol, Emmanuelle, Toulouse School of Economics

P 04B

Austin, Wesley A., University of Louisiana at Lafayette

P 22D

Averett, Susan L., Lafayette College

CH 17B; D 15C; P 15D

Ayyagari, Padmaja, Yale University

P 09F; D 16J

Azevedo, Christopher, University of Central Missouri

CH 20D; D 20D; P 20D

Aziz, Sonia, Moravian College

P 11I

Baden, Brett M., Brett Baden Economic Consulting

P 14D

Baetjer, Howard, Jr., Towson University

D 02J; P 02K

Bagchi, Aniruddha, Kennesaw State University

D 17D

Baglan, Deniz, University of California, Riverside

CH 10C; P 10C; D 21K

Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

P 15F

Balasubramaniam, Divya, The University of Georgia

D 21B; CH 16F; P 16F; P 18K

Balke, Nathan S., Southern Methodist University

P 09C; D 11I; P 11I

Ball, Christopher P., Quinnipiac University

D 07F; P 07G

Ball, Sheryl, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

P 05G; D 05I; P 05I; CH 05I

Balli, Faruk, Massey University

P 12J

Bandyopadhyay, Kuntala, The Ohio State University

P 14C; D 14C; CH 14C

Bangs, Joann, St. Catherine University

P 03D

Bansak, Cynthia A., St. Lawrence University

P 18J; CH 18J

Banuri, Sheheryar, The University of Texas at Dallas

P 05G; D 05G

Bao, Yong, Purdue University

P 14C

Barrus, David, University of Kentucky

P 14A; D 23I

Basuchoudhary, Atin, Virginia Military Institute

D 03I; P 03I

Baxendale, Toby, Seafood Holdings Ltd.

P 02A

Bayar, Omer, The Univeristy of Tennessee

P 18I

Becker, Klaus G., Texas Tech University

D 11A; P 17I; CH 17I

Becker, William E., Indiana University

P 15K

Beckworth, David, Texas State University

D 14I; P 17K

Belova, Anna, Abt Associates Inc.

