Southern Economic Association 2006 Program

Participant List

CH-Chairman    D-Discussant    I-Introduction    Mod-Moderator
P-Paper Author    Pan-Panelist    Par-Participant    Pre-Presenter Sp-Speaker



Addison, John T., University of South Carolina

CH 1A; P 1A

Adey, Henric Axel, Georgetown University

D 180P; D 213R; P 240U

Adom, Assande Desire, Southern Illinois University - Carbondale

P 248U

Aguirregabiria, Victor, University of Toronto

D 94G; P 94G

Akashi, Naoko, California State University - Fullerton

D 130K; P 190P; D 201R

Alam, Ila M. Semenick, Tulane University

D 100G; P 100G

Albatel, Abdullah H., King Saud University - Riyadh

D 55C; P 120H; CH 120H

Albrecht, Gary R., Albrecht Economics

D 36B; P 56C

Albrecht, James, Georgetown University

P 7A; D 7A

Ali, Mir M., State University of New York - Stony Brook

P 42C; D 130K; P 191P

Aliaga-Diaz, Roger A, Drexel University

P 52C

Allard, Mary Dorinda, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

P 91G

Allen, Ralph C., Valdosta State University

P 142K

Allen, Samuel K., Virginia Military Institute

P 119H

Allgood, Sam, University of Nebraska - Lincoln

P 57C; P 163N

Alm, James, Georgia State University

P 106G; P 162N

Ambel, Alemayehu Azeze, Western Michigan University

P 97G

Amegashie, J. Atsu, University of Guelph

P 195P

Amin, Shahina, University of Northern Iowa

P 92G; CH 133K

An, Lian, University of Kentucky

P 27B; D 47C

Anand, Manik, Auburn University

D 184P; P 184P

Andam, K., Georgia State University

P 196P

Anderson, Kathryn H., Vanderbilt University

D 92G; CH 111H; D 111H; P 111H

Anderson, Michael, Washington and Lee University

D 72D; P 236T

Anderson, Robin, University of Washington

D 39B; P 43C

Anderson, Simon P., University of Virginia

P 16A

Andrews, Anthony Paul, Governors State University

P 71D; CH 236T; P 236T

Andrews, Margaret, U.S. Department of Agriculture

P 233T

Anil, Bulent, Georgia State University

P 223T

Arbex, Marcelo A, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

P 15A

Argys, Laura M., University of Colorado - Denver

P 148K; P 210R

Arias, James Jeffrey, Georgia College & State University

P 253U; CH 253U

Aruoba, S. Boragan, University of Maryland

P 140K

Ashby, Nathan J., The College of Wooster

D 37B; P 101G; D 188P

Austin, D. Andrew, Congressional Research Service

P 78D

Avdjiev, Stefan, Southern Methodist University

D 14A; P 66D

Averett, Susan L., Lafayette College

P 210R

Azevedo, Christopher, Central Missouri State University

P 217R

Baack, Ben, Ohio State University

P 202R

Baetjer, Howard, Jr., Towson University

D 67D; CH 67D

Baier, Scott, Clemson University

D 34B; P 54C; D 160N

Baik, Kyung Hwan, Sungkyunkwan University and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

P 101G

Bailey, Martha Jane, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor and NBER

P 133K

Bajari, Patrick, University of Michigan

P 94G

Balke, Nathan S., Southern Methodist University

P 3A; P 66D

Ball, Christopher P., Quinnipiac University

P 180P; P 231T

Balli, Faruk, University of Houston

P 198P; P 251U

Banzhaf, Spencer, Georgia State University

P 46C; D 46C; D 203R; P 237T

Barber, Sarah, Michael L. Brookshire & Associates

P 36B

Barbour, Karie A., Lander University

D 232T; P 242U; CH 242U

Barboza, Gustavo, Clarion University of Pennsylvania

D 192P; D 200R; P 240U

Barilla, Anthony G., Georgia Southern University

P 107G

Barkume, Anthony J., U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

P 39B

Barrett, George A., Michael L. Brookshire & Associates

P 36B; CH 75D

Bartkus, James, Southeastern Louisiana University

P 134K

Basuchoudhary, Atin, Virginia Military Institute

P 173N

Bates, Laurie J., Bryant University

P 130K

Baty, Ronald J., George Mason University

P 136K

Baughman, Reagan Anne, University of New Hampshire

D 2A; P 43C; CH 43C

Beaty, Helen M., University of Colorado - Denver

P 148K

Beaulier, Scott A, Mercer University

P 147K; D 173N

Becker, Charles M., Duke University

D 64D; P 111H

Becker-Blease, John R., Washington State University

P 241U

Beekman, Robert, University of Tampa

P 96G

Belfield, Clive R., CUNY-Queens College

P 1A

Bentzen, Jan, Aarhus School of Business - Denmark

P 139K

Bercea, Brighita, Clemson University

P 214R

Bergstrand, Jeffrey H., University of Notre Dame

P 54C

Berk, Jan Marc, De Nederlandsche Bank

P 161N

Bertram, Regina, University of Hagen

P 141K

Bhalla, Garima, Georgetown University

P 237T

Bhandari, Bornali, Fitchburg State College

P 120H

Bhattacharya, Haimanti, University of Arizona

P 171N; P 219R

Bhattacharya, Samrat, FTAM

P 193P

Bhattacharyya, Partha, State University of New York - Stony Brook

P 42C; P 69D

Bhole, Bharat, Rochester Institute of Technology

D 25B; P 44C; CH 44C

Bianchi, Suzanne M., University of Maryland

P 91G

Bierut, Beata, De Nederlandsche Bank

P 161N; D 181P

Bies, Angela, Texas A&M University

P 33B

Bihari, Shilpi, University of Texas - Dallas

P 224T

Bilotkach, Volodymyr, University of California - Irvine

P 169N

Bin, Okmyung, East Carolina University

D 176N; P 176N; P 179P

Bischoff, Ivo, University of Giessen

P 132K; D 202R

Bishop, John A., East Carolina University

CH 17A; D 17A; P 17A

Bishop, Thomas, University of California - Channel Islands

P 113H

Black, Grant C., Indiana University South Bend

P 41C

Blackburn, David, NERA

P 102G

Blackburn, McKinley L., University of South Carolina

D 91G; P 210R

Blackman, Allen, Resources for the Future

P 146K

Blackwell, Calvin, College of Charleston

D 89G; P 89G; CH 89G

Blair, Roger D., University of Florida

P 44C; P 117H

Blanchard, Emily J., University of Virginia

P 34B; D 34B; D 54C; CH 73D; P 73D

Blanco Raynal, Luisa Rocio, University of Oklahoma

D 192P; P 232T

Blomquist, Glenn C., University of Kentucky

D 46C; P 46C; Pan112H; CH 217R

Boel, Paola, Bowdoin College

D 140K

Boettke, Peter J., George Mason University

D 122H; P 122H; CH 147K; CH 228T; D 247U; CH 247U

Boex, Jamie, Georgia State University

P 2A

Bokan, Nikola, University of St. Andrews

P 164N

Bokhari, Farasat A. S., Florida State University

D 20A; P 59C

Bollen, Nicolas P.B., Vanderbilt University

P 12A

Bollinger, Christopher R., University of Kentucky

D 38B; P 58C; CH 58C; D 169N; D 189P

Bonardi, Jean-Philippe, University of Western Ontario

P 227T

Borg, J. Rody, Jacksonville University

P 2A; D 77D; P 77D

Borg, Mary O., University of North Florida

P 2A; D 77D; P 77D

Bose, Pinaki, University of Memphis

P 244U

Bose, Rana, University of Georgia

P 177N

Bosshardt, William, Florida Atlantic University

P 163N

Bossi, Luca, University of Miami

CH 224T; P 224T

Bosworth, Ryan C., North Carolina State University

D 35B; CH 141K; P 141K

Boulier, Bryan L., The George Washington University

P 5A

Bowes, David, Southeastern Louisiana University

P 24B

Bowker, J. M., USDA Forest Service

P 171N

Boylan, Richard, Rice University

D 129K; P 129K

Boyte, Lane, Troy University - Dothan

P 164N; D 164N

Bradbury, John Charles, Kennesaw State University

P 135K; CH 165N

Bradford, W. David, Medical University of South Carolina

P 11A; D 11A; P 30B; D 74D

Bradley, Robert L., Jr., Institute for Energy Research

P 95G

Brady, Ryan R., U.S. Naval Academy

P 19A; D 19A

Brasington, David, Louisiana State University

P 41C

Bratland, John, U.S. Department of the Interior

P 8A; P 95G

Breneman, David, University of Virginia


Brock, William A., University of Wisconsin - Madison

P 126H

Bronars, Stephen, University of Texas - Austin

P 51C

Brown, Christopher J., Washington and Lee University

P 146K

Brown, Douglas M., Georgetown University

P 119H; CH 119H; D 119H

Brown, Kenneth, University of Northern Iowa

P 92G

Brown, Michelle, University of Melbourne

P 1A

Bruce, Donald, University of Tennessee

P 110H; P 242U

Brunyer, Miki, West Virginia University

P 144K

Bryant, Lara K., Florida Atlantic University

P 109H

Buchanan, James M., George Mason University

P 47C

Buckles, Kasey, University of Notre Dame

CH 92G; P 133K; D 209R

Buechner, M. Northrup, St. John's University

P 221T; D 243U

Bulut, Levent, University of Houston

P 198P

Burke, Kimberly Gladden, Millsaps College

P 107G

Burke, Mary A., Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

P 108H; P 250U

Burrus, Robert T., Jr., University of North Carolina - Wilmington

P 179P

Butkevich, Bridget I., James Madison University

D 122H; P 122H

Butkiewicz, James L., University of Delaware

CH 45C; D 45C; D 170N

Butler, J. S., University of Kentucky

D 111H

Cain, Monica, Winston-Salem State University

D 191P; P 201R; CH 201R; D 245U

Calabrese, Stephen, University of South Florida

D 218R; P 218R

Calcagno, Peter T., College of Charleston

P 89G; D 89G

Caldwell, Bruce J., University of North Carolina - Greensboro

CH 115H; P 166N

Calhoun, Joseph, Florida State University

P 24B; D 60D; D 233T

Caliendo, Frank, Colorado State University

P 92G

Camerer, Colin, California Institute of Technology

P 29B; P 68D; P 96G

Cameron, Trudy Ann, University of Oregon

P 141K

Campbell, Noel D., University of Central Arkansas

D 197P; P 197P

Canals-Cerda, Jose J., Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

D 41C; P 41C

Cao, Shutao, University of Texas - Austin

D 219R; P 235T; P 243U

Capps, Cory, U.S. Department of Justice

P 30B

Capra, C. Monica, Emory University

P 68D; CH 68D; D 208R

Caputo, Michael R., University of Central Florida

P 18A; CH 18A

Carey, Catherine, Western Kentucky University

CH 25B; P 25B

Carilli, Tony M., Hampden-Sydney College

P 28B

Carney, Shannon, Colorado College

P 206R

Carrell, Scott, Dartmouth College

D 33B; D 162N

Carroll, Anne, Rider University

P 148K

Carroll, Daniel R., University of Virginia

P 19A

Casey, James F., Washington and Lee University

D 146K; P 146K

Cassar, Alessandra, University of San Francisco

P 88G

Casson, Michael, Delaware State University

P 96G

Castaneda, Marco A, University of Kentucky

P 243U

Castillo, Marco, Georgia Institute of Technology

D 68D; P 96G; P 208R

Catilina, Eliane, American University

CH 53C

Cave, Lisa A., Morehead State University

D 146K; P 146K; CH 196P

Cen, Uncan, University of Mississippi

P 62D

Cha, Heung-Joo, University of St. Thomas

P 66D

Chakrabarti, Rajashri, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

P 98G; CH 98G; D 138K; P 193P; P 203R

Chakraborty, Avik, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

CH 251U; P 251U

Chakravorty, Ujjayant, University of Central Florida

D 18A; P 18A

Chambers, Catherine M., University of Central Missouri

P 196P; P 217R; D 217R

Chambers, Paul E., University of Central Missouri

D 196P; P 196P

Chamlee-Wright, Emily, Beloit College

CH 28B; D 28B; P 247U

Chandra, Amitabh, Harvard University and National Bureau of Economic Research

P 6A

Chang, Cyril F., University of Memphis

D 108H; P 108H; CH 108H

Chang, Semoon, University of South Alabama

CH 47C; P 47C

Chappell, Henry W., Jr., University of South Carolina

P 161N; CH 161N; D 202R

Chatterjee, Santanu, University of Georgia

P 15A

Chaudhuri, Indrashis, The Ohio State University

P 234T; D 249U

Chauvet, Marcelle, University of California - Riverside

P 76D

Chen, Chien-Ping, University of Houston - Victoria

D 24B

Chen, David Y., North Carolina A&T State University

D 123H; P 198P; D 198P; CH 198P

Chen, Huiya (Grace), University of California - Davis and Reed College

P 213R; D 236T

Chen, Jeff, University of Memphis

P 72D

Chen, Jianqing, University of Texas - Austin

P 243U

Chen, Jie, State University of New York - Stony Brook

P 69D

Chen, Susan, Purdue University

D 6A; D 174N; D 201R; P 233T

Chen, Susan, University of North Dakota

P 246U

Chen, Zhuo, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

P 205R

Chermak, Janie M., University of New Mexico

D 18A; P 18A

Chi, Yeong Nain, University of Texas - Brownsville

D 105G; P 105G

Chiou, Jong-Rong, Tam Kang University

D 17A; P 17A

Cho, Seong-Hoon, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

P 171N; P 205R

Chow, Victor K., West Virginia University

P 17A

Christensen, Harold R., Centenary College of Louisiana

P 23B

Christianson, Jon B., University of Minnesota

P 11A

Ciliberto, Federico, University of Virginia

P 94G; CH 94G; D 94G; P 114H; D 114H

Clague, Christopher, San Diego State University

P 132K

Clark, Don P., University of Tennessee - Knoxville

CH 61D; P 61D

Clark, J. R., University of Tennessee - Chattanooga

P 215R; P 232T

Cline, Melinda, Texas Wesleyan University

P 107G

Clinebell, John M., University of Northern Colorado

P 198P

Clotfelter, Charles T., Duke University

P 33B; CH 64D; Pan112H

Coates, Dennis C., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

P 165N; CH 185P; P 202R; P 206R

Coats, R. Morris, Nicholls State University

D 22B; CH 104G; P 104G; P 230T; D 252U

Cohen, Andrew M., Federal Reserve Board

P 242U

Colacelli, Mariana, Barnard College

D 140K

Collentine, Dennis, University of Gavle

D 146K; P 146K

Collins, Michael J., U.S. Government Accountability Office

D 2A; P 22B

Conlon, John R., University of Mississippi

P 62D

Conrad, Cecilia A., Pomona College


Contreras, Juan M., University of Maryland

P 127H

Conway, Karen Smith, University of New Hampshire

D 22B; P 22B

Cooper, Duane, Morehouse College

P 29B

Copeland, Cassandra, Oglethorpe University

P 164N

Corman, Hope, Rider University and NBER

P 148K; P 211R; D 211R

Cornell Sadowski, Nicole, York College of Pennsylvania

P 179P; P 232T

Cornwell, Christopher M., University of Georgia

P 26B; P 103G

Correa, Daniel, Auburn University

P 205R

Cotet, Anca Maria, Clemson University

D 174N; P 245U

Cotterill, Ronald W., University of Connecticut

P 117H

Cotti, Chad, University of South Carolina

P 2A; D 97G; D 121H

Cotton, Christopher, Cornell University

P 216R

Couch, Kenneth A., University of Connecticut

P 39B; CH 39B

Cover, James Peery, University of Alabama

P 3A; CH 3A; P 21B

Cox, Caleb, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

P 14A

Cox, James C., Georgia State University and Georgia State University

P 188P

Coyne, Christopher J., Hampden-Sydney College

D 110H; P 147K

Craig, Joe, University of Colorado - Boulder

D 8A; P 67D

Craighead, William D., Miami University

P 55C; D 72D; P 123H

Creahan, Thomas A., Morehead State University

P 171N; D 183P

Cristia, Julian, Congressional Budget Office

D 38B; P 58C

Crooker, John R., Central Missouri State University

P 196P; P 217R

Cross, Philip J., Georgetown University

D 38B; D 58C

Crowe, Chris, International Monetary Fund

P 161N

Cruz Zuniga, Martha, Catholic University of America

P 181P; P 231T

Cseh, Attila, Valdosta State University

P 209R

Cuberes, David, Clemson University

P 23B

Cui, Kexiu, University of Mississippi

P 78D

Cunningham, Scott, University of Georgia

P 26B; P 103G

Currinder, Marian, College of Charleston

P 89G

Czap, Hans, St. Lawrence University

P 68D

D'Arcy, Laura P., University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

P 39B

Dabbagh, Mohamed A., Florida Metropolitan University

P 222T; CH 222T

Dalton, Thomas R., Southern University at New Orleans

P 230T

Daniels, Susane Jennifer, West Virginia University

D 37B

Daraban, Bogdan, Florida State University

P 169N; D 169N

Darity, William A., Jr., University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill and Duke University

Mod159N; Pan159N; P 195P

Dasgupta, Utteeyo, Franklin & Marshall College and University of Arizona

D 29B; P 68D; P 188P; P 242U

Dave, Dhaval, Bentley College and NBER

D 20A; P 59C; D 148K

Davies, Ross, George Mason University School of Law

P 53C

Davis, Douglas D., Virginia Commonwealth University

D 9A; D 117H; P 137K; P 167N; CH 167N

Davis, Earl, Clemson University

P 37B

Davis, Michael C., University of Missouri - Rolla

D 3A; D 21B; P 104G

Davis, Scott E., University of Virginia

P 190P; D 190P

Deb, Saumyanil, University of Mississippi

P 246U

Debaere, Peter, University of Virginia

P 54C; D 73D

Dechert, W. Davis, University of Wisconsin - Madison

P 126H

Deck, Cary A., University of Arkansas

D 9A; P 49C; P 88G; CH 88G; D 88G

DeCourcy, Julie, Trinity University

D 4A; P 32B; CH 139K

DeGregori, Thomas R., University of Houston

P 95G

Dehring, Carolyn A., University of Georgia

P 57C

Deloche, Regis, Universite de Franche-Comte

P 126H

Dempster, Gregory M., Hampden-Sydney College

P 28B; D 247U

Denzau, Arthur, Claremont Graduate University

P 230T

Depken, Craig A., II, University of Texas - Arlington

P 57C; P 165N

DeShazo, J.R., University of California - Los Angeles

P 141K

DeSimone, Jeff S., University of South Florida and NBER

P 20A; CH 59C; P 64D; D 127H

Deskins, John, Creighton University

P 110H

Desrochers, Pierre, University of Toronto at Mississauga

P 95G; D 207R; CH 207R

DeVault, James M., Lafayette College

D 213R; P 240U

Dhakal, Dharmendra, Tennessee State University

P 61D

Di, Yanan, State University of New York - Stony Brook

P 130K

Diamond, Arthur, University of Nebraska - Omaha

P 193P

Diamond, David, George Mason University

CH 192P; P 192P

Diaz-Bonilla, Carolina, The World Bank

P 92G

Dickhaut, John, University of Minnesota

P 116H

Dickie, Mark, University of Central Florida

P 46C

Diette, Timothy M., Washington and Lee University

CH 177N; D 195P; D 203R; D 233T; CH 233T

Dilling-Hansen, Mogens, University of Aarhus

P 139K

Dills, Angela K., Clemson University

P 20A; D 33B; D 59C; P 64D; D 173N; D 210R

Dismuke, Clara E., Medical University of South Carolina

D 11A; P 11A

Dobkin, Carlos, University of California - Santa Cruz

P 211R

Dodge, Eric R., Hanover College and Hanover College

CH 24B; D 107G

Dogan, Can, University of Houston

D 219R; D 222T; P 240U

Dolan, Robert C., University of Richmond

P 21B

Dolar, Burak, University of Mississippi

P 177N

Domino, Marisa Elena, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

P 127H

Doorn, David J., University of Minnesota Duluth

P 183P

Douglas, Stratford M., West Virginia University

P 50C; CH 50C

Dower, Paul, New York University

P 186P

Dranove, David, Northwestern University

P 30B

Dreger, Christian, DIW Berlin

P 106G; CH 106G; D 120H

Drewianka, Scott D., University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

P 43C; D 71D; D 103G

Dufwenberg, Martin, University of Arizona

P 68D

Duggan, Mark, University of Maryland

CH 6A; P 6A

Dumas, Christopher F., University of North Carolina - Wilmington

D 105G; P 105G; P 179P

Dunn, Leslie J., West Virginia University

D 144K; P 215R

Dunn, Robert R., West Virginia University

D 144K; P 223T

Dupor, William, Ohio State University

P 170N

Dutta, Nabamita, West Virginia University

P 186P

Dwyer, Debra Sabatini, State University of New York - Stony Brook

P 174N

Dynarski, Mark, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.