P 01B

Bentzen, Jan, University of Aarhus

D 14B; P 10K

Berrens, Robert, University of New Mexico

P 07I

Besedes, Tibor, Georgia Institute of Technology

P 05A

Bhandari, Rabindra, Westminster College

P 23B

Bhargavan, Mythreyi, American College of Radiology

P 14I

Billger, Sherrilyn M., Illinois State University

D 03G

Bilo, Simon, George Mason University

P 02A; D 02K

Bin, Okmyung, East Carolina University

P 20C

Bingham, Jon, Indiana University Southeast

P 21K

Black, David L., University of Alabama

D 12B; P 12B

Blackwell, Calvin, College of Charleston

P 05D; D 05D

Blair, Roger D., University of Florida

P 14G; CH 14G

Blake, Garfield O., Binghamton University

P 23J

Blanco, Luisa R., Pepperdine University

P 07A; D 07C; D 07K

Blankley, Alan, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

P 10B

Blomquist, Glenn C., University of Kentucky

P 20A; D 20A; CH 20A

Blonigen, Bruce, University of Oregon

P 14H

Bloom, Nicholas, Stanford University

P 01B

Boettke, Peter J., George Mason University

CH 02B

Bohn, Sarah, Public Policy Institute of California

P 16K

Bolhassani, Marzieh, University of Wisconsin Colleges

D 23B; P 19H; CH 19H

Bollinger, Christopher R., University of Kentucky

D 03A; P 03B

Bonnal, Michael, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

P 09B; D 13D; CH 23F

Bosman, Ronald, Bank of the Netherlands

P 17H

Bostian, A.J. Allen, The University of New South Wales

P 08G; D 08H; P 08H; D 11I

Bosworth, Ryan C., North Carolina State University

P 03J; D 03J

Boudreaux, Christopher, Nicholls State University/Florida State University

P 12I

Boyd, Gale A., Duke University

D 01B; P 01B

Boyle, Kevin, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

P 11I

Boyle, Melissa, College of the Holy Cross

D 16F; P 09K; D 09K

Brada, Josef C., Arizona State University

P 16B

Bradbury, John Charles, Kennesaw State University

P 04H; D 04H

Braguinsky, Serguey, Carnegie Mellon University

P 22B

Braymen, Charles, Kansas State University

D 09J; P 09J

Brewer, Bonnie, The University of Alabama

P 06C

Briggs, Kristie, Creighton University

D 23C; CH 13K; P 13K

Britton, Charles R., University of Arkansas

P 14D

Brooks, Damien, Berry College

P 04I

Brown, Dave, Kansas State University

P 23I

Brown, Kimberly, University of Kentucky

P 03C

Brown, Stephen P.A., Resources for the Future

P 11I

Brozovic, Nicholas, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

P 11D

Buehn, Andreas, Dresden University of Technology

D 12C; P 13H; D 13H

Buraimo, Babatunde, University of Lancashire

P 13F

Burdekin, Richard C. K., Claremont Mckenna College

P 21A

Burrus, Robert T., Jr., University of North Carolina Wilmington

P 20F; D 20F

Butler, Richard V., Trinity University

CH 09B; P 09B

Buyukkarabacak, Berrak, University of Richmond

D 14A; CH 08I; P 08I

Bylund, Per, University of Missouri


Cabral, Rene, Tecnológico de Monterrey

P 09J; D 09J

Cadigan, John, Gettysburg College

P 05B

Calcagno, Peter T., College of Charleston

P 21G

Caldwell, Bruce J., Duke University


Calomiris, Charles, Columbia University

P 08H

Calvo, Ernesto, University of Houston

P 12C

Campbell, Noel D., University of Central Arkansas

P 18F

Canavire-Bacarreza, Gustavo, Georgia State University

P 14B; CH 14B; D 10H

Cancho, Cesar Alfredo, Texas A&M University

CH 11B; P 11B; D 23I

Candelo Londono, Natalia, The University of Texas at Dallas

D 05B; P 05F

Capra, C. Monica, Emory University

D 17H; P 05K

Carare, Alina, International Monetary Fund

P 07D

Cardamone, Emina, Temple University

P 22K

Carden, William Arthur, Rhodes College

D 09D; P 18F; Mod01J; Pan01J; CH 01K; P 01K

Carilli, Anthony M., Hampden-Sydney College

CH 02A; D 02D; D 02H

Carlson, Julie Anne, Federal Trade Commission

P 17D; P 04F

Carrillo, Paul, The George Washington University

P 07H

Carrion-Flores, Carmen, University of Florida

D 04G; P 04G

Carruthers, Celeste K., The University of Tennessee

D 14G; CH 09H; P 09H

Carter, Linda K., Baylor University

D 01K

Cason, Timothy N., Purdue University

P 17F; P 22I

Castilla, Carolina, The Ohio State Univesity

D 23F; P 08G; CH 08G

Castillo, Marco, Georgia Institute of Technology

P 05K

Caviglia-Harris, Jill L., Salisbury University

Pan13A; P 20G; D 20G

Cawley, John, Cornell University

P 15D

Chambers, Catherine M., University of Central Missouri

P 20D

Chambers, Paul, University of Central Missouri

D 20D; P 20K; D 20K

Chamlee-Wright, Emily, Beloit College

P 02I

Chanda, Areendam, Louisiana State University

P 11K

Chang, Gene Hsin, University of Toledo

D 16A; P 16A; CH 16A; P 16B

Chang, Semoon, University of South Alabama

P 21C

Chaplin, Duncan, Mathematica Policy Research

D 16F; P 10H

Chappell, Henry W., Jr., University of South Carolina

P 10B

Charness, Gary, University of California, Santa Barbara

P 16D

Chatterjee, Santanu, The University of Georgia

P 16F

Chauvet, Marcelle, University of California, Riverside

P 08A

Chavez, Manuel, The University of Texas at Austin

D 10A; P 14J; CH 14J

Che, Natasha X., Georgetown University

P 09C

Chen, David Y., North Carolina A&T State University

P 23B; CH 23B; D 16H

Chen, Jing, Florida International University

P 23D

Chen, Minghua, Drexel University

P 23I

Chen, Xiaofen, Truman State University

P 23A; CH 23A; D 22K

Chen, Xing, Oklahoma State University

D 13G; P 22J

Cheng, Ka Ming, Auburn University

P 06H; D 06H

Chermak, Janie M., University of New Mexico

P 20A

Chernomaz, Kirill, San Francisco State University

D 05B; P 05B

Chezum, Brian E., St. Lawrence University

P 03C; P 18J

Chi, Miao, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

P 18H; CH 18H; D 17J

Childs, Randy, West Virginia University

P 21F

Chin, Daniel, University of South Florida

P 04H

Chiswick, Barry R., University of Illinois at Chicago

P 18J

Chiteji, Ngina, Skidmore College

P 07I

Cho, Dooyeon, Michigan State University

P 08A; D 08F

Cho, Joonmo, Sungkyunkwan University

P 21C

Cho, Sung Ick , Texas A&M University

P 05F


D 07B; P 07F

Choe, Jongmook, The University of Texas at Austin

D 11F; D 14K; P 14K

Chortareas, Georgios, University of Athens

P 16G

Christafore, David, West Virginia University

P 19I; D 19I

Christian, Thomas J., Georgia State University

P 18K

Clark, Don P., The University of Tennessee

D 19H; P 19H

Clark, J.R., The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

P 21G

Clarke, George R.G., Texas A&M International University

P 23G; D 03K

Classen, Tim J., Loyola University Chicago

P 09F

Clements, Matthew, St. Edward's University

P 23C; D 23C

Co, Catherine Y., University of Nebraska at Omaha

P 06F; D 06F

Coates, Dennis C., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

P 09C; P 09D; P 04I; CH 04J; D 04J; P 04J

Coats, R. Morris, Nicholls State University

D 12I; P 12I; CH 10J; P 10J; D 14K

Cobb-Clark, Deborah, Australian National University

P 18G

Cochran, John P., Metropolitan State College of Denver

D 02F; P 02G

Coffey, B., Clemson University

P 13F

Coibon, Olivier, The College of William & Mary

P 07B; D 07G

Cole, Julio H., Universidad Francisco Marroquín

P 04A

Collentine, Dennis, University of Gavle

P 20H

Collier, Trevor, University of Dayton

P 22G; D 22G

Collins, Courtney, Texas A&M University

P 23D; P 22F; D 22F

Collins, Sean, Florida State University

P 22I

Collins, William, Vanderbilt University

P 23H

Compton, Ryan, University of Manitoba

P 09C

Congleton, Roger D., George Mason University


Conlon, John R., University of Mississippi

P 03I

Connors, Joseph, Florida State University

D 01G

Conrad, Daren A., Bowie State University

P 23G; D 23H

Contreras, Salvador, The University of Texas-Pan American

D 07A; P 07C

Cook, Finnie B., University of South Forida

P 23J

Coomes, Paul A., University of Louisville

P 20A

Cooper, Thomas E., Georgetown College

D 12G; CH 23I

Copeland, Cassandra, Oglethorpe University

P 06G; D 06G

Corman, Hope, Rider University

D 15A; P 15C

Cotet, Anca M., Ball State University

D 22B; P 22B

Cotten, Stephen J, University of Houston - Clear Lake

P 21I

Couch, Jim F., University of North Alabama

CH 12B; P 12B

Coursey, Don L., The University of Chicago

P 14D

Cover, James Peery, The University of Alabama

D 03I; P 03I

Cox, James C., Georgia State University

P 17H; D 05K; CH 05K

Coyne, Christopher J., West Virginia University

P 02C; P 03F; D 02H; P 01K

Craig, Steven, University of Houston

P 15I

Cristea, Anca, Purdue University

D 16H; P 16H

Crocker, Thomas D., University of Wyoming

P 11I

Crooker, John R., University of Central Missouri

P 20D; CH 20K; P 20K; D 20K

Croson, Rachel, The University of Texas at Dallas

P 05F; P 05G; P 05I; P 19K

Croushore, Dean, University of Richmond

P 06D; CH 06D; D 06D

Crowley, Christian, U.S. Department of the Interior

P 13D

Cseh, Attila, Valdosta State University

P 10D; D 13J; D 09K

Cunningham, Christopher, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

D 15H

Cunningham, Scott, Baylor University

D 12C; P 16D; D 18G; P 03K

Czajkowski, Jeffrey, Austin College

P 20I; D 15J

Da-Hsiang Lien, Donald, The University of Texas at San Antonio

P 16C

Dabbagh, Mohamed A., Florida Metropolitan University

P 22C

Dabbagh Lambdin, Laila, University of Phoenix

P 22C; D 08F

Dagne, Getchew A., University of South Florida

P 23K; CH 23K

Dahal, Arati, The Univeristy of Georgia

P 17B

Dai, Chifeng, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

P 21H; D 21I

Damianov, Damian, The University of Texas-Pan American

D 07I; P 07I

Dardati, Evangelina, The University of Texas at Austin

CH 20H; P 20H; D 20K; P 20K

Darity, William A., Jr., Duke University

P 09B; P 07J

Dave, Chetan, The University of Texas at Dallas

D 05F; P 05G

Davis, David E., South Dakota State University

P 11A; D 17I

Davis, Douglas D., Virginia Commonwealth University

CH 17F; P 17F

Davis, William L., The University of Tennessee at Martin

P 19J

Dawson, John W., Appalachian State University

D 09C; P 01G

De, Suvayan, West Virginia State University

D 08H; P 08H

de Araujo, Ari Francisco , Jr., IBMEC-MG

P 02H

de Araujo, Pedro, Colorado College

D 10C; P 16F; D 09H; P 21K

De Jong, Pieter, University of North Florida

P 21A

de Mesnard, Louis, University of Burgundy

D 04F; P 04F

de Oliveira, Angela C. M., University of Massachusetts Amherst

P 05F; D 05I; P 05I

de Parisot, Cristophe, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition

P 11K

DeAngelo, Gregory, University of California, Santa Barbara

D 16D; P 16D; P 15H

Dechenaux, Emmanuel, Kent State University

D 11A; P 16D

Deck, Cary A., University of Arkansas

P 05A; D 05A; P 05C; D 05G

DeGennaro , Ramon, The University of Tennessee

P 03C

Delaney, Jason, Georgia State University

D 05F; P 05I; D 19K

Dellachiesa, Alejandro E., The University of Tennessee

D 12H; P 12H

Deloughery, Kathleen, University at Albany - SUNY

P 23C; D 15H

Demir, Fırat, The University of Oklahoma

D 11F; P 11F

Demir, Ibrahim, Benedict College

D 12F; P 12F

Dempster, Gregory M., Hampden-Sydney College

D 02A; CH 02D

DePasquale, Christina, University of Michigan

P 14G

Desai, Chintal, The University of Texas-Pan American

P 15G

DeSimone, Jeffrey S., The University of Texas at Arlington

CH 15A; D 17B; P 15C; CH 15D; D 18G; P 15H

DesJardins, Stephen L., University of Michigan

P 07J

Desrochers, Pierre, University of Toronto at Mississauga

P 02I

Dholakia, Kruti, The University of Texas at Dallas

D 09F; D 11J; P 11J

Diaz, Violeta, The University of Texas-Pan American

P 07K

Dickie, Mark, University of Central Florida

P 11I

Dills, Angela K., Wellesley College

P 15A; D 15D

Dirmeyer, Jennifer, Hampden-Sydney College

D 02D; CH 02D; CH 02I; D 02I

Doblas-Madrid, Antonio, Michigan State University