P 138K

Echazu, Luciana, University of Memphis

D 108H; P 244U

Eckel, Catherine C., University of Texas - Dallas

P 88G; P 116H; Sp 149La; D 167N; CH 40BC; Pre80Eb; CH 150Lb

Eckhause, Jeremy, University of Maryland

P 47C

Edelhoch, Marilyn, South Carolina Department of Social Sciences

P 212R

Edwards, Bob, East Carolina University

P 179P

Egorov, Alexei V., West Virginia University

P 66D

Ekelund, Robert B., Jr., Auburn University

CH 13A

Elkinawy, Susan, Loyola Marymount University

P 241U

Elmslie, Bruce T., University of New Hampshire

D 71D; P 103G

Eloranta, Jari, Appalachian State University

P 63D

Elzinga, Kenneth G., University of Virginia

P 163N; D 163N

Emerson, Jamie D., Clarkson University

P 221T

Emrich, Robert, Sabre Airline Solutions

P 226T; D 226T

Encinosa, William, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

D 16A; P 74D

Endres, Alfred, University of Hagen

P 141K

Engel, Russ, Florida State University

P 9A; D 208R

Epple, Dennis, Carnegie Mellon University

P 218R

Ericson, Richard, East Carolina University

P 49C

Erlei, Mathias, Clausthal University of Technology

P 49C; D 137K

Escaleras, Monica P., Florida Atlantic University

P 179P

Estevadeordal, Toni, Inter-American Development Bank

P 73D

Evans, Jocelyn D., College of Charleston

D 198P

Even, William E., Miami University

P 109H

Fackler, James S., University of Kentucky

P 131K

Fakhar, Ahlam, Claremont Graduate University

P 220T

Fallick, Bruce, Federal Reserve Board

P 189P

Fang, Hai, State University of New York - Stony Brook and University of California - Davis

D 39B; CH 69D; P 69D

Fare, Rolf, Oregon State University

P 35B

Farmer, Amy, University of Arkansas

P 44C; P 100G; D 100G; CH 100G; D 109H

Feess, Eberhard, University of Aachen

P 96G

Feigenbaum, Susan K., University of Missouri - St. Louis

P 24B; D 101G

Feinberg, Robert M., American University

P 160N; CH 160N

Fender, Blakely Fox, Millsaps College

P 107G

Fenn, Aju J., Colorado College

P 206R

Fernandez, Adriana Z., Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

P 164N; D 164N

Ferrand, Yann, University of Cincinnati

P 201R

Ferraro, Paul J., Georgia State University

P 167N; D 196P; P 196P; D 208R

Ferreira, Daniel, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

P 126H

Ferrier, Gary, University of Arkansas - Fayetteville

P 100G; D 100G

Fertig, Angela, University of Georgia

P 51C

Festre, Agnes, GREDEG-DEMOS

P 136K

Figlio, David N., University of Florida and NBER

P 212R

Figueiredo, Octavio, Universidade do Porto

P 249U

Finch, Bradley, Jacksonville University

P 2A

Finger, J. Michael, World Bank

D 160N

Finney, R. Zachary, University of South Alabama

P 197P

Fishback, Price, University of Arizona

P 119H

Fisher, Eric O'N., University of California - Santa Barbara

P 61D

Fisher, Jonathan D., Litigation Analytics, Inc.

P 234T

Flabbi, Luca, Georgetown University and IZA, Institute for the Study of Labor

P 7A

Fletcher, Jason M., Yale University

P 191P; P 203R; D 253U

Flores, Nicholas, University of Colorado - Boulder

P 46C

Forbes, Silke Januszewski, University Of California - San Diego

P 114H; CH 114H; D 114H; P 169N

Ford, Charles, U.S. Government Accountability Office

P 22B

Ford, Eric W., Tulane University

P 11A

Fournier, Gary M., Florida State University

D 30B; D 108H; P 108H; CH 169N; P 169N; D 209R

Frame, W. Scott, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

D 131K

Francis, John, Louisiana Tech University

D 205R; CH 205R; P 205R

Frank, Mark W., Sam Houston State University

D 226T; P 250U; CH 250U

Frazis, Harley, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

D 91G

Fredriksson, Per G., University of Louisville

P 34B

Freeborn, Beth A., College of William and Mary

D 190P; CH 190P; P 242U

Freitas, Luiz, Rochester Institute of Technology

P 188P

French, Michael T., University of Miami

P 11A; P 30B; D 30B; CH 30B

Freund, Caroline, The World Bank

P 73D

Fu, Dong, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and Southern Methodist University

P 252U

Fujiyama, Hideki, Dokkyo University and Louisiana State University

P 49C; D 96G

Gai, Yunwei, Florida State University

D 169N

Galenianos, Manolis, Pennsylvania State University

P 140K

Gandar, John, University of North Carolina - Charlotte

P 185P

Gardner, Ashley, Seton Hall University

P 34B

Garen, John, University of Kentucky

D 70D

Garner, Thesia I., Bureau of Labor Statistics

P 17A

Garoustte, Pierre, ATOM

P 136K

Garrison, Roger W., Auburn University

CH 48C; D 48C

Gaumont, Damien, Universite de Paris II

P 7A

Gay, David E.R., University of Arkansas - Fayetteville

CH 23B; P 23B; CH 172N

Gecan, Ronald W., Charles River Associates

P 22B

Geddes, Lori, Eastern Washington University

P 1A

Gelbach, Jonah B, University of Maryland and Florida State University College of Law

CH 65D

Ghent, Linda S., Eastern Illinois University

P 2A; D 24B

Ghossoub, Edgar A., University of Kentucky

P 181P; D 241U

Ghysels, Eric, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

P 76D

Gibson, Amy D., Christopher Newport University

D 215R; CH 243U; P 243U

Gibson, Jo-Anne, Southeastern Louisiana University

P 134K

Gick, Evelyn, Dartmouth College

D 115H; P 166N

Giertz, Seth, Congressional Budget Office

P 221T

Gilbert, John P., Utah State University

D 225T; CH 225T; P 225T

Gill, Andrew M., California State University - Fullerton

P 237T

Gill, Jagdeep Kaur, Sher-E-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology

P 233T

Ginther, Donna K., University of Kansas

P 189P

Giuliano, Paola, International Monetary Fund

P 15A

Givens, Gregory E., Middle Tennessee State University

P 181P; D 231T; D 241U

Glaeser, Edward, Harvard University

Sp 128J

Godo, Yoshihisa, Meiji Gakuin University

P 93G; D 93G

Goel, Rajeev K., Illinois State University

P 219R

Goff, Brian, Western Kentucky University

P 206R

Gokcekus, Omer, Seton Hall University

P 34B; D 54C; P 225T

Goldsmith, Arthur H., Washington and Lee University

CH 97G; D 163N; P 195P; CH 195P

Gonzalez, Luis, University of Kentucky

P 243U

Goodman, John C., National Center for Policy Analysis

P 230T

Goodwin, David, The Conference Board of Canada

P 9A

Graham, J. E., University of North Carolina - Wilmington

P 179P

Gramm, Marshall K., Rhodes College

P 230T

Granderson, Gerald, Miami University

P 100G; D 100G

Grant, Alan P., Eastern Illinois University

P 2A; D 24B

Gratton-Lavoie, Chiara, California State University - Fullerton

P 237T

Green, Carole A., University of South Florida

D 113H; P 113H

Greenlaw, Steven A., University of Mary Washington

D 183P; Pan204R

Grodner, Andrew, East Carolina University

P 17A

Groothuis, Peter A., Appalachian State University

P 135K; P 176N; D 217R

Grosskopf, Shawna, Oregon State University

P 35B

Grossman, Philip J., Saint Cloud State University

D 96G; P 116H; CH 116H

Grove, Wayne A., Le Moyne College

D 23B; P 60D; CH 60D

Grubb, Farley, University of Delaware and NBER

P 45C

Gruben, Kathleen, Georgia Southern University

P 107G

Guha, Gauri S., Arkansas State University

P 35B; P 178N

Guimaraes, Paulo, Medical University of South Carolina

P 106G; P 249U

Guldi, Melanie, Mount Holyoke College

P 133K

Gulley, O. David, Bentley College

P 66D; CH 66D

Gulyas, Erica, Trinity University

P 170N

Gumus, Gulcin, Florida International University

P 11A

Gunderson, Jill, ERS Group

P 70D

Gungoraydinoglu, Ali, University of Florida

P 213R

Gunter, Frank R., Lehigh University

CH 200R; P 200R

Guo, Jeff J., University of Cincinnati

P 201R

Gurmu, Shiferaw, Georgia State University

D 41C; P 41C; P 233T

Gurrea, Stuart D, Economists Incorporated

D 114H; P 114H

Guven, Cahit, University of Houston

P 3A; D 55C

Gwartney, James D., Florida State University

P 24B; P 202R

Gyimah-Brempong, Kwabena, University of South Florida

D 31B

Hadsell, Lester, University at Albany, SUNY

D 171N; P 214R

Hafer, Rik, Southern University and A&M College

P 24B

Hakes, Jahn K., Albion College

P 206R

Hall, Joshua C., West Virginia University

P 110H; D 227T

Hall, William, University of North Carolina - Wilmington

P 105G

Hamermesh, Daniel, University of Texas - Austin and National Bureau of Economic Research

D 91G; Pan112H; Mod112H

Hamersma, Sarah, University of Florida

P 212R

Hamilton, Darrick, The New School

P 195P

Hamilton, Jonathan H., University of Florida

CH 16A; P 16A; CH 74D; D 74D; Pan112H

Hamilton, Paul V., Marshall University and Center for Business and Economic Research

P 193P

Hammond, George, West Virginia University

P 249U

Hammond, Robert G., Vanderbilt University

P 26B

Han, Xiaoshu, University of Texas - Austin

P 245U; CH 245U

Hankins, Scott, University of Kentucky

D 25B; P 69D

Hansen, Bradley A., University of Mary Washington

P 23B

Hansen, Mary Eschelbach, American University

P 23B; D 53C

Hanson, Robin, George Mason University

P 9A

Harris, Douglas, Florida State University

P 33B; D 64D

Harris, Frederick H. deB., Wake Forest University

CH 226T; P 226T; D 226T

Harris, Kathleen M., University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