P 08A

Dodds, Stefan, Carleton University

P 05G

Dodge, Eric R., Hanover College

D 09H; CH 19K

Dogbey, John, Ohio University

P 19I

Dolan, Robert C., University of Richmond

D 06D; P 06D

Donayre, Luiggi, Washington University in St. Louis

D 08A; P 04C

Dor, Avi, George Washington University

P 07I

Dorn, James A., Cato Institute


Douglas, Christopher, University of Michigan-Flint

P 14A; D 14A; CH 22J

Doyon, Maurice, Laval University

P 20A

Doytch, Nadia, University of New Haven

P 04C

Dreger, Christian, DIW Berlin

D 08H; P 08H; CH 08H

Driskill, Robert, Vanderbilt University

D 11A; P 17I

Dube, Arindrajit, University of California, Berkeley

P 04G

Dufwenberg, Martin, The University of Arizona

P 22I

Dugan, Jerome, Rice University

D 09I

Dulani, Boniface, Michigan State University

P 21J; D 21J

Dumas, Christopher F., University of North Carolina Wilmington

D 20A; P 20C; D 20D; CH 20F; P 20F

Duncan, Denvil, Georgia State University

D 08B; P 13H

Dunlop, Erin, University of Virginia

D 22F; P 22F

Dunn, Richard, Texas A&M University

D 04A; P 08B; P 09F; D 12J

Dutcher, Glenn, Florida State University

P 05B; D 05F

Dutkowsky, Donald, Syracuse University

P 15G

Dutta, Nabamita, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse

D 23F; P 23G; CH 23G; P 19I

Eckel, Catherine C., The University of Texas at Dallas

P 05C; P 05F; P 05G; P 19K

Edwards, S. Tyler, Berry College

P 18F

Ehret, Michael, Nottingham Trent University

D 02H; CH 02J; P 02K

Eichler, Stefan, Dresden University of Technology

P 13H

Ekelund, Robert B., Jr., Auburn University

CH 22D

El-Komi, Mohamed S., The University of Texas at Dallas

P 19K

Elliehausen, Gregory, Federal Reserve Board and The George Washington University

P 15G

Elzinga, Kenneth G., University of Virginia

D 04B; P 04B

Emerson, Tisha Lin Nakao, Baylor University

Mod13C; D 03D; CH 15J; CH 15K

Enders, Walter, The University of Alabama

P 03I

England, Catherine, Marymount University

D 22D

Eren, Selcuk, Bard College

D 10H; D 17J; P 17J

Escaleras, Monica P., Florida Atlantic University

P 20I

Escobari, Diego A., San Francisco State University

D 07C; P 07H

Esqueda, Omar A, The University of Texas-Pan American

D 15F; P 15F

Estelle, Sarah M., Rhodes College

P 22F; CH 22F; D 22F; CH 22G; P 22G

Evans, Anthony John, ESCP Europe

P 02A

Evans, Carolyn, Santa Clara University

D 11F; P 14K

Evans, Lewis T., Victoria University

D 13G; P 13G

Evans, William N., University of Notre Dame

P 16K

Even, William E., Miami University

P 14B

Fadlon, Yariv, Vanderbilt University

D 10F; P 10F

Fakhar, Ahlam, Al Akhawayn University

D 09F; CH 10K; P 10K

Fan, Yanqin, Vanderbilt University

P 03A; D 03B

Faría, Hugo J., IESA

P 01G

Farmer, Amy, University of Arkansas

D 21H; CH 21I; P 21I

Faulk, Dagney, Ball State University

P 21K

Feng, Li, Texas State University-San Marcos

P 21F; D 03G; P 14I

Fergusson, Leopoldo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

P 22A

Fernandez, Adriana Z., Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

P 08I

Ferraro, Paul J., Georgia State University

P 05K

Ferrier, Gary, University of Arkansas

D 16J; P 16J

Fertig, Angela, The University of Georgia

D 17B; P 17B

Field, Freeman, The University of Texas at San Antonio

P 14C

Figgins, Bob, The University of Tennessee at Martin

P 19J

Figlio, David N., Northwestern University

P 03G

Fink, Alexander, George Mason University

D 16D; P 03K; CH 03K

Finlay, Keith, Tulane University

P 18G

Flores, Carlos A., University of Miami

P 23K

Flores-Lagunes, Alfonso, University of Florida

D 23K; P 23K

Fomby, Thomas B., Southern Methodist University

P 15G

Ford, Richard K., University of Arkansas at Little Rock

P 14D

Forgacs, Tamas, California State University, Fresno

P 23C; D 13K

Fountain, John, University of Canterbury

P 05K

Fournier, Gary M., Florida State University

D 17B

Fox Kean, Melanie E., Austin College

Pan13C; P 15K

Frame, W. Scott, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta


Francis, Andrew, Emory University

P 10F; CH 10F

Franz, Wan-Ju Iris, Houston Baptist University

P 13D; P 12G; D 12G; D 23J

Frascatore, Mark, Clarkson University

D 12F; P 12F; D 17G

Fratrik, Mark R., BIA

D 22D

Freeborn, Beth A., The College of William & Mary

P 16D; D 16D; P 17F; D 22I

Freeman, Matthew A., Louisiana State University

P 20B; D 20C

French, Scott, The Univeristy of Texas at Austin

D 04F; CH 16H; P 16H

Froyen, Richard T., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

P 06A; D 06B

Färe, Rolf, Oregon State University

P 01B

Gai, Yunwei, Babson College

D 15C; P 15D; P 12H; D 12H; P 14I; P 16J; CH 16J

Gamkhar, Shama, The University of Texas at Austin

P 20F

Gan, Li, Texas A&M University

P 10A

Gandar, John, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

P 04J

Garcia-Diaz, Rocio, Tecnológico de Monterrey

D 10K

Gardner, Lara, Southeastern Louisiana University

D 16J; P 16J; D 18K

Garen, John, University of Kentucky

P 15I

Gassman, Philip W., Iowa State University

P 20G

Gay, David E.R., University of Arkansas

P 14D; CH 14D; D 14D; P 04F; CH 04F; D 21G

Gayle, Wayne, University of Virginia

D 03A; P 03B

Genakos, Christos, Cambridge University

P 01B

Gentile, Elisabetta, University of Houston

P 16K

Ghossoub, Edgar A., The University of Texas at San Antonio

P 06C; CH 06C

Gick, Evelyn, Dartmouth College

CH 02K

Giedman, Daniel, Grand Valley State

P 09C

Gillette, Ann, Kennesaw State University

P 03C

Gilpatric, Scott, The University of Tennessee

D 21H; P 21I; D 20J; P 20J

Gilson, Dave, Duquesne University

P 03F

Giraldo, Marcela, University of Florida

D 14A; CH 16G; P 16G; D 16G

Girardone, Claudia, University of Essex

P 16G

Giri, Animesh, St. Lawrence University

P 18J

Goff, Brian, Western Kentucky University

P 13F

Goggins, Kylie, University of Kentucky

D 09B; CH 23D; P 09H

Gohmann, Stephan F., University of Louisville

P 01G; P 14I; D 14I

Goldsmith, Arthur H., Washington and Lee University

CH 18I; D 15K

Gonzalez, Arturo, Ernest and Young

P 23K

Gonzalez, Luis, University of Kentucky

D 23D; P 22J; D 22J

Goodin, Amy Sue, University of New Mexico

P 07I

Gordanier, John, University of South Carolina

P 12F

Gorodnichenko, Yuriy, University of California, Berkeley

P 07B

Gounder, Rukmani, Massey University

P 12J

Grabowski, Richard, Southern Illinois University

P 17B

Graham, J. E., University of North Carolina Wilmington

P 20F

Gramm, Marshall K., Rhodes College

CH 03C; P 03C

Granda, Maria L., Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral - Graduate School of Management

D 17C; P 17C

Grant, Darren, Sam Houston State University

D 14B; P 04C; D 04C; P 16D

Gray, Wayne B., Clark University

P 01B

Grimes, Paul W., Mississippi State University

P 03D

Grimsrud, Kristine M., University of New Mexico

D 20F; P 20K

Groft, Dan, Louisiana State University

P 09A; D 09A; D 08D

Gronberg, Timothy J., Texas A&M University

P 17J

Grosskopf, Shawna, Oregon State University

P 01B

Grossman, Philip J., St. Cloud State University

D 05C; P 05C; CH 05C

Grove, Wayne A., Le Moyne College

P 09B; P 19G

Gu, Jingping, University of Arkansas

P 07B

Gu, Qiannong, Sam Houston State Universisty

P 07C

Gulyas, Erika I., Trinity University

D 23A; P 08D

Gundersen, Craig, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

P 03B

Gungor, Sermin, Emory University

P 13G; CH 13G; D 22J

Gunther, Jefferey, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

P 15G

Guo, Sheng, Florida International University

D 13G; P 13G

Gurmu, Shiferaw, Georgia State University

P 23K; D 23K

Gustafson, Elizabeth, University of Dayton

P 04I

Guthrie, Graeme, Victoria University

P 13G

Guven, Cahit, Deakin University

P 12J

Gwartney, James D., Florida State University

Mod01F; Pan01F; D 01G; CH 01G

Gwin, Carl, Pepperdine University

P 14A

Haab, Timothy C., The Ohio State University

P 20B; P 08G

Hadley, Lawrence, (dec.)

P 04I

Hagstrom, Paul, Hamilton College

P 17J

Hall, Daniel, Georgia State University

D 05J; P 05J

Hall, Joshua C., Beloit College

P 02H; D 19I

Hall, Joshua Dennis, Drexel University

P 13K; D 13K

Halstead, John, University of New Hampshire

P 20D

Hamersma, Sarah, University of Florida

D 17A

Hamilton, Darrick, The New School

D 07J

Hamilton, Stuart, The College of William & Mary

P 20C

Han, Meiying, Stony Brook University

P 16J; D 16J

Han, Taehee, Louisiana State University

D 04C; P 08D

Hanauer, Merlin Mack, Georgia State University

CH 12H; P 12H; D 11I

Hanlon, Michael, University of Washington

P 08B; D 18H

Hansen, Benjamin, IMPAQ International, LLC

D 14B; P 14B; D 14J

Hansen, Jason, University of New Mexico

P 20A

Hao, Li, George Mason University

P 05K

Harriger, Jessica, Western Illinois University

D 13D; D 09F; P 09F

Harrison, Glenn W., University of Central Florida

D 05C; P 05C; D 17H; P 05K

Harrison, Jeffrey L., University of Florida

P 14G

Harrison, Teresa D., Drexel University

P 11B; P 10C; D 19K

Hartley, Peter, Rice University

P 09I; CH 09I

Hartmann, Monica E., University of St. Thomas

P 16D; D 15K

Hasselt, Martijn van, University of Western Ontario

P 03B

Hauge, Janice A., University of North Texas

D 14G

Hauk, William R., Jr., University of South Carolina

D 12I; P 14K

Haynes, Jessica Stephanie, University of Florida

P 14G

Heath, Ellis B., Valdosta State University

D 23A; P 08C

Heckelman, Jac C., Wake Forest University

P 06A; D 06B; P 09C; CH 09C; P 09D; D 01G

Heinzel, Christoph, Toulouse School of Economics (LERNA)

P 08H

Heller, Lauren R., University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

D 11J

Hendrickson, Joshua, Wayne State University

CH 17K; P 17K

Henry, Matthew D., Cleveland State University

P 16D; CH 16D; D 12G; P 12G

Henry, Tommy, Mississippi State University

D 09B; P 03J; CH 03J

Heriot, Kirk C., Columbus State University

P 18F

Hernandez, Rey, Metropolitan State College of Denver

P 15A

Hernandez-Verme, Paula L., Texas A&M University

P 07B

Hicks, Justin , University of California, Merced

P 16K

Hicks, Robert L., The College of William & Mary

P 20B

Hidrue, Michael K., University of Delaware

P 20A

Hildebrand, Vincent Alexandre, York University

P 07F

Hilmer, Christiana E., San Diego State University

P 22C; D 22C

Hilmer, Michael J., San Diego State University

P 22C

Hindsley, Paul R., Eckerd College

P 20C; D 20C

Hirsch, Barry, Georgia State University

CH 03G; P 03G; D 22H

Hisnanick, John J., U.S. Census Bureau

D 08B; P 10H

Hite, Diane, Auburn University

P 11K

Ho, Benjamin, Cornell University

P 17B

Ho, Sa Chau, Center for Human Resource Research at The Ohio State University

P 11K

Hoag, Chris, Coe College

D 11G; P 11G

Hobbs, Bradley, Florida Gulf Coast University

P 01G

Hogan, Adam, Middle Tennessee State University

P 05G

Hogan, Thomas, George Mason University

P 02D; D 02H

Holcombe, Randall G., Florida State University

D 21G; P 21G

Hole, Arne, University of Sheffield

P 05C

Holm, Cyril, Uppsala University

P 02J

Holmes, Will, Georgia State University

P 20G; D 20G

Holt, Charles A., University of Virginia

D 05I; P 05I

Honig, Adam, Amherst College

P 23A; D 04C; P 09D

Hopfensitz, Astrid, Université de Toulouse 1

P 05K

Horner, Stephen M., Economic Consulting-Corpus Christi


Horowitz, Andrew, University of Arkansas

P 21I

Horwitz, Steven G., St. Lawrence University

D 02B; D 19J; P 19J

Hosny, Amr S., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

P 23F

Hotchkiss, Julie L., Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

P 22H

Houser, Daniel, George Mason University

D 17H; Pan01I; P 05K

Houser, Scott, Colorado School of Mines


Houseworth, Christina, Litigation Analytics, Inc.

P 18J

Howard, R. Stephen, Middle Tennessee State University

P 05G

Hoyt, Gail M., University of Kentucky


Hsieh, Hsinling, Northern Michigan University

P 21D; D 04G

Hsieh, Ming-Feng, University of Wisconsin-Madison

P 21D; P 23I

Hsu, Joanne W., University of Michigan

D 14J; P 14J

Hsu, Sara, The University of Texas at Austin

D 16A; P 16A; D 16B

Hu, Jian, Southern Methodist University

CH 15G; P 15G

Huang, Ju-chin, University of New Hampshire

P 20D

Huang, Serena H., University of Kansas

D 17D; P 23J

Hughes, Danny R., American College of Radiology

P 14I; CH 14I; D 11J

Hulbert, Jason P., The College of William & Mary

P 17F; D 22I

Humphreys, Brad R., University of Alberta

D 04K; P 04K

Hung, Ken, Texas A&M International University

CH 16B; P 16C; D 16C

Hussey, Andrew, The University of Memphis

P 09B; P 12C; D 23D; P 09F; P 19G; D 19G; P 18H; P 11J; D 18K

Huston, John H., Trinity University

P 08D

Hyndman, Kyle, Southern Methodist University

D 05A; P 05D; CH 05D

Ibarra-Ramirez, Raul, Texas A&M University

P 13G; D 13G

Ibarra-Salazar, Jorge, Tecnológico de Monterrey

D 04A; P 12C

Ikeda, Yuki, Georgetown University

P 08H; D 08H

Imberman, Scott, University of Houston

D 03G; P 15I; D 16K; CH 16K; P 16K

Ince, Onur, University of Houston

P 06I; D 06I

Iqbal, Azhar, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC

D 09B; CH 04C; P 04C

Ireland, Thomas R., University of Missouri - St. Louis


Isaac, R. Mark, Florida State University

D 17F; P 17H; P 22I; D 05K

Izon, German, University of New Mexico

P 07I

Jackson, John D., Auburn University

P 22D

Jahedi, Salar, University of Arkansas

CH 05A; P 05A; D 05G

James, Duncan, Fordham University

P 17H

Janocha, Jill, American University

D 17A; P 14F

Jansen, Dennis W., Texas A&M University

P 07G; P 17J

Jasso, Guillermina, New York University

P 22H

Jauregui, Andres, Columbus State University

P 18F; D 18F

Jensen, Christian, University of South Carolina

P 08A; CH 08A; D 15G

Jeon, Bang, Drexel University

P 08C

Jeong, Jin-Gil, Howard University

P 21C

Jepsen, Christopher, University of Kentucky

P 20A

Jetter, Michael, The University of Memphis

P 19G; P 08J; D 08J; D 03K

Johnson, Andrew, Texas A&M University

P 22G; D 22G

Johnson, Bruce K., Centre College

D 04K; CH 04K; P 04K

Johnson, Cathleen, University of Arizona

P 05F; P 05I

Johnson, Chris, LMI Research Institute

P 14I

Johnson, Christopher K., University of North Florida

P 12B; D 12B

Johnson, Donn, Quinnipiac University

D 11D; P 11D; P 04J; D 04J

Johnson, Noel David, George Mason University

P 09C; D 09D

Johnson, R. Stafford, Xavier University

P 04J

Johnsson, Holger, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

P 20H

Jones, Adam, The University of Georgia

D 21B; D 10J; P 10J

Jones, Samuel K., Stephen F. Austin State University

P 09D

Jordan, Jeffrey L., The University of Georgia

P 05K

Kagochi, John, University of Houston-Victoria

P 06F; D 06F

Kali, Raja, University of Arkansas

P 07D

Kandilov, Ivan, North Carolina State University

P 11F

Kang, Wei, Middle Tennessee State University

CH 11K; P 11K; D 11K

Kanjilal, Debjani, The University of Memphis

P 18H; D 17J

Kannan, Harini, Georgia State University

D 12H; P 12H

Kao, Chiwa, Syracuse University

P 10C

Kassens, Alice Louise, Roanoke College

D 09B; P 09F; D 09F

Kearns, Jill, University of Kentucky

P 17A

Keefe, Alison M., Kennesaw State University

P 06G; D 06G

Keen, Benjamin D., The University of Oklahoma

P 14A; D 08D

Kendall, Todd, Compass Lexecon

P 03K

Kenny, Lawrence W., University of Florida

CH 15I; P 15I

Khan, Abdullah, Georgia State University

P 11K; D 11K

Khan, Shakeeb, Duke University

P 03A; D 03B

Khanna, Neha, Binghamton University

D 11D; P 11D; P 09F; D 23I

Khemraj, Tarron, New College of Florida

P 08C; D 22K

Khovansky, Serguey, Clark University

P 09A; D 10C

Kilic, Rehim, Georgia Institute of Technology

P 23B; CH 15F; D 15F; P 15F; D 18I

Kim, Inchul, Sungkyunkwan University

P 21C; D 15F

Kim, Jaesoo, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

P 12I; D 12I; CH 08J; P 08J; D 08J

Kim, Jongsung, Bryant University

D 19H; P 19H

Kim, Kwan S., University of Notre Dame

CH 21C; D 21C

Kim, Matthew, University of St. Thomas

D 10I; P 10I

Kim, Moohwan, University of Missouri-Columbia

P 18I

Kim, Yeon Soo, University of Maryland at College Park

P 13J

Kimbrough, Erik O., Chapman University

P 19K

Kimenyi, Mwangi S., Brookings Institution

P 21J; D 21J; CH 21J

King, Kerry A., Penn State Erie

P 21F

Kirk, Adele M. , University of Maryland, Baltimore County

D 10D; P 10D

Kishan , Ruby, Texas State Unversity-San Marcos

P 09A; CH 08C

Klein, Christopher C., Middle Tennessee State University

P 09H; D 03J

Kling, Arnold, EconLog

P 19J

Koc, Cagatay, Federal Trade Commission

D 15A; P 15C

Kochi, Ikuho, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez

P 16F

Koenig, Evan F., Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

P 14A; P 08I

Koford, Brandon C., Valdosta State University

P 20A; P 10D; P 22J

Kohn, Jennifer, Drew University

D 15A; P 15D

Komatsu, Hitomi, American University

P 10A; D 10A; D 19G

Koppl, Roger, Institute for Forensic Science Administration

D 06A; P 06B; D 02J

Korenok, Oleg, Virginia Commonwealth University

P 05J

Korobow, Adam K., LMI Research Institute

P 14I

Kosmarciukas, Paulius, Trinity University

P 09B

Kosnik, Lea, University of Missouri - St. Louis

P 20F; D 20F

Kostova, Deliana, Emory University

P 18K

Krautmann, Anthony Charles, Depaul University

P 04J

Kreft, Steven F., Indiana University

P 21F

Kreider, Brent, Iowa State University

P 03B

Kretschman, Kyle, The University of Texas at Austin

P 11B; P 12I; D 12I; D 14K

Kruse, Jamie Brown, East Carolina University

P 20C

Kudamatsu, Masayuki, Stockholm University

D 22B; P 22B

Kuehn, Daniel, Urban Institute

P 18G

Kuosmanen, Timo, MTT

P 22G

Kurkalova, Lyubov, North Carolina A&T State University

P 20G; D 20G

Kutlu, Levent, Rice University

P 09I

Kuwayama, Yusuke, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

P 11D; CH 11D; D 11I

LaBaume, Jimmy T., Sul Ross State University

P 02F; D 02G

Lahey, Joanna N., Texas A&M University

P 09K

Lahiri, Sajal, Southern Illinois University

P 16F; D 06J; P 06J

Laincz, Christopher A., Drexel University

D 07A; D 07C; CH 07H; P 07H

Lan, Xiaohuan, University of Virginia

D 22F; P 22F

Lan, Yuexing, Auburn University at Montgomery

P 16B; D 16C

Landry, Craig E., East Carolina University

P 20C

Langley, Sonja B., Prairie View A&M University

D 06G; P 06G; CH 06G

Larson, Tara, University of Texas at Dallas

P 19K

Lartey, Emmanueal K.K., California State University, Fullerton

P 07G; D 07G

Lastrapes, William D., The University of Georgia

P 17K

Lee, Byoungki, Korea Economic Research Institute

P 11F

Lee, Dara, Boston University

P 17B

Lee, Dwight R., Southern Methodist University

P 21G; CH 21G

Lee, Jae Won, Rutgers University

D 08A; P 08A; D 04C

Lee, Jaeseong, Sungkyunkwan University

P 21C

Lee, Jungmin, Florida International University

P 05C

Lee, Junsoo, The University of Alabama

P 11F

Lee, Sang H., Southeastern Louisiana University

P 16J

Lee, Sang-Yeob, San Francisco State University

P 07H

Lee, Youngho, Howard University

P 21C

Leeds, Eva Marikova, Moravian College

D 15J

Leeds, Michael A., Temple University

P 04I; D 04I

Leguizamon, J. Sebastian, West Virginia University

P 19I

Leguizamon, Susane, West Virginia University

P 19I

Leonard, Tammy C.M., The University of Texas at Dallas

D 14C; P 14C; P 05I; D 05I

Leppälä, Samuli, Turku School of Economics

D 11B; P 23C

LeSage, James P., Texas State University-San Marcos

P 21F

Leslie, Lisa M., University of Minnesota

P 17A

Lewin, Peter, The University of Texas at Dallas

P 06A; D 06B; P 02K

Lewis, Lynne, Bates College

CH 20B; D 20B; D 03D

Lewis, Paul, King's College London

P 02H

Li, Jianghua, Rice University

P 09I

Li, Qi, Texas A&M University

P 07B

Li, Youping, The University of Tennessee

P 07C