P 31B

Harrison, Teresa D., Drexel University

P 219R

Harter, John F.R., Eastern Kentucky University

P 243U

Hartigan, James C., University of Oklahoma

P 160N

Haselbach, Liv, University of South Carolina

P 196P

Heath, Ellis B., West Virginia University

P 244U

Heaton, Pamela C., University of Cincinnati

P 201R

Hebert, Bob, Auburn University

D 13A

Heckelman, Jac C., Wake Forest University

CH 132K; D 161N; P 202R; CH 202R

Heiland, Frank W., Florida State University

P 103G; P 250U

Heinrich, Carolyn J., University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

P 70D

Hellerstein, Judith, University of Maryland

CH 99G

Helms, Sara E., University of Alabama - Birmingham

P 203R; D 232T; D 245U

Henderson, Daniel J., State University of New York - Binghamton

P 61D

Henderson, Jason R., Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

D 110H

Henry, Matthew D., University of Georgia

D 44C; P 143K

Hernandez, Rey, Metropolitan State College of Denver

D 59C

Hersch, Joni, Vanderbilt University

D 210R

Herstine, Jim, University of North Carolina - Wilmington

P 105G

Heyneman, Stephen P., Vanderbilt University

D 111H

Heywood, John S., University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

P 1A

Hibbert, Chris, CommerceNet

P 9A

Hill, Bruce, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

P 110H

Hill, J. Richard, Central Michigan University

P 135K

Hill, R. Carter, Louisiana State University

P 13A

Hill, Steven C., Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

P 38B

Hilmer, Christiana E., San Diego State University

P 138K

Hilmer, Michael J., San Diego State University

P 138K

Hinds, Camille, American University

P 97G

Hindsley, Paul R., East Carolina University

P 176N

Hirsch, Barry, Trinity University

I 79Ea; I 128J; I 149La; P 169N; I 199Q; CH 210R

Hite, Diane, Auburn University

D 41C; P 41C

Ho, Chun-Yu, Boston University

P 94G

Hoaas, David J., Centenary College

D 23B; D 107G

Hock, Heinrich, Florida State University

P 15A

Hofler, Richard A., University of Central Florida

D 93G; P 93G

Holcombe, Randall G., Florida State University

D 132K; P 162N

Holland, Stephen P., University of North Carolina - Greensboro

D 35B; P 50C; P 104G

Holmes, Jessica, Middlebury College

D 59C; D 163N; Pan204R

Holovchenko, Vera, University of Texas - Dallas

D 68D; P 116H; P 219R

Holt, Charles A., University of Virginia

P 53C

Homer, Jenny, University of Miami

P 11A

Hong, Han, Duke University

D 38B; P 58C; P 94G; D 94G

Hong, Seung-Hyun, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

P 102G

Hooks, Linda M., Washington and Lee University

CH 14A; P 14A; D 19A; D 66D

Horney, Mary Jean, Furman University

CH 71D; P 71D

Horowitz, Ira, University of Florida

P 178N

Hortacsu, Ali, University of Chicago

P 194P

Horwitz, Steven G., St. Lawrence University

D 115H

Hotchkiss, Julie L., Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and Georgia State University

P 70D; D 92G; P 189P; P 210R

Hoyt, Gail M., University of Kentucky

P 163N

Hoyt, William H., University of Kentucky

D 51C; D 92G; D 162N

Hsing, Yu, Southeastern Louisiana University

P 134K

Hu, Haixin, University of Mississippi

P 104G

Hu, Yingyao, University of Texas - Austin

P 58C

Huber, Juergen, University of Innsbruck and Yale University

CH 29B; P 29B; P 137K; CH 137K; D 187P

Hughes, Danny, University of South Alabama

P 47C; D 47C

Hughes, Jonathon, Jacksonville University

P 2A

Hughes Hallett, Andrew, George Mason University

D 164N; P 164N

Husted, Thomas A., American University

D 162N

Huston, John H., Trinity University

CH 170N; P 170N

Huszar, Eric J., U.S. Department of Agriculture

D 104G; P 141K

Hwang, Jae-Kwang, Virginia State University

P 252U

Hwang, Seok-Joon, Keimyung University

P 223T

Ikeda, Sanford, State University of New York - Purchase

D 186P; P 247U

Imazeki, Jennifer, San Diego State University

P 33B

Imberman, Scott, University of Maryland

D 60D; P 98G

Innes, Robert, University of Arizona

P 171N; P 219R

Isaac, R. Mark, Florida State University

D 167N; P 187P; CH 187P

Isham, Jonathan, Middlebury College


Islam, Samia, Boise State University

P 236T

Ivankovic, Miren

CH 93G; D 113H; P 113H

Izyumov, Alexei, University of Louisville

P 111H

Jackson, Aaron L., Bentley College

P 123H; P 181P

Jackson, John D., Auburn University

P 2A; D 13A; P 89G

Jacobson, Sarah, Georgia State University

P 116H

Jaeck, Louis, University Paul Cezanne

P 35B; D 141K; D 171N

James, John A., University of Virginia

P 45C; D 63D; CH 63D

Jayasuriya, Samila A., Ohio University

P 248U

Jenkins, D. Randall, Independent Scholar

D 230T; CH 244U; P 244U

Jepsen, Christopher, University of Kentucky

D 70D; D 92G

Jepsen, Lisa K., University of Northern Iowa

P 92G; D 133K; D 210R

Jerzmanowski, Michal, Clemson University

D 26B

Jeszeck, Charles, U.S. Government Accountability Office

P 22B

Jianakoplos, Nancy Ammon, Colorado State University

P 92G

Jiang, Saihong, The Ohio State University

P 220T

Johnson, Bruce K., Centre College

D 57C; P 165N; CH 206R

Johnson, Christopher K., University of North Florida

P 17A

Johnson, Jahy, Southeastern Louisiana University

P 24B

Johnson, R. Stafford, Xavier University

P 185P

Johnson, William R., University of Virginia

CH 102G; Pan159N

Jones, Michael L., Bridgewater State College

D 235T; P 242U

Jordan, Jeffrey L., University of Georgia

P 215R

Joseph, George, Rutgers University

P 137K; D 187P

Kaempfer, William, University of Colorado - Boulder

D 225T

Kahl, Douglas R., University of Akron

P 198P

Kahnamoui, Farrokh, Southern Illinois University - Carbondale

P 120H

Kalenkoski, Charlene M., Ohio University

CH 91G; P 91G

Kali, Raja, University of Arkansas - Fayetteville

P 175N

Kaneko, Mamoru, University of Tsukuba

P 71D

Kang, Sung Won, Rutgers University

P 63D; D 63D

Kang, Sung Jin, Korea University

P 3A

Kantor, Shawn, University of California - Merced

P 119H

Karahan, Gˆkhan, Nicholls State University

P 62D

Kay, Helen H., University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

P 108H

Keating, John W., University of Kansas

P 131K

Keefe, Alison M., Kennesaw State University

P 164N; CH 184P

Keeler, James P., Kenyon College

P 67D

Keil, Jennifer W., Hamline University

P 92G

Kelton, Christina M.L., University of Cincinnati

D 22B; P 201R

Kench, Brian T., University of Tampa

P 96G; CH 96G; D 116H

Kendall, Todd D., Clemson University

D 26B

Kenny, Lawrence W., University of Florida

D 33B; CH 162N; P 162N; D 202R

Kerekes, Carrie B., West Virginia University

P 144K; P 200R

Khan, Shakeeb, Duke University

D 6A; P 38B; D 58C

Kim, Beomsoo, University of North Carolina - Greensboro

P 127H

Kim, Chong-Uk, University of Oregon

P 4A

Kim, Dongsoo, George Washington University

P 47C

Kim, Hoseong, University of Alabama

P 17A

Kim, Inchul, Sungkyunkwan University

D 27B; P 27B; D 47C

Kim, Jaebeom, Oklahoma State University

P 66D

Kim, Yoonbai, University of Kentucky

D 27B; CH 27B; P 27B; D 47C

King, Kerry A., Pennsylvania State University - Erie

P 173N

Kinoshita, Yuko, International Monetary Fund

P 54C; D 73D

Kirby, Chris, Clemson University

CH 12A

Kishan, Ruby P., Texas State University - San Marcos

CH 52C; P 52C

Kitsul, Yuriy, Georgia State University

D 14A; P 21B

Klein, Christopher C., Middle Tennessee State University

CH 77D; P 77D

Klick, Jonathan, Florida State University College of Law

D 129K; P 129K

Kliet, Andrew N., Pennsylvania State University

P 30B

Kline, Audrey D., University of Louisville

D 13A

Knapp, Caprice, University of Florida

P 201R; P 245U

Knudson, William, Michigan State University

P 132K

Kobayashi, Jun, Seikei University

P 49C

Kobilinsky, Lawrence, John Jay College of The City University of New York

P 227T

Koch, James, Old Dominion University


Kogan, Uri, Bureau of Labor Statistics

P 17A

Komai, Mana, St. Cloud State University

P 188P

Kopchak, Seth J., West Virginia University

P 252U

Koppl, Roger, Fairleigh Dickinson University

CH 136K; D 136K; P 227T

Korchinski, William, Advanced Industrial Modeling

P 227T

Korenok, Oleg, Virginia Commonwealth University

P 76D; D 76D; D 116H; P 137K

Kosyaeva, Tatyana, Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

P 78D

Koyama, Yusuke, Tokyo Institute of Technology

P 49C

Kozhevnikova, Maria, Queens College of CUNY

CH 101G; P 101G; D 188P

Krainer, John, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

P 94G

Krause, Stefan, Emory University

D 21B; P 52C

Kraybill, David S., The Ohio State University

P 249U

Kreft, Steven F., Indiana University

P 110H

Kreider, Brent, Iowa State University

D 6A; P 6A; P 38B; CH 38B

Kremer, Michael, Harvard University

P 74D

Krieg, John M., Western Washington University

P 237T; CH 237T

Krueger, Kurt V., John Ward Economics

D 36B; CH 56C; P 56C

Krupka, Douglas James, Georgia State University

D 234T; P 249U; CH 249U

Krupka, Erin, Carnegie Mellon University

D 68D; P 172N; P 208R

Kruse, Jamie Brown, East Carolina University and Center for Natural Hazards Research

CH 49C; P 49C; D 137K

Kuku, Yemisi, Iowa State University

P 111H

Kumar, Utsav, University of Maryland

P 168N; D 200R

Kumazawa, Risa, Georgia Southern University

P 121H

Kurban, Haydar, Howard University

D 234T; P 249U

Kurzban, Robert, University of Pennsylvania

P 227T

Kwack, Sung Y., Howard University

P 27B; D 27B

Kymn, Christine, George Mason University School of Law

CH 53C; P 53C

Kymn, Kern O., West Virginia University

D 53C

Ladd, Helen F., Duke University

P 33B

Lahiri, Bidisha, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

P 72D; D 146K; P 146K

Lai, Aaron, Infoatlas, Inc.

P 178N

Lai, Chun-Wei, University of Virginia

P 120H

Laincz, Christopher A., Drexel University

P 175N; D 175N; P 219R

Lakdawalla, Darius, Rand Corporation

D 16A; P 74D

LaLumia, Sara, College of William and Mary

P 235T; CH 235T; D 242U

Lamb, Reinhold P., University of North Florida

P 185P

Landry, Craig E., East Carolina University

P 49C; CH 176N; P 176N; P 217R

Lange, Rachel, U.S. Food and Drug Administration

P 209R

Langley, Sonja B., Prairie View A&M University

D 164N; P 164N; CH 164N

Lanier, Kelli, Emory University

P 68D

Laosuthi, Thanarak A., University of Kentucky

P 252U

LaPlante, Mark, University of Texas - Dallas

P 12A

Laschever, Ron, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

P 121H

Lastrapes, William D., University of Georgia

CH 131K; D 131K

Lawson, Robert A., Capital University

D 110H; P 202R

Lazear, Edward, Stanford University

Sp 79Ea

Leachman, Lori, Duke University

D 225T; P 225T

Lederman, Mara, University of Toronto

P 114H; P 169N

Lee, Darin, LECG, LLC

P 114H

Lee, Dohoon, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

P 31B

Lee, Dongryul, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

P 101G

Lee, Hongshik, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy

P 54C

Lee, Joonhyyung, University of Texas - Austin

P 54C

Lee, Jung Soo, Sungkyunkwan University

P 27B

Lee, Jungmin, University of Arkansas - Fayetteville and Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA)

P 100G; D 100G

Lee, Sang H., Southeastern Louisiana University

P 134K

Lee, Young Sun, Yonsei University

P 27B

Leeds, Michael A., University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

P 165N

Leeson, Peter T., West Virginia University

P 110H; P 147K; P 186P; P 247U

Lehnert, Andreas, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

P 170N; D 170N

Leo, Greg, Georgia Institute of Technology

P 96G

Levendis, John, Loyola University

P 234T

Levernier, William, Georgia Southern University

P 107G

Levine, Kara E., Washington and Lee University

D 22B; P 22B; D 177N; D 195P

Levy, David M., George Mason University

P 115H

Lewin, Peter, University of Texas - Dallas

CH 95G; D 95G; P 207R; D 207R

Lewis, Paul, King's College London

P 207R

Li, Guoshun, China National Petroleum Corporation

P 47C

Li, Li, University of Texas - Austin

P 243U

Li, Shanjun, Duke University

P 25B; D 139K

Li, Suxi, University of Miami

P 226T

Liebman, Benjamin H., St. Joseph's University

D 160N

Liebowitz, Stan, University of Texas - Dallas

D 102G

Lin, Songhua, Denison University

P 4A

Lin, Tin-Chun, Indiana University - Northwest

CH 193P; P 193P; D 237T

Lindrooth, Richard C., Medical University of South Carolina

P 11A; CH 11A; P 30B

Linz, Susan J., Michigan State University

P 111H

Liu, Ben-Chieh, Chicago State University

D 134K; P 134K; CH 134K

Liu, Bih Jane, National Taiwan University

P 93G

Liu, Chia-Mei, U.S. Department of Transportation and North Carolina State University

P 226T

Liu, Dandan, Bowling Green State University

P 3A

Liu, Haiyong, East Carolina University

D 17A; P 17A; P 49C; P 109H; P 217R

Liu, Hong, State University of New York - Stony Brook

P 130K; CH 174N; P 174N

Liu, Qihong, University of Oklahoma

P 246U

Liu, Shirley H., University of Miami

P 103G

Liu, Yu, University of Alabama

P 124H; D 124H

Livingston, Jeffrey A., Bentley College

P 246U; D 246U

Lo, Chu Ping, National Taiwan University

P 93G; D 93G

Lo, Ming Chien, St. Cloud State University

CH 76D; D 124H; P 124H; CH 124H

Locay, Luis, University of Miami

P 193P

Lockard, Alan, St. Lawrence University

CH 241U; P 241U

Lofstrom, Mangus, University of Texas - Dallas

P 121H

Lopatka, John Edward, Pennsylvania State University

P 117H

Lopez, Edward J., San Jose State University

D 8A; CH 8A; P 28B; P 89G; D 89G

Love, David A., Williams College

P 220T

Lowery, Curtis, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

P 108H

Lozano, Fernando Antonio, Pomona College

P 31B

Lu, Chia-Hui, Academia Sinica

P 54C

Luca, Alina C., Drexel University

P 123H

Lucas, Coleen, Pennsylvania State University

P 11A

Luccasen, R. Andrew, III, Mississippi State University

P 230T; CH 230T

Lugovskyy, Oleksandr, Purdue University

P 116H

Luitel, Hari S., St. Cloud State University

D 172N; P 235T; D 242U

Lunawat, Radhika, University of Minnesota

P 116H

Lundberg, Shelly, University of Washington

P 91G

Lutz, Byron, Federal Reserve Board

P 162N

Macheel, Bill, U.S. Department of Agriculture

P 141K

Macher, Jeffrey T., Georgetown University

P 178N

MacKenzie, Doug, State University of New York - Plattsburgh

P 48C; P 67D

MacKie-Mason, Jeffrey, University of Michigan

Sp 199Q

Maclean, Johanna Catherine, University of Miami

P 30B

Macpherson, David, Florida State University

P 109H

Madsen, Erik Strojer, Aarhus School of Business - Denmark

P 139K

Mafi-Kreft, Elham, Indiana University

P 110H

Magne, Bertrand, University of Toulouse I

P 18A

Maier, Mark H., Glendale Community College

P 163N

Maitra, Sudeshna, York University

D 195P

Makowsky, Michael, George Mason University

P 122H

Mallick, Debdulal, Emory University

P 177N

Mallick, Sushanta K.

P 231T

Maloney, Michael T., Clemson University

CH 26B

Mamun, Khawaja A., Sacred Heart University

P 194P; D 194P; CH 194P

Maneevitjit, Surin, Cornell University

P 50C

Mangeloja, Esa, University of Jyvaskyla

P 32B

Mann, Joshua R., University of South Carolina

P 127H

Marburger, Daniel, Arkansas State University

P 206R

Marciano, Alain, Universite de Reims Champagne Ardenne

D 28B; P 115H

Marcis, John G., Coastal Carolina University

CH 234T; P 234T

Marinakis, Kosmas, North Carolina State University

P 26B

Markowitz, Sara, Rutgers University

P 148K

Marmefelt, Thomas, University of Sodertorn

P 115H

Martinez, Marian, College of Charleston

D 236T; P 236T

Mason, Dan, University of Alberta

P 165N

Mason, Patrick L., Florida State University

Pan159N; P 195P

Masters, Adrian M, University at Albany, State University of New York

D 7A; P 7A

Mathews, Leah Greden, University of North Carolina - Asheville

D 176N

Matschke, Xenia, University of Connecticut

P 34B; CH 34B; D 54C; P 73D

May, Sharon L., Maryville College

P 61D

Mayer, Walter J., University of Mississippi

CH 78D; P 78D; P 104G

Mayo, John W., Georgetown University

D 117H; P 178N; CH 178N; D 243U

Mays, Glen P., University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

P 108H; D 108H

McCullough, Jeffrey, Medical University of South Carolina

P 11A

McCumber, Guy Mitchell, Duke University

P 225T; D 225T

McDermott, Suzanne, University of South Carolina

P 127H

McEvily, Bill, University of Toronto

P 208R

McEwan, Sean, BAE Systems

P 181P

McGarrity, Joseph P., University of Central Arkansas

P 181P; CH 181P; D 231T

McGarvey, Mary G., University of Nebraska - Lincoln

P 41C

McGhee, Judith, Arkansas Department of Health and Human Services

P 108H

McGoldrick, KimMarie, University of Richmond

CH 163N; P 163N; CH 183P; D 183P; Pan204R; Mod204R

McGregor, Rob Roy, University of North Carolina - Charlotte

D 161N; P 161N

McGuire, Robert A., University of Akron

P 202R

McHenry, Peter, Yale University

P 182P

McInerney, Melissa Powell, University of Maryland and U.S. Census Bureau

P 99G

McInnes, Melayne Morgan, University of South Carolina

D 11A; D 127H; P 127H

McKenzie, Russell, Southeastern Louisiana University

P 234T

McKinney, Nick, Rhodes College

P 230T

McManus, Brian, Washington University

P 242U

McMillan, David, University of St. Andrews

P 124H

McMillin, W. Douglas, Louisiana State University

P 131K; D 170N

McRae, Larry T., Appalachian State University

CH 214R; P 214R; D 250U

Meade, Ellen, American University

P 161N; D 161N

Mehra, Vibhuti, Narika

P 233T

Melagh, Daniel, University of Virginia

P 163N

Mello, Marcelo A, Faculdades IBMEC/RJ and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