Li, Yuan, Drexel University

P 08C

Li, Zhe, Stony Brook University

P 17G; D 17G; CH 17G

Liebman, Benjamin H., Saint Joseph's University

P 14H; D 14H

Lin, Shengle, Chapman Unviersity

D 05D; P 05D

Lin, Tin-Chun, Indiana University Northwest

P 08K; D 08K

Lin, Yu Peng, Texas A&M University-Kingsville

D 14B; P 14B; D 10G

Lindner, Stephan, University of Michigan

D 10H; P 10I; CH 10I

Lira, Cristina, The University of Alabama

P 09B; P 11F; CH 11F

Liscovich, Andrey, Havard University

P 22B

List, John A., The University of Chicago

P 17F

Little, Roger, U.S. Naval Academy

P 10H

Liu, Echu, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

P 21D; D 21D

Liu, Elaine, University of Houston

P 17B; P 18H; D 18H; D 03J

Liu, Jin-Tan, National Taiwan University

P 18H

Liu, Jing, The University of Texas at Austin

D 08B; P 18H

Liu, Lirong, Sam Houston State University

P 07C; D 20D; D 07H; CH 11I; P 11I; P 20J

Liu, Long, The University of Texas at San Antonio

P 10C

Liu, Xiangping, North Carolina State University

D 20G; P 20G

Liu, Xuepeng Paul, Kennesaw State University

D 19H; P 14K; CH 14K

Lo, Melody, The University of Texas at San Antonio

P 16C

Lopatka, John Edward, Pennsylvania State University

P 14G

Lopez, Edward J., San Jose State University

D 21F; P 21G; D 21G

Lopez de Arkos, Carlos, Tecnológico de Monterrey

P 12C

Luitel, Hari S., University of Richmond

Pan13A; D 13H; D 10J; P 10J; CH 22K

Lunn, John, Hope College

P 03J

Lynch, Lori, University of Maryland

P 20G

Ma, Jun, The University of Alabama

P 06C

MacDonald, Lynn, St. Cloud State University

D 10H; P 16J; D 22K

Macdonell, Scott T., The University of Texas at Austin

D 17I; P 08K; D 08K

MacKenzie, D.W., The United States Coast Guard Academy

D 04B; CH 04B; P 04B; D 02F; P 02G

Macomber, Jennifer, Urban Institute

P 18G

Macpherson, David, Trinity University

P 14B; Pan01F; D 03G; P 03G; P 17H; D 18K

Madsen, Erik Strojer, University of Aarhus

D 08C; P 16H; D 16H

Mafi-Kreft, Elham, Indiana University

P 21F

Mago, Shakun Datta, University of Richmond

P 17F; D 22I

Maier, Mark H., Glendale Community College

P 03D

Maier, Philipp, Bank of Canada

P 17H

Majumdar, Shibalee, The Ohio State University

D 21B; P 12C

Mallick, Sushanta K., Queen Mary, University of London

P 03I

Malo, Miguel A., Universidad de Salamanca

P 22H

Malone, Keith D., University of North Alabama

P 12B; D 12B

Maloney, Michael T., Clemson University

P 13F

Manchester, Colleen, University of Minnesota

P 17A; D 10K; P 10K

Mansour, Hani, University of Colorado Denver

D 15H; D 03J; P 03J

Marsee, Megan, University of New Mexico

P 20A

Marsh, Leslie, New England Institute for Cognitive Science and Evolutionary Studies

P 02J; D 02J

Martell, Michael, American University

P 14F

Martin, Adam, New York University

P 02D

Martin, Frank, Southern University at New Orleans

D 04B; D 08F; P 08F

Martin, Ralph, London School of Economics

P 01B

Martinez-Bravo, Monica, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

P 22A

Martinez-Garcia, Enrique, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

D 08I; P 12J; CH 12J

Marx Quintanar, Sarah, Louisiana State University

P 23J

Mason, Dan, University of Alberta

P 04K

Masters, William A., Purdue University

P 22I

Mastronardi, Nick, United States Air Force Academy

P 11B; D 12C; P 12I; D 09J; P 08K; CH 08K

Mathers, Rachel, West Virginia University

P 03F; CH 03F; D 03F

Matta, Benjamin, New Mexico State University

D 07I; P 07J; D 07K

May, Justin, The College of William & Mary

P 11F; D 23G

May, Sharon L., Maryville College


Mayer, Walter J., The University of Mississippi

P 04G

Mays, Judy, The University of Texas at Dallas

P 20D

Mbaku, John Mukum, Weber State University

P 21J; D 21J

McCannon, Bryan, Wake Forest University

D 03K; P 03K

McCoon, Mark, University of Southern Mississippi

P 22K

McGarvey, Mary G., University of Nebraska-Lincoln

P 19F

McGee, Josh B., University of Arkansas

P 23D

McGoldrick, KimMarie, University of Richmond

Mod13B; P 03D; CH 03D; D 15K

McGregor, Rob Roy, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

CH 10B; P 10B

McInnes, Melayne Morgan, University of South Carolina

D 15H

McKean, John Richard, AEI Economic Consultants

P 11D

McKee, Mike, Appalachian State University

P 20J

McKenzie, Derrick, The University of Texas at Dallas

P 05G

McKinney, Carl Nicholas, Rhodes College

P 05A; D 05G

McMillin, W. Douglas, Louisiana State University

D 09A; P 08D

McNeil, Lawrence, Prairie View A&M University

P 06G

Meade, Ellen, American University

D 10B; P 17D

Medeiros, Jillian, The University of New Mexico

P 07K

Medema, Steven, University of Colorado at Denver


Mercan, Murat, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

D 09F; P 10H

Merrifield, John, The University of Texas at San Antonio

P 21B; P 14C; D 11D; D 19J; P 19J

Mialon, Hugo M., Emory University

D 21H; P 21H

Mialon, Sue H., Emory University

P 21H

Miao, Chun-Hui , University of South Carolina

P 12F; CH 12F

Miao, Ruiqing, Iowa State University

P 23F

Miles, William, Wichita State University

D 08H; P 08H

Miller, Melinda, United States Naval Academy

P 01K

Millner, Edward, Virginia Commonwealth University

P 05J; CH 05J; D 05J

Mills, David C., Federal Reserve Bank Board of Governors

P 06C

Minier, Jenny, University of Kentucky

D 09C; D 17D

Minniti, Maria, Southern Methodist University

P 12H; D 12H

Misra, Kaustav, Mississippi State University

P 23D

Mitchell, David T., University of South Alabama

D 18F; P 18F; CH 18F; D 14I

Mitra, Aniruddha, Middlebury College

P 10F; D 10F

Mitra, Aparna, University of Oklahoma

P 19G

Mityakov, Sergey, Clemson University

D 22A; P 22B

Mixon, Jr., Franklin G., Auburn University

P 04C

Moen, Jon R., The University of Mississippi

P 11G; CH 11G; D 11G

Mohsin, Mohammed, The University of Tennessee

P 06C

Mohtadi, Hamid, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

P 13K

Mollick, Andre Varella, The University of Texas-Pan American

P 09J

Molodtsova, Tanya, Emory University

CH 06I; D 06I; P 06I

Montesinos, Hugo, Universidad Simon Bolivar

P 01G

Mooney, Catherine Tyler, The University of Oklahoma

P 11A; D 04F

Mora, Marie T., The University of Texas-Pan American

D 22H

Morgan, Ash, Appalachian State University

P 20C; D 20C

Morgan, Cynthia, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

P 01B

Morrill, Melinda Sandler, North Carolina State University

D 16K; P 16K

Morris, Michael D. S., Oklahoma State University

P 10A; D 22C; CH 13J

Morshed, Akm Mahbub, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

P 09J

Mozumder, Pallab, Florida International University

CH 20I; P 20I

Mudd, Shannon, Ursinus College

D 16G; P 16G; D 18I

Mukherjee, Deepraj, The University of Memphis

P 23F; D 16H; P 19I

Mukherji, Sandip, Howard University

P 21C

Mulligan, Robert F., Western Carolina University

P 02A; D 02K

Mumford, Kevin J., Purdue University

P 10K

Munasib, Abdul, Oklahoma State University

P 04B; P 22J

Mundra, Kusum, Rutgers University

P 17A; P 17D; D 22H; CH 17J; P 17J

Munemo, Jonathan, Salisbury University

D 23C; D 13H; P 13H

Muñoz-Bullón, Fernando, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

P 22H

Murray, Chris, University of Houston

P 15F

Murray, James, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

D 10D; P 16F; D 16F; P 21K

Mustard, David B., The University of Georgia

P 16F

Mykhaylova, Olena, University of Richmond

P 08I

Nal, Osman, Texas Southern University

D 15G; P 15G

Nath, Saheli, The University of Texas at Dallas

D 10G; P 10G

Nathan, Anil, College of the Holy Cross

P 09F; P 10K; D 10K

Naufal, George Sami, American University of Sharjah

P 07F; P 07K

Nelson, Paul S., University of Louisiana at Monroe

P 21K

Nesbit, Todd M., Penn State Erie

P 21F; CH 21F

Neumann, Todd, University of California, Merced

P 23K

Ni, Jinlan, University of Nebraska at Omaha

CH 16C; D 16C; P 16C

Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy, Alex, The University of Memphis