CH 15A; P 15A

Melnik, Mikhail I. and Georgia State University

P 106G

Melvin, Paul D., Southern Illinois University - Carbondale

CH 168N; P 168N

Mendez, Fabio, University of Arkansas - Fayetteville

P 52C; P 175N

Mikhail, Ossama, University of Central Florida

P 93G

Miles, William, Wichita State University

P 123H; CH 123H

Miller, Amalia R., University of Virginia

P 133K

Miller, Melinda, University of Michigan

P 23B

Millimet, Daniel L., Southern Methodist University

D 4A; P 61D; P 174N

Millner, Edward, Virginia Commonwealth University

D 68D

Mills, David E., University of Virginia

CH 117H

Milon, J. Walter, University of Central Florida

P 93G

Minier, Jenny, University of Kentucky

P 34B; D 54C; P 58C

Minniti, Maria, Babson College

P 142K

Mitch, David, University of Maryland Baltimore County

D 119H; P 119H; D 132K

Mitchell, David T., St. Mary's College of California

P 197P; CH 197P; D 197P

Mitnik, Oscar A., University of Miami and IZA, Institute for the Study of Labor

P 70D

Mitra, Aniruddha, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

P 71D; P 244U

Miyagiwa, Kaz, Emory University

P 18A

Mocan, Naci, University of Colorado - Denver

D 127H; CH 211R; D 211R

Moe, Karine S., Macalester College

P 92G

Mohr, Robert D., University of New Hampshire

P 171N

Mohsin, Mohammed, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

D 181P; P 231T; CH 231T; D 252U

Mokyr, Joel, Northwestern University

P 132K

Molodtsova, Tanya, University of Houston

P 184P; D 184P

Mooney, Catherine Tyler, University of Virginia

P 190P; D 190P

Moore, Adrian, Reason Foundation

CH 186P; D 186P; P 227T

Moore, Evan, Auburn University - Montgomery

P 139K

Moore, Myra L., University of Georgia

D 57C

Moore, Robert E., Georgia State University

P 180P; D 215R

Mora, Marie T., University of Texas - Pan American

CH 31B; D 31B

Moreaux, Michel, University of Toulouse I

P 18A

Morgan, Cynthia L., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

CH 35B; P 35B

Morris, Erika Dreyer, University of Michigan

CH 220T; P 220T; D 248U

Morris, Martina, University of Washington

P 43C

Morshed, Akm Mahbub, Southern Illinois University - Carbondale

P 248U

Moskowitz, Tobias, University of Chicago

P 194P

Mount, Timothy, Cornell University

P 50C

Mozumder, Pallab, University of Massachusetts

D 194P; P 194P

Mueser, Peter R., University of Missouri - Columbia

P 70D

Mukerjee, Swati, Bentley College

P 201R

Mulligan, Robert F., Western Carolina University

P 48C; D 67D

Munasib, Abdul, Oklahoma State University

P 193P; P 215R; P 223T

Nagakura, Daisuke, University of Washington

P 177N

Nandi, Nabanita, University of Pittsburgh

P 200R

Nardone, Carlo, SunLabs

P 142K

Nath, Hiranya K., Sam Houston State University

P 3A; P 168N; D 194P

Navarro, Lucas, Georgetown University

P 7A

Negrusa, Sebastian, Clemson University

P 121H

Nekipelov, Denis, Duke University

P 94G

Nelson, Douglas R., Tulane University and University of Nottingham

P 160N

Nesbit, Todd M., Pennsylvania State University - Erie

P 98G; CH 110H; P 173N; CH 173N

Newman, David H., University of Georgia

P 171N

Nguyen, Quang, University of Hawaii

P 96G

Ni, Huan, Kennesaw State University

P 174N; D 216R; P 220T

Nichols, Austin, Urban Institute

P 65D

Nichols, Donald, Washington University

D 5A; P 22B

Nickerson, Jackson A., Washington University in Saint Louis

P 178N

Niederle, Muriel, Stanford University

P 208R

Niman, Neil B., University of New Hampshire

P 96G

Nocetti, Diego, Clarkson University

P 188P

Noonan, Douglas S., Georgia Institute of Technology

P 46C; D 46C; P 125H; D 125H

Noonan, Kelly, Rider University

P 148K; P 211R

Normann, Hans-Theo, University of London

P 117H

Norrbin, Stefan C., Florida State University

CH 55C; P 55C

Norton, Edward C., University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

P 30B

Nunley, John M., Middle Tennessee State University

D 172N; P 214R; D 221T

Nur-tegin, Kanybek, West Virginia University

P 200R

Nye, John V., Washington University in Saint Louis

P 132K

O'Brien, Maureen, University of Minnesota Duluth

P 183P

O'Connor, Richard M., Independent Economist

P 46C

O'Donnell, Sharon I., Baylor College of Medicine and Children's Nutrition Research Center

D 106G; P 126H; P 174N

O'Sullivan, Roisin, Smith College

P 19A

Oda, Masao, Kansai University - Japan

P 4A

Odusami, Babatunde Olatunji, Southeastern Louisiana University and University of New Orleans

P 134K; D 134K

Oettinger, Gerald S., University of Texas - Austin

D 91G; CH 189P; P 203R

Oh, Hyungna, West Virginia University and Cornell University

P 50C

Ohno, Yuka, Rice University

P 18A

Okunade, Albert A., University of Memphis

P 60D; D 98G; D 193P

Oladi, Reza, Utah State University

P 225T; D 225T

Olbrecht, Alexandre, Ramapo College of New Jersey

CH 216R; P 216R

Olejniczak, Anthony J., State University of New York - Stony Brook

P 42C; D 69D

Olivero, Maria Pia, Drexel University

P 52C; P 123H

Olson, Arne, Energy and Environmental Economics Inc.

P 178N

Oprea, Ryan, University of California - Santa Cruz

P 9A; D 137K

Orazem, Peter F., Iowa State University

P 111H

Oreffice, Sonia, Clemson University

D 109H; D 133K; P 214R

Orman, Wafa Hakim, University of Arizona

P 142K; P 242U

Ornelas, Emanuel, University of Georgia and IBMEC - Rio

D 34B; P 73D; P 126H

Osoba, Brian J., University of Texas - El Paso

D 223T; P 249U

Oura, Hirokuni, Teikyo University

P 49C

Ovaska, Tomi, University of Regina

P 32B; D 144K

Ovchinnikova, Natalia V, St. Lawrence University

P 68D; D 96G

Owens, Emily G, University of Maryland

P 211R

Ozer-Balli, Hatice, University of Houston

P 78D

Pabilonia, Sabrina Wulff, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

P 91G; D 189P

Padilla, Alexandre, Metropolitan State College of Denver

D 136K; P 207R

Page, Timothy F., University of New Hampshire

CH 2A; P 22B

Pai, Kalpana, Texas Wesleyan University

D 43C; P 107G; CH 107G

Pakhotina, Natalia, University of Florida

P 253U

Pal, Sudeshna, West Virginia University

D 213R; P 251U

Palardy, Joseph, Youngstown State University

P 98G

Pan, Jie, Washington University in Saint Louis

P 97G

Parker, Richard, University of Arkansas - Little Rock

P 197P

Pasaoa, Albert, University of California - Riverside

P 229T

Pasurka, Carl A., Jr., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

P 35B; D 104G

Patel, Krishna, Georgetown University

P 121H

Patrick, Robert H., Jr., Rutgers University

D 18A; P 18A

Pattanayak, Subhrendu, RTI International

P 46C

Paul, Catherine J. Morrison, University of California - Davis

P 4A

Paul, Rodney, Saint Bonaventure University

P 185P

Payne, James M., Calhoun Community College

D 250U

Payson, Steven, U.S. Department of Commerce

D 32B; D 168N

Pearson, Dennis, University of Tennessee - Chattanooga

CH 72D; CH 215R; P 215R; P 232T; CH 232T

Pearson, Matthew Christopher, University of California - Davis

P 229T; CH 229T

Peart, Sandra, Baldwin-Wallace College

P 115H; D 166N

Pecorino, Paul, University of Alabama

P 44C; CH 143K; D 143K

Pecquet, Gary M., Shenandoah University

D 52C; P 101G; P 104G

Pelissier, Maude, University of Saint-Etienne

P 115H

Peng, Duan, University of Miami

P 97G

Pepper, John V., University of Virginia

P 6A; P 38B; D 58C

Perozek, Maria G., Federal Reserve Board

P 220T

Perreira, Krista M., University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill and Carolina Population Center

P 31B

Perry, Elizabeth A., Randolph-Macon Woman's College

P 77D; D 77D

Petkov, Vladimir P., Victoria University of Wellington

P 224T

Petrie, Ragan, Georgia State University

D 49C; P 116H; P 208R; CH 208R

Pevnitskaya, Svetlana, Florida State University

D 29B; P 187P

Pfaff, Alex, Columbia University

P 196P

Phaneuf, Daniel, North Carolina State University

D 105G; P 105G; CH 125H

Phelps, Ryan Todd, ABD, University of Kentucky

P 209R

Philipson, Tomas J., University of Chicago

P 74D

Pho, Yvon, BearingPoint, Inc.

CH 221T; P 221T

Piette, Christine A., University of Florida

P 44C; P 191P

Pingle, Jonathan F., Federal Reserve Board

P 189P

Pintea, Mihaela Iulia, Florida International University

D 168N; P 215R

Pipatchaipoom, Onnie, Samford University

P 55C

Pitts, M. Melinda, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

P 189P; P 210R; D 211R

Pizer, William A., Resources for the Future

P 146K

Placzek, Dana, State of Connecticut

P 39B

Plumly, L. Wayne, Jr., Valdosta State University

P 142K

Pope, Rebecca A, University of Memphis

P 108H

Popova, Julia, West Virginia University

D 50C

Popova, Uliana, Princeton University

P 53C

Porter, David, George Mason University

P 9A

Porter, Philip K., University of South Florida

P 165N; P 230T

Poudyal, Neelam, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

D 205R; P 205R

Powell, Benjamin, San Jose State University

P 202R

Pozo, Susan, Western Michigan University

P 31B

Pradhan, Gyan, Westminster College

P 61D

Prakash, Nishith, University of Houston

D 214R; P 250U

Prasad, Kislaya, Florida State University

P 108H

Price, Joseph, Cornell University

P 20A; D 59C; P 71D; D 138K; P 216R

Prodan, Ruxandra, University of Alabama

P 124H

Pronin, Kira, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration

P 116H

Puller, Steven L, Texas A&M University

P 211R

Qi, Zhiji, Middle Tennessee State University

P 126H

Qin, Ting, University of Alabama

P 3A

Qu, Hengrui, Utah State University

P 225T

Quinn, Michael A., Bentley College

P 109H; CH 109H; P 201R

Rabbani, Atonu, University of Chicago

P 194P

Rabby, Md. Faisal, Rutgers University

P 194P

Radchenko, Stanislav, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

P 14A; D 76D; P 76D

Radzevick, Joseph, Carnegie Mellon University

P 208R

Rahman, Ahmed S., U.S. Naval Academy

P 192P

Ramirez, Carlos D., George Mason University

P 89G

Randolph, Greg, West Virginia University

P 197P

Rankin, Elizabeth L., Centenary College

CH 121H; D 142K; CH 142K

Rashad, Inas, Georgia State University and NBER

D 20A; P 59C; P 148K

Rashid, Salim, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

P 244U

Razzolini, Laura, Virginia Commonwealth University

P 96G; D 208R

Reback, Randall, Barnard College

D 33B; D 64D; P 162N

Rebelein, Robert P., Vassar College

P 22B; CH 22B; P 201R; D 235T

Redenius, Scott A, Bryn Mawr College

P 45C

Reece, E. Albert, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

P 108H

Reed, Robert R., University of Kentucky

D 19A; P 60D; P 181P; P 252U; CH 252U

Regan, Tracy L., University of Miami

D 178N; P 193P

Rege, Mari, Case Western Reserve University

P 6A

Register, Charles A., Florida Atlantic University

P 179P

Reichman, Nancy E., University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey

P 148K; P 211R

Reilly, Robert J., Virginia Commonwealth University

P 137K

Reksulak, Michael, Georgia Southern University

P 62D

Rennhoff, Adam D., Drexel University

CH 42C; P 42C; D 117H; P 178N; D 244U

Rennhoff, Christina H., Saint Joseph's University

P 42C

Ressler, Rand W., University of Louisiana at Lafayette

P 13A

Reville, Robert, Rand Corporation

P 99G

Reyes, Javier A., University of Arkansas - Fayetteville

P 175N; D 175N; P 231T

Reynolds, Kara, American University

CH 54C; P 54C; D 73D; P 160N; D 190P

Rhode, Paul, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

P 63D

Rhodes, Raymond J., College of Charleston

P 217R; D 217R

Ribar, David C., University of North Carolina - Greensboro

D 65D; P 91G; D 148K; P 212R

Rice, Jennifer L., Eastern Michigan University

P 245U

Ridley, David, Duke University

P 16A; D 74D

Rigdon, Mary, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

D 88G; P 88G

Rimler, Michael S., Xavier University

P 25B; D 78D; D 126H

Rivera, Marisol, Instituto Nacional de Ecologia

P 146K

Rizzo, John A., State University of New York - Stony Brook

P 69D

Robalino, Juan, Columbia University

P 196P

Robertson, John C., Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

P 189P

Robst, John, University of South Florida

P 138K

Rockoff, Hugh, Rutgers University

P 63D; CH 63D

Rodgers, James D., Pennsylvania State University

D 36B; P 56C

Rodrigues, Ana Sofia Domingues, University of York - United Kingdom

P 175N

Rogers, R. Mark, Economic Consulting

P 36B

Rork, Jonathan C., Vassar College

P 110H

Rose, Adam, Pennsylvania State University

P 178N; P 179P

Rosen, Adam M., University College London

P 65D

Rosenbaum, Rene, Michigan State University

P 31B

Ross, Justin M., West Virginia University

D 144K; CH 223T; P 223T; P 253U

Rosser, J. Barkley, Jr., James Madison University

P 122H; CH 122H; D 122H; D 132K

Rosser, Marina V., James Madison University

P 122H

Rothstein, Jesse, Princeton University

D 6A; P 65D

Rotthoff, Kurt W., Clemson University

P 14A

Roy, Abhra, Kennesaw State University

P 192P; P 236T

Roy, Debanjali, University of Miami

P 25B

Roy, Devesh, International Food Policy Research Institute

P 223T

Roy, Joydeep, Economic Policy Institute and Georgetown University

P 98G; CH 203R; P 203R

Roy, Sanjukta, West Virginia University

D 164N

Rubb, Stephen, Sacred Heart University

P 109H

Rubin, Paul H., Emory University

P 129K; D 129K

Ruffle, Bradley J., Ben-Gurion University

P 117H

Ruhm, Christopher J., University of North Carolina - Greensboro and National Bureau of Economic Research

CH 127H; P 127H; D 148K

Ruiz, Isabel, Sam Houston State University

D 124H; P 124H; P 231T

Rundshagen, Bianca, University of Hagen

P 141K

Rupp, Nicholas G., East Carolina University

P 114H; D 114H; P 142K; D 169N

Russo, Benjamin, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

P 14A

Ryan, Matt E., West Virginia University

P 37B; CH 37B

Sabia, Joseph J., University of Georgia

P 43C; P 191P; D 229T

Sadiraj, Vjolica, Georgia State University

P 188P

Saggi, Kamal, Southern Methodist University

D 34B; P 73D

Sagynbekov, Ken, University of Wollongong in Dubai

P 62D

Saha, Shrawantee, University of New Hampshire

P 171N

Salemi, Michael K., University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

P 181P

Salerno, Joseph T., Pace University

P 67D; CH 166N; D 166N

Salimi, Jawad, West Virginia University

P 66D

Salmon, Timothy, Florida State University

P 187P

Sampat, Jigna, Emory University

P 168N

Sampson, Aileen, Clemson University

P 37B

Samwick, Andrew, Dartmouth College

P 6A

Sanchez-Azofeifa, Arturo, University of Alberta

P 196P

Sanderson, Allen, University of Chicago

P 182P

Santerre, Rexford E., University of Connecticut

D 5A; CH 130K; P 130K

Santugini, Marc, University of Virginia

P 172N

Sappington, David, University of Florida

P 201R

Sarangi, Sudipta, Louisiana State University

D 29B; P 49C; P 96G

Sari, Nazmi, University of Saskatchewan

P 191P; CH 191P

Sari, Ozlem L., University of Saskatchewan

P 174N

Sarkar, Dipanwita D., Southern Methodist University

P 72D

Sass, Tim, Florida State University

P 33B; CH 33B; D 162N

Sauer, Raymond, Clemson University

P 135K

Scafidi, Ben, Georgia State University

P 253U

Scanlon, Dennis P., Pennsylvania State University

D 11A; P 11A

Schaefer, Kurt C., Calvin College

P 236T

Schap, David, College of the Holy Cross

CH 36B; P 36B

Scharff, Robert L., Ohio State University

P 53C

Schatz, Desmond, University of Florida

P 201R

Schindler, Martin, International Monetary Fund

D 7A; P 7A

Schneider, Helen, University of Texas - Austin

P 42C; D 69D

Schuhmann, Peter W., University of North Carolina - Wilmington

P 105G; D 105G

Schumacher, Christoph, Massey University

P 96G

Schumacher, Edward J., Trinity University

P 20A; CH 20A

Schwabish, Jonathan A., Congressional Budget Office

P 58C

Schweikhardt, David, Michigan State University

P 132K

Schweitzer, Mark, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

D 189P

Scoggins, John F., Research & Planning Consultants, L.P.

P 42C

Scott, Frank A., University of Kentucky

D 133K; CH 209R; P 243U

Seabury, Seth, Rand Corporation

P 99G

Seals, Alan, Middle Tennessee State University

P 171N; D 220T; P 250U

Seaman, Bruce, Georgia State University

P 180P

Segal, Carmit, Harvard Business School

D 116H; P 208R

Seguino, Stephanie, University of Vermont


Seldon, Barry J., University of Texas - Dallas

P 219R

Selgin, George A, University of Georgia

D 140K; CH 140K; D 170N

Sen, Tinni, Virginia Military Institute

D 19A; D 62D; P 62D

Sengupta, Anirban, Texas A&M University

D 226T; P 246U

Sennoga, Edward Batte, Georgia State University

P 162N

Sepulveda-Umanzor, Jean, Universidad del Desarrollo

CH 21B; P 21B; D 52C

Serfes, Kostas, Drexel University

P 178N

Sessions, William, Clemson University

P 196P

Shahriar, Quazi, University of Arizona

P 187P

Shaikh, Azeem, Stanford University

P 38B

Sharma, Gunjan, University of Missouri - Columbia

D 224T; P 240U; CH 240U

Sharma, Subhash C., Southern Illinois University - Carbondale

P 168N; P 248U

Shenkman, Elizabeth, University of Florida

P 201R; P 245U

Shepherd, Joanna M., Emory University

CH 129K

Shideler, David W., Murray State University

D 223T; P 249U

Shields, Gail, Central Michigan University

P 60D; P 103G; CH 103G

Shields, Michael P., Central Michigan University

P 60D; P 103G

Shinogle, Judy A., University of Maryland

D 30B

Shore, Joanne, U.S. Department of Energy

P 104G

Short, Kathleen, U.S. Census Bureau

P 17A; D 17A

Showalter, Dean, Texas State University - San Marcos

CH 219R; P 219R

Shughart, William F., II, University of Mississippi

CH 62D; P 62D; D 62D; P 173N; D 173N

Shulenberger, David, National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges


Sidon, Joshua, University of Colorado - Boulder

P 46C

Siegfried, John J., Vanderbilt University

P 182P; Mod182P; Pan204R

Sierminska, Eva, Luxembourg Income Study

P 92G

Sikora, Joanna, Cornell University

P 210R

Simatupang, Rentanida R, Georgia State University

P 2A

Simkins, Scott Paul, North Carolina A&T State University

P 163N; D 163N

Simmons, Sarah M., University of Virginia

D 138K; P 190P; D 253U

Simon, Curtis, Clemson University

P 121H

Simon, Kosali Ilayperuma, Cornell University

P 99G

Singell, Larry D., Jr., University of Oregon

P 138K; CH 138K

Singh, Priyanka, University of Texas - Dallas

P 39B

Singh, Rajesh, Iowa State University

P 111H

Singleton, Perry, University of Maryland

P 6A

Sinha, Paramita, University of Maryland

P 176N; D 176N

Sinko, Arthur, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

D 76D; P 76D

Sjoquist, David L., Georgia State University

P 223T

Slavov, Sita Nataraj, Occidental College

CH 218R; P 218R; D 218R; D 230T

Smith, Julie K., Lafayette College

P 19A; P 170N

Smith, Kristin, University of New Hampshire

P 43C

Smith, Martin D., Duke University

P 125H; D 125H

Smith, Richard B., University of South Florida - St. Petersburg

D 20A; P 59C

Smith, Stephen L. S., Gordon College

D 72D; CH 180P; P 236T

Smith, Valdemar, Aarhus School of Business - Denmark

P 139K

Smith, William J., University of West Georgia

P 233T; D 249U

Smythe, Donald J., Washington and Lee University

D 44C; P 143K

Snow, Arthur, University of Georgia

CH 57C

Snyder, Christopher M., Dartmouth College

D 16A; P 74D; P 117H

Snyder, James, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

P 63D

Sobel, Russell S., West Virginia University

P 101G; P 110H; P 144K; D 173N; D 197P; P 247U

Sobrino, Cesar R., West Virginia University

P 106G

Song, Jae, Social Security Administration

P 6A

Sooreea, Rajeev, Pennsylvania State University - Altoona

P 198P; D 251U

Sopher, Barry, Rutgers University

P 137K

Sorensen, Bent E., University of Houston

P 78D; P 251U

Sorensen, Todd, University of Arizona

P 119H; D 119H; D 237T

Spasojevic, Jasmina, Metropolitan College

P 59C

Spencer, Roger, Trinity University

P 170N

Spezio, Michael, California Institute of Technology

P 68D

St. Jean, Lynnette, Pacey Economics Group

P 92G

Stafford, Sarah L., College of William and Mary

CH 105G; D 125H; P 125H

Stansel, Dean, Florida Gulf Coast University

D 197P; P 197P

Stapp, Robert, University of Arkansas

P 4A

Stater, Mark, University of Georgia

P 39B; D 138K; P 138K; P 241U

Stecher, Jack, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration

D 9A; P 116H

Stemer, John, Clausthal University of Technology

P 49C

Stemple, Richard J., Jr., Northwest Vista College

P 43C; D 97G; D 142K

Stephan, Paula E., Georgia State University

P 41C

Stephenson, E. Frank, Berry College

D 110H; P 135K

Stevens, Jerry L., University of Richmond

P 21B; D 123H; P 198P

Stewart, James, Pennsylvania State University

Pan159N; P 195P

Stewart, Jay, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

P 91G

Stivers, Chris, University of Georgia

P 12A

Stockbridge, Kenneth, U.S. Government Accountability Office

P 22B

Stockly, Sue K., Eastern New Mexico University

D 31B; P 183P

Stratton, Leslie, Virginia Commonwealth University

P 91G

Stringham, Edward, San Jose State University

P 8A; D 227T; CH 227T

Strong, Kay E., Bowling Green State University-Firelands

P 183P

Strumpf, Koleman, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

P 63D

Stuntz, Lori, University of Texas - Austin

D 229T; P 242U

Sullivan, Dennis H., Miami University

D 183P; Pan204R

Sultan, Jahangir, Bentley College

P 66D

Suske, Ryan, Jacksonville University

P 2A

Sutter, Daniel, University of Oklahoma

P 173N; P 179P; CH 179P

Swann, Christopher A., University of North Carolina - Greensboro

P 212R

Swanson, Norman R., Rutgers University

P 76D

Swenson, Deborah L., University of California - Davis

P 213R

Swofford, James, University of South Alabama

P 27B; D 27B

Sylvester, Michelle Sheran, University of North Carolina - Greensboro

D 127H; D 212R; P 212R; CH 212R

Tallman, Ellis W., Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

P 131K

Tamer, Ellie, Northwestern University

P 38B

Tanaka, Tomomi, California Institute of Technology

P 29B; D 49C; P 96G; D 116H

Tashiro, Sanae, Rowan University

CH 113H; D 113H; P 113H; D 134K

Tatum, Robert C., University of North Carolina - Asheville

P 222T; D 240U

Tauchen, Helen, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

CH 109H

Taylor, Larry W., Lehigh University

D 131K

Taylor, Lori L., Texas A&M University

P 33B

Taylor, Susan Washburn, Millsaps College

P 107G

Tebaldi, Edinaldo, Federal University of Ceara

P 103G

Tedeschi, Gwendolyn Alexander, Fordham University

CH 32B; P 32B

Teixeira, Paulino, University of Coimbra

P 1A

Tekin, Erdal, Georgia State University and National Bureau of Economic Research

D 127H; CH 148K; D 212R

Telle, Khetil, Statistics Norway

P 6A

Telyukova, Irina A., University Of California - San Diego

P 140K

Templeton, Scott R., Clemson University

CH 146K; D 196P; P 196P

Thies, Clifford F., Shenandoah University

P 101G; D 177N

Thomas, Christopher R., University of South Florida

P 165N

Thomas, M. Kathleen, Mississippi State University

P 64D

Thompson, Henry, Auburn University

P 164N; P 205R; D 205R

Thornton, Daniel L., Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

D 180P; P 251U

Thornton, James A., Eastern Michigan University

P 245U

Thornton, Mark, Ludwig von Mises Institute

P 13A

Tick, Simona Lup, University of Mississippi

D 62D; P 62D

Tierney, Heather, College of Charleston

P 76D; D 76D

Tila, Dorina, George Mason University

P 9A

Timmons, Christopher, Duke University

P 105G

Timmons, Edward J., Lehigh University

P 39B; D 43C

Timur, Aysegul, University of South Florida and International College

P 72D

Tochkov, Kiril, Texas Christian University

P 248U; CH 248U

Tollison, Robert D., Clemson University

P 13A; D 26B; CH 135K; D 135K

Tolnick, Matthew, University of California - Los Angeles

P 225T

Toma, Eugenia F., University of Kentucky

P 64D; D 133K; Pan159N

Tomic, Aleksandar (Sasha), Macon State College

P 173N

Tomljanovich, Marc, Drew University

P 19A

Tootell, Geoffrey M.B., Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

D 161N; P 161N

Tori, Cynthia Royal, Valdosta State University

P 60D

Tori, Scott L., Valdosta State University

P 60D; D 193P

Tower, Edward, Duke University

D 225T; P 225T

Toyama, Nate, Sacramento Municipal Utilities District

P 178N

Tra, Constant I., University of Maryland

P 176N; D 176N

Tracy, Joseph, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

D 210R

Trandel, Gregory A., University of Georgia

P 57C; D 218R

Traxler, Greg, Auburn University

P 205R; D 205R

Traynor, Thomas L., Wright State University

P 5A; CH 5A; D 42C

Trejos, Sandra, Clarion University of Pennsylvania

D 31B; CH 213R; D 240U; P 240U

Trinidad, Jose, Texas State University - San Marcos

P 52C

Tristao, Ignez, University of Mary Washington

P 127H

Trivitt, Julie, University of Arkansas - Fayetteville

D 100G; P 100G

Troske, Kenneth R., University of Kentucky

D 51C; D 70D; P 70D; CH 70D

Trost, Steve, U.S. International Trade Commission

D 160N

Tsaur, Jen-Ruey, University of Kentucky

P 60D

Tsoulouhas, Theofanis, North Carolina State University

P 26B

Turner, Chad, Nicholls State University

P 206R

Turner, John L., University of Georgia

D 102G; CH 126H; P 126H; P 143K

Upadhyaya, Kamal P., University of New Haven

P 61D

Van Assche, Ari, HEC Montreal

D 175N; CH 175N; P 175N

Van Boening, Mark V., University of Mississippi

P 246U; CH 246U

Van Cott, T. Norman, Ball State University

P 202R; D 202R

van der Goes, David N., Lehigh University

P 39B; D 42C

van der Klaauw, Wilbert, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

P 109H; P 163N

Van Gaasbeck, Kristin A., California State University - Sacramento

P 19A; CH 19A

Vandegrift, Donald, The College of New Jersey

P 29B; D 187P

Vandenbussche, Hylke, Universite Catholique de Louvain - Belgium

P 160N

Vargas-Silva, Carlos, University of Vermont

P 31B; P 231T; D 251U

Vazquez-Cognet, Jose J., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

P 183P

Vermilyea, Todd, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

P 161N

Vesterlund, Lise, University of Pittsburgh

P 208R

Viani, Bruno E., Colgate University

P 224T

Vigdor, Jacob L., Duke University

P 33B; P 51C; D 65D

Vijverberg, Wim P.M., University of Texas - Dallas

P 39B

Vo, Trang T., U.S. Department of Agriculture

P 141K

Vogel, W. Bruce, University of Florida

P 201R

Vogelsong, Hans, East Carolina University

P 176N

Vogt, Bodo, University of Magdeburg

P 188P

Vollrath, Dietrich, University of Houston

P 15A

Volosovych, Vadym, Florida Atlantic University

D 184P; P 184P

von Haefen, Roger H., North Carolina State University

P 105G

Vossler, Christian A., University of Tennessee - Knoxville

D 96G; P 167N

Votruba, Mark, Case Western Reserve University

P 6A

Vroman, Susan, Georgetown University

P 7A; CH 7A; D 7A; Pan112H

Vytlacil, Edward J., Columbia University

P 38B; D 58C; D 65D

Wagner, Jeffrey, Rochester Institute of Technology

P 44C; CH 188P; P 188P

Wagner, Richard E., George Mason University

P 8A; D 48C

Wakeman, Douglas J., Meredith College

D 77D; D 101G

Walker, Douglas M., Georgia College & State University

P 2A

Walker, Gordon, University of Alberta

P 165N

Walker, Mary Beth, Georgia State University

P 41C; D 41C; CH 41C

Walker, Rosemary, Washburn University

P 216R

Wallace, Sally, Georgia State University

P 223T

Waller, Christopher J., University of Notre Dame

P 140K

Walsh, Randall P., University of Colorado - Boulder

P 46C

Wan, Raymond, Infoatlas, Inc.

P 178N

Wang, Chunbei, University of Texas - Dallas

P 121H

Wang, Fang, West Virginia University

P 107G

Wang, Joseph Tao-yi, California Institute of Technology

P 68D; D 167N

Wang, Le, University of Minnesota

P 174N

Wang, Miao, Marquette University

P 180P

Wang, Richard, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals

P 74D

Ward, John O., John Ward Economics

P 75D

Ward, Michael R., University of Texas - Arlington

P 57C

Ward-Batts, Jennifer, Claremont McKenna College

P 91G

Warner, John T., Clemson University

P 121H

Warren, Ronald S., Jr., University of Georgia

D 57C; D 212R

Waters, George A., Illinois State University

D 3A; P 52C

Waters, Melissa S., Southern University and A&M College

P 13A

Watts, Michael, Purdue University

P 163N

Weber, Roberto A., Carnegie Mellon University

D 167N; P 208R

Wegener, Donna, University of Florida

P 245U

Weiman, David F., Columbia University

P 45C

Wein, Ira, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

D 185P

Weinbach, Andrew, Coastal Carolina University

P 185P

Weinberg, Charlie, University of Pennsylvania

P 138K

Wenger, Jeffrey, University of Georgia

P 39B

Wentworth, Seyda Gultas, U.S. Government Accountability Office

P 22B

Whaples, Robert, Wake Forest University

D 63D

Wheeler, Mark, Western Michigan University

D 45C; P 198P

White, Roger, Franklin & Marshall College

P 4A; P 120H; P 213R

Whited, Hsin-hui (Ida), Colorado State University-Pueblo

P 55C

Whitehead, John C., Appalachian State University

D 46C; CH 46C; P 46C; P 105G; P 165N; P 176N; P 179P; D 209R; P 217R

Whitman, Glen, California State University - Northridge

P 136K

Wilcox, Nathaniel, University of Houston

P 78D

Willett, Tom, Claremont Graduate University

P 225T; D 225T

Williams, Elliot D., Bureau of Labor Statistics

P 234T

Williams, Jonathan, University of Virginia

P 114H

Williamson, Claudia R., West Virginia