P 23B; P 12C; D 06D; P 06D; P 08I; D 08I; P 11J; D 19K

Niskanen, William, The Cato Institute


Noonan, Douglas S., Georgia Institute of Technology

P 14D

Norman, Catherine S., Johns Hopkins University

P 20J; D 20J

North, Charles M., Baylor University


Norton, Doug, Florida State University

P 17H

Nunley, John M., University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

P 05G; P 14J

O'Brien, Thomas J., University of Connecticut

P 04J

Oaxaca, Ronald L., University of Arizona

P 04G

Oettinger, Gerald S., The University of Texas at Austin

D 18G

Oguntimein, B., Clemson University

P 13F

Ohri, Sabina, Kaiser Permanente, Center for Health Research, Hawaii

P 09K; D 09K

OíSullivan, Daniel, The University of Texas at Dallas

P 05G

Olivares, Jose, Universidad del Desarrollo

D 19G; P 19G

Olivero, Maria Pia, Drexel University

D 09A; P 08C; D 08D; P 08D

Olsen, Tine, International Monetary Fund

P 07D

Olson, Eric, The University of Alabama

P 03I; D 03I

Opiela, Timothy P., DePaul University

P 09A; D 15G

Orrenius, Pia M., Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

D 07I; D 18J

Ovaska, Tomi, Youngstown State University

P 04A; D 11B

Owens, Mark F., Middle Tennessee State University

D 05B; CH 05G; P 05G

Ozek, Umut, The Urban Institute

D 10G; P 09H

Ozer-Balli, Hatice, Massey University

P 15F; P 12J

Ozsahin, Oguz, American Express

P 17I

Ozturk, Orgul D., University of South Carolina

P 15A; D 15D

Pabilonia, Sabrina Wulff, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

P 15A; D 15D

Pacurar, Ioana Sofia, The University of Memphis

P 12C; D 23J

Padilla, Alexandre, Metropolitan State College of Denver

D 11B; P 12G

Paez, Noelia R., Texas A&M University

CH 10A; P 10A; D 19F; P 17J; D 17J

Pagan, Jose A, University of North Texas Health Science Center

P 07I

Page, Colin T., University of Virginia

P 04B

Page, Timothy, Florida International University

D 14F; CH 09K; P 09K

Pai, Kalpana, Texas Wesleyan University


Pai, Vivek, University of California, Irvine

D 23I

Pal, Sudeshna, Georgia College & State University

D 19I

Pan, Huiran, California State University-Fullerton

P 16H

Pan, Jie, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

P 10H

Panda, Bibhudutta, Louisiana State University

P 11K; D 11K

Pape, Andreas, Binghamton University

D 23C; P 11D; P 09F; D 08G; P 08J; D 08J

Papell, David H., University of Houston

P 15F

Pardo, Cristian, Saint Joseph's University

P 17G

Park, Jongwoo, Michigan State University

P 08J

Park, Kihyun, The Univeristy of Tennessee

P 06C

Park, Min Joung, Sungkyunkwan University

D 18I

Park, Tae-Youn, University of Minnesota

P 17A

Parker, Tammy, University of Louisiana at Monroe

D 19H; P 21K; D 21K

Parsons, George R., University of Delaware

P 20A; D 20B; CH 20C

Partridge, Ian, The University of Texas at Austin

CH 21B; P 20F; D 20F

Pasurka, Carl A., Jr., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

D 01B; P 01B; CH 01B

Paudel, Bamadev, Wayne State University

D 08I; P 08I

Paul, Donna L., Washington State University

P 07A

Paul, Rodney, Saint Bonaventure University

P 04J

Paz, Lourenco, Syracuse University

P 19H; D 14K

Pearcy, Jason, Tulane University

P 12F; D 12F

Pearlman, Sarah, Vassar College

Pan13A; D 16K; P 16K

Pecorino, Paul, The University of Alabama

CH 21H; P 21I; D 21I

Pena, Anita Alves, Colorado State University

D 17D; D 14F; P 10G; P 22H

Pepper, John V., University of Virginia

CH 03A; P 03B; CH 03B

Perdue, Adam, University of Houston

P 15I

Perez, Iliana, California State University, Fresno

P 23C

Pergamit, Michael, Urban Institute

P 18G

Perry, Lisa, University of Washington

P 20H; D 20H

Perry-Sizemore, Elizabeth A., Randolph College

P 09H

Persson, Torten, Stockholm University

P 22B

Peters, H. Elizabeth, Cornell University

P 08B

Petit-Frere, Isaac, University of Miami

P 13J

Petrescu, Ioana , American Enterprise Institute

CH 09F; P 09F; D 23G

Petrie, Ragan, George Mason University

D 17H; P 05K

Pevnitskaya, Svetlana, Florida State University

P 17H

Pierce, Adam, The University of Texas at Dallas

P 05G

Pintea, Mihaela I., Florida International University

D 13D; P 13D; CH 13D

Pitts, Heidi, University of New Mexico

P 20A

Pitts, M. Melinda, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

CH 17A; P 15H

Polachek, Solomon, Binghampton University

P 17D

Pollak, Micah, University of Illinois

P 22A; D 22B

Ponce Rodriguez, Raul Alberto, Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez

D 13D; P 16F

Porter, Philip K., University of South Florida

CH 04H; P 04H; D 04H

Pozo, Susan, Western Michigan University

P 18J

Prada, Sergio, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

P 10D

Prasad, Kislaya, Florida State University

P 17H

Price, Joseph, Brigham Young University

P 15A; D 15D

Price, Joshua, Cornell University

D 15C; P 15D

Price, Michael, The University of Tennessee

P 17F; D 22I

Prodan, Ruxandra, University of Houston

P 23B

Provencher, Ashley, American University

P 14F

Qian, Feng, University at Buffalo

D 13J; P 09K; D 09K

Quinn, Kevin G., St. Norbert College

P 04J

Quispe-Agnoli, Myriam, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

P 22H; CH 22H; P 07K

Radchenko, Stanislav, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

P 10B

Rafferty, Matthew, Quinnipiac University

P 04J

Rainish, Robert, University of New Haven

P 23B

Rajaram, Ramaprasad, The University of Georgia

P 19G; P 23H; D 23H; D 23J

Ramnath, Shanthi, University of Michigan

P 21D

Ranchhod, Vimal, University of Cape Town

P 07J

Randolph, Gregory M., Southern New Hampshire University

P 21F; D 21F; CH 23J; D 06K; P 06K

Ransom, Michael, Brigham Young University

P 04G

Rassekh, Farhad, University of Hartford

D 06J; CH 06J; P 06J

Razzolini, Laura, Virginia Commonwealth University

D 05A; P 05J

Read, Dustin, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

P 22I

Reed, Robert R., III, The University of Alabama

P 04A; P 06C

Rees, Daniel I., University of Colorado Denver

P 15H

Register, Charles A., Florida Atlantic University

P 20I

Reimers, Hans-Eggert, Hochschule Wismar

P 08H

Reinke, Adam, University of Florida

P 15I

Reiser, Cristina M., The University of Tennessee

P 07C

Reksulak, Michael, Georgia Southern University


Renna, Francesco, The University of Akron

P 11J

Rennhoff, Adam D., Middle Tennessee State University

D 07C; CH 07C; P 07C; P 07H

Rennhoff, Christina H., Vanderbilt University

P 07H

Renshaw, Robert, Renshaw Enterprises

D 04B; P 04B

Ressler, Rand W., University of Louisiana at Lafayette

P 22D

Reyes, Javier A., University of Arkansas

D 07A; CH 07B; D 07B; D 05C; P 05C; P 07D; CH 07G; P 07G; D 07K

Reynolds, Kara, American University

CH 14F; D 14H; CH 14H; P 14H

Reynolds, Morgan O., Texas A&M University

P 02F; D 02G

Rhoads, Jennifer K., University of Illinois at Chicago


Ribar, David C., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

P 18G

Richard, Patrick, George Washington University

P 07I

Richie, Navine, University of North Carolina Wilmington

P 20F

Richter, Susan, University of California, Merced

D 07B; P 07F

Ritter, Gary, University of Arkansas

P 10H

Rizzo, John A., Stony Brook University

P 16J

Robst, John, University of South Florida

D 10D; CH 10D; P 10D; P 08F; D 18K

Rockerbie, Duane, University of Lethbridge

P 04K; D 04K

Rodet, Cortney S., Florida State University

P 21G; P 19K

Rodgers, James D., The Pennsylvania State University


Rodgers, William M., III, Rutgers University

P 09F; CH 18G

Rodrigues, Ana, Autoridad de Concorrencia

P 07H

Rogers, Douglas , George Mason University

D 08G; P 08G

Rohlfs, Chris, Syracuse University

D 22A; P 22A

Roman, Belinda, Palo Alto College

P 07J

Romero, Alfredo A., Virginia Tech

P 19K

Rondeau, Daniel, University of Victoria

P 20A

Rosen, Christopher, University of Arkansas

P 05C

Ross, Justin M., Indiana University

D 21F; D 19I; P 08J

Rouse, Amelia, University of New Mexico

P 07I

Rowley, Charles K., The Locke Institute

Mod01H; Pan01H; Mod01I; Pan01I

Roy, Aditi, Southern Methodist University

P 11J; D 11J

Roy, Jayjit, Southern Methodist University

P 09J

Roy, Sanjukta, West Virginia University

P 23G; P 19I; CH 19I; D 19I

Roy, Sunanda, Drake University

P 08K

Roy-Vigneault, Frederic, Laval University

P 20A

Ruediger, Stefan, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

D 13K; P 13K

Ruggiero, John, University of Dayton

D 22G; P 22G

Ruiz, Isabel, Sam Houston State University

D 07B; D 07J; CH 07K

Rundle, Steven, Biola University


Runst, Petrik, George Mason University

P 23D

Ruseski, Jane E., University of Alberta

P 04K

Russo, Benjamin, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

P 10B

Rutström, Elisabet, University of Central Florida

P 05C; P 05K

Sabarwal, Tarun, The University of Kansas

P 08K; D 08K

Sabia, Joseph J., American University

D 17B; P 15H

Sabirianova Peter, Klara, Georgia State University

P 13H

Sadiraj, Vjollca, Georgia State University

P 17H; CH 17H; D 05K

Sadun, Raffaella, London School of Economics

P 01B

Saenz, Luis, New Mexico State University

P 07J

Sakata, Sumi, Temple University Japan

P 04I

Salehi-Esfahani, Djavad, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

P 21K

Salerno, Joseph T., Pace University

D 02F; P 02G

Salmon, Tim, Florida State University

P 17H; D 05K

Salois, Matthew J., University of Reading

D 10C; P 11I

Salvino, Robert, Coastal Carolina University

D 06K; P 06K

Samuel, Andrew, Loyola University - Maryland

P 16D

Sanchez, Gabriel R., The University of New Mexico

P 07I; P 07K

Sanders, Shane, Nicholls State University

P 09B; P 13D; P 12I

Sandford, Jeremy, University of Kentucky

D 15A; P 15C

Sanford, Kenneth P., University of Kentucky

P 22J; D 18K

Sant 'Anna, Pedro H.C., IBMEC-MG

P 02H

Santore, Rudy, The University of Tennessee

D 21H; P 21H; P 21I

Santos, Florence Ivy Mamburam, The University of Georgia

P 20H

Santos, Richard, University of New Mexico

P 07I

Sarangi, Sudipta, Louisiana State University

P 05A

Sarkar, Dipanwita D., The University of Louisiana at Monroe

P 16A; CH 19G; P 19G

Sarkar, Jayanta, Louisiana Tech University

P 16A; D 16B

Sarnikar, Supriya, Westfield State College


Sarolli, Giandomenico, Washington and Lee University

P 09A; CH 09A; D 18I

Sassi, Aliya, University of New Hampshire

P 20D; D 20H

Sauer, Raymond, Clemson University

P 13F

Saving, Jason L., Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

P 21B

Sawyer, W. Charles, Texas Christian University

D 06G; P 06G; P 06H; CH 06H; D 06H

Schaeffer, Emily, San Jose State University

CH 02C; CH 02H; P 02I

Schap, David, College of the Holy Cross


Schaur, George, The University of Tennessee

P 15K

Schmitt, Pamela M., United States Naval Academy

CH 05B; P 05B

Schnier, Kurt E., University of Rhode Island

P 20B

Schott, Whitney, University of Pennsylvania

D 23D; P 17G; P 10I; D 10I

Schwartz, Jeremy, The George Washington University

P 10I; D 10I

Schwarz, Peter M., The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

P 22I

Schwieren, Christiane, University of Heidelberg

P 05K

Seals, Alan, Oklahoma City University

D 04B; D 19F; P 19F; P 14J; D 14J

Seaman, Bruce Alan, Georgia State University

D 14G

Secchi, Silvia, Southern Illinois University

P 20G

Seck, Abdoulaye, Suffolk University

D 04A; D 13K; P 13K

Seim, Katja, University of Pennsylvania

P 11B

Self, Sharmistha, Missouri State University

P 17B; D 16F; P 16F

Selgin, George A., The University of Georgia

P 17K

Sen, Arzu, West Virginia University

P 22J; D 22J

Sen, Tinni, Virginia Military Institute

P 03I; D 03I; CH 03I

Sengupta, Aditi, Southern Methodist University

P 23I

Senses, Mine, Johns Hopkins University

P 11F

Senyuz, Zeynep, University of New Hampshire

P 08A; D 08A

Serban, Alina F., West Virginia University

P 18I

Sevastianova, Daria, University of Southern Indiana

P 17D

Shadbegian, Ron, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

D 01B; P 01B

Shan, Zhizhong, The University of Mississippi

D 08C; P 04G

Sharma, Subhash C., Southern Illinois University Carbondale

P 09J

Sharpe, Rhonda Vonshay, Bennett College for Women

P 09B; D 07I; P 07J

Shatnawi, Dina, University of Arizona

D 04G; P 04G

Sheldon, Ian, The Ohio State University

P 11B

Shelkova, Natalya, Guilford College

P 10H

Sheremeta, Roman M., Chapman University

D 17F; P 22I

Sheridan, Niamh, International Monetary Fund

D 07D; P 07D

Shester, Katharine L., Vanderbilt University

CH 23H; P 23H

Shikida, Claudio Djissey, IBMEC-MG

P 02H

Shimazaki, Yoshiaki, Akita Prefectural University

P 13D; D 09H

Shin, Dongsoo, Santa Clara University

P 11B; D 11B

Shinogle, Judy A., The University of Maryland

P 10D

Shor, Mike, Vanderbilt University

P 05A

Shreffler, Karina, Oklahoma State University

P 10A

Shughart, William F., II, The University of Mississippi

D 13F; Pan01H; P 17I

Shupp, Robert, Michigan State University

P 05B

Siegfried, John J., Vanderbilt University

I 04D; Sp 04D

Siemers, Troy, Virginia Military Institute

P 03I

Sierminska, Eva, CEPS/INSTEAD

P 07F

Sikora, Asia, Cornell University

P 08B; CH 08B; D 18H

Sills, Erin, North Carolina State University

P 20G

Silva, Simone, Murray State University

D 08I; P 08I

Silvia, John, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC

P 04C

Simkins, Scott Paul, North Carolina A&T State University

P 03D

Simmons, Kevin M., Austin College

P 20I

Singh, Kusum, University of Kentucky

P 22K

Skarbek, David B., George Mason University

D 14A; P 08G

Skinner, Sarah J., University of Louisiana at Lafayette

P 22D

Smith, Adam C., George Mason University

P 06A; D 06B

Smith, Alec, The University of Arizona

P 22I

Smith, Daniel J., George Mason University

P 04I

Smith, Julie K., Lafayette College

P 07B; D 07D

Smith, Marvin, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

D 21A; P 17C; CH 17C

Smith, Nina, University of Aarhus

P 19G

Smith, Richard B., University of South Florida St. Petersburg

CH 15C; D 15C; P 15D

Smith, Tony, University of Pennsylvania

P 17C

Smith, Valdemar, University of Aarhus

D 10F; D 19G; P 19G; P 16H; D 13J; P 10K

Smith, William J., University of West Georgia

P 23K; D 23K

Snow, Arthur, The University of Georgia

P 10J

Sobel, Russell S., West Virginia University

D 03F; P 03F

Sojourner, Aaron, University of Minnesota

D 03A; P 03B

Solow, John, University of Iowa

P 04J

Sondergaard, Jens, Georgetown University

P 12J

Sooreea, Rajeev, Penn State

P 07D

Sorensen, Todd, University of California, Riverside

D 21D; P 04G; D 04G

Soydemir, Gokce, The University of Texas-Pan American

D 09A; P 14C; D 14C; P 07K

Spencer, Marilyn K., Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

P 16B; D 16B

Spencer, Roger, Trinity University

P 08D; CH 08D

Spivey, Christy, The University of Texas at Arlington

D 19G; D 14J; P 14J

Splinter, David, Rice University

D 09I

Springer, Matthew G., Vanderbilt University

P 03G

Srinivasan, Arun, Indiana University Southeast

P 21K; D 21K

Stafford, Sarah L., The College of William & Mary

D 20J; P 20J; CH 20J

Stafford, Tess, The University of Texas

P 20B

Stansel, Dean B., Florida Gulf Coast University

P 18F; D 18F

Stanton, Angela A, Center for Neuroeconomics Studies and the Max Planck Institute for Economics

D 05J; P 05J

Starr, Martha, American University

P 17D

Steele, Jennifer, Washington State University

CH 23C; P 23C; D 08J

Steen, Todd, Hope College

P 03J

Steinbuks, Jevgenijs, University of Cambridge

P 15G

Stephenson, Andrew, Georgia State University

P 12J; D 12J

Stephenson, Frank, Berry College

D 18F; P 18F; CH 04I; P 04I; D 04I; P 19J; D 19J

Stevens, Jerry L., University of Richmond

P 06D

Stevenson, Taylor P., East Tennessee State University

D 12B; P 12B

Stimel, Derek, Menlo College


Stinchcombe, Maxwell, The University of Texas

P 21H

Stockly, Sue K., Eastern New Mexico University

Pan13C; D 03D; CH 07I; CH 07J; D 07J; D 07K

Storr, Virgil Henry, George Mason University

D 02B; P 02C; P 02I; Pan01J

Stowe, Jill, University of Kentucky

P 03C

Strohush, Vitaliy , Elon University

P 23A; D 23B

Stromberg, David, Stockholm University

P 22B

Stroup, Michael D., Stephen F. Austin State University

P 09D; D 21F

Stroup, Richard L., North Carolina State University

D 14D

Sturgill, Brad, Appalachian State University

P 23F

Stutsman, Sam, University of South Alabama

P 18F

Sullivan, Ryan, Syracuse University

P 22B; D 22B

Sumner, Scott, Bentley College

P 17K

Sun, Kai, Binghamton University

D 10C; P 11D

Sun, Wei, Grand Valley State University

P 21A

Sunshine, Jonathan, American College of Radiology

P 14I

Sutter, Daniel, The University of Texas-Pan American

D 06A; P 06B; P 20I; D 20I

Swinton, Omari H., Howard University

P 09B; D 23D; D 09H; P 07J

Swofford, James, University of South Alabama

D 14I

Swope, Kurtis J., United States Naval Academy

P 05B; D 05B

Symanski, Stephan, Imperial College

P 13F

Szmedra, Philip, Georgia Southwestern State University

P 15K

Tackie, Martin, Concordia College

P 21H; D 21I

Tahktamanova, Yelena, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

P 07B; D 07D

Takahashi, Masayoshi, Michigan State University

P 21J

Tallman, Ellis W., Oberlin College

D 11G; P 11G

Tam, Xuan, University of Virginia

P 17G; D 17G; P 18I; D 23J

Tamer, Elie, Northwestern University

D 03A; P 03A

Tan, Eleonora, George Washington University

P 07I

Tassier, Troy, Fordham University

P 10D; D 10D

Tasto, Michael, Southern New Hampshire University

P 06K; CH 06K; D 06K

Tatum, Shaun W., BE&K

P 22D

Taylor, Lori L., Texas A&M University

P 03G; D 15I

Taylor, R. G. , University of Idaho

P 11D

Tebaldi, Edinaldo, Bryant University

P 19H

Tekin, Meryem, The University of Texas at Austin

D 20H; P 09J; CH 09J; D 09J; P 20K

Tesfu, Solomon T., Georgia State University

P 10G; CH 10G

Thacher, Jennifer A., University of New Mexico

P 20A; D 20A

Thies, Clifford F., Shenandoah University

D 06A; P 06B

Thomas, Charles, Clemson University

P 08K; D 08K

Thomas, Christopher R., University of South Florida

P 04H

Thomas, Diana, Utah State University

D 02C; P 02D

Thomas, Michael D., Utah State University

D 02C; P 02H; D 02K

Thomas, Sarah Scott, The University of Texas at Dallas

P 20D; D 20H

Thompson, Henry, Auburn University

P 06G; D 06I; P 06I; D 06J; P 06J

Thornton, Mark, Ludwig von Mises Institute

D 22D; CH 02F; P 02F; D 02G; CH 02G

Tian, Xi, Department of Economics and Legal Studies

P 04B; D 13J

Tick, Simona Lup, The University of Mississippi

CH 04G; P 04G; D 04G

Tollison, Robert D., Clemson University

D 13F; CH 13F; Pan01H

Trafton, Tamara Lynn, Vanderbilt University

P 22K

Trejos, Sandra, Clarion University of Pennsylvania

Pan13A; P 15J

Troske, Kenneth R., University of Kentucky

P 20A

Trost, Steven Carl, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

D 08G; P 21K; CH 21K

Trousdale, Michael, Texas A&M University

P 10J; D 10J; D 22K

Tsaur, Jen-Ruey, National Central University

P 04A; CH 04A; D 23F

Tsui, Kevin, Clemson University

CH 22A; CH 22B; P 22B

Tullock, Gordon, George Mason University


Turan, Belgi, University of Houston

P 13J

Turner, Chad, Nicholls State University

P 09B; D 09B

Turner, Sean, Georgia State University

CH 13H; P 13H

Turocy, Ted, Texas A&M University

P 05A

Ujhelyi, Gergely, University of Houston

D 11B; P 12C; CH 12C

Upadhyaya, Kamal P., University of New Haven

D 23A; D 23B; P 23B; P 04C

Uras, Rasim Burak, Washingston University in St. Louis Department of Economics

D 08A; CH 08F; P 08F

Usui, Takehiro, Soka University

P 20D; D 20K

Vacaflores, Diego, Texas State University

P 07A; D 07F; P 07G; P 17K

Valdez, Robert O., The University of New Mexico

P 07K

Valev, Neven T., Georgia State University

CH 06F; P 06F; D 06F

van der Goes, David N., Lehigh University

P 18K

Van Essen, Matt, University of Arizona

D 17F; P 22I

Van Huyck, John, Texas A&M University

P 05A; D 05D; CH 05F; P 05F

VanHoose, David, Baylor University

CH 14A; P 14A; D 09C; D 16D; P 15G

Vargas, Andres J., Texas Tech University

D 22C; D 14J; P 14J

Vargas-Silva, Carlos, University of Oxford

D 07D; P 07F; CH 07F; P 07K

Vasarevic, Arthur, Radford University

P 23H

Vehorn, Charles, Radford University

D 23G; P 23H

Venkatraman, Triyakshana, George Mason University

P 02C

Ventouri, Alexia, University of Essex

D 16G; P 16G

Verdon, Lisa, College of Wooster

D 15G

Vericher, Tracy, Urban Institute

P 18G

Vermilyea, Todd A., Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

D 10B; P 10B

Verner, Mette, University of Aarhus

P 04B; P 19G

Vijverberg, Wim P.M., City University of New York

P 10C; D 23H

Volokh, Alexander, Emory Law School

P 21H; D 21I

Von Ende, Eleanor, Texas Tech University

P 17I

Vossler, Christian A., The University of Tennessee

D 20A; P 20A; P 20J

Wackes, John J., Federal Resrve Bank of Philadelphia

P 17C

Wagner, Gary, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

D 12C; P 10H; CH 10H

Wagner, Richard E., George Mason University

CH 06A; P 06A; CH 06B

Walia, Bhavneet, Nicholls State University

D 10A; P 09B; P 13D; P 10J; D 19K

Walker, Jay, The University of Memphis

P 11J; CH 11J; D 10K

Walker, Mary Beth, Georgia State University

D 23D; P 19F; D 15I

Waltz, Keith, The University of Texas at San Antonio

P 21B

Wandschneider, Philip, Washington State University

P 20K

Wang, Chunbei, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

D 18H; P 17J

Wang, Hui-chen, The University of Mississippi

P 21D; CH 21D; D 21D; P 04G

Wang, Le, University of New Hampshire

P 17J

Ward, John O., John Ward Economics


Wargo, Donald, Temple University

P 15J

Warren, Patrick, Clemson University

D 22A; P 22A

Watson, Elizabeth, Trinity University

P 05A; D 05A

Watson, John Keith, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

P 22D

Watts, Michael, Purdue University

P 15K

Weinbach, Andrew, Coastal Carolina University

P 04J

Welding, Kevin, University of California, Santa Barbara

P 03J

Wendt, Erin, Berry College

P 19J

Wenz, Michael, Winona State University

P 16C

Whalen, Denise, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

D 10I; P 18K

Whalley, Alex, University of California, Merced

P 16K; D 16K

Wheeler, Mark, Western Michigan University

P 07D; CH 07D; D 07G

White, Lawrence H., George Mason University

Pan01F; CH 19J; D 19J

White, Lawrence J., New York University


Whited, Hsin-hui (Ida), Colorado State University-Pueblo

D 21A; CH 21A; P 21A; D 08C

Whitehead, John C., Appalachian State University

D 20B; P 20B; P 20C; CH 20G; D 20I; P 04K

Wichman, Colin, The University of Texas at Dallas

P 05G

Wicker, Elmus R., Indiana University

P 11G

Widner, Benjamin, New Mexico State University

D 07J; P 07J

Wielgus, Ryan, United States Naval Academy

P 05B

Wiggins, Steven N., Texas A&M University

P 17C

Willett, Keith, Oklahoma State University

D 12H; P 12H

Williamson, Claudia R., New York University

D 03F; P 03F

Wilson, Alistair J., New York University

D 23C; CH 12I; P 12I

Wilson, Bonnie, Saint Louis University

P 09C; CH 09D; D 09D; P 09D

Wilson, Kenneth, East Carolina University

P 20C

Wilson, Rick K., Rice University

P 05G

Wilson, Wesley, University of Oregon

P 14H

Wimmer, Bradley, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

P 03C

Winden, Frans van, University of Amsterdam

P 17H

Winters, John, Auburn University at Montgomery

P 03G

Wohar, Mark, University of Nebraska at Omaha

P 03I

Wolff, Hendrik, University of Washington

P 20H

Wong, Chorng-Huey, International Monetary Fund

P 07D

Wooster, Rossitza B., Portland State University

CH 07A; P 07A; D 07H

Wunnava, Phanindra V., Middlebury College

D 17A

Xie, Yuying, Shepherd University

CH 11A; P 11A; D 12G

Xu, Jia, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

D 15F; P 15F

Xue, Yu, The University of Texas at Dallas

D 19F; D 03J; P 03J

Yakovlev, Pavel A., Duquesne University

P 03F; D 03F

Yan, Ji, Washington University in St. Louis

D 11J; P 11J

Yang, Benhua, Stetson University

D 17C; P 17C; D 08F; P 08F

Yang, Chin W., Clarion University of Pennsylvania

P 16C

Yang, Xuebing, Penn State Altoona

P 06H; D 06H

Yang, Zhou, The University of Tennessee

P 07C; D 07H

Yankelevich, Aleksandr, Washingston University in St. Louis

D 17I; P 17I

Yasar, Mahmut, The University of Texas at Arlington

P 08C; D 08C; D 13H

Yeoh, Melissa M., Berry College

P 18F

Yildiz, Nese, University of Rochester

P 03A; D 03B

Yin, Lu, University of Florida

D 19F; P 19F

Younas, Javed, American University of Sharjah

P 11F; D 11F

Young, Andrew T., West Virginia University

D 06A; P 06B; P 11G; D 11G

Yu, Wei-Choun, Winona State University

P 16C; P 21D

Zhang, Lei, The University of Texas at Dallas

P 10C; D 10J; D 19K

Zhang, Ye, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

CH 22C; P 22C; D 10H

Zhou, Lina, Augustana College

P 17I; D 17I

Zhylyevskyy, Oleksandr, Iowa State University

P 09A

Zillante, Artie, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

D 17F; CH 22I; P 22I

Zimmerman, Paul R., Federal Trade Commission

P 17D; P 04F

Zirkle, David, Randolph College

D 12F; P 08G; D 21K

Zissimos, Ben, Vanderbilt University

D 06H; P 06H

Zoghi, Cindy, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

P 15A

Zuber, Richard A., The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

P 04J; D 04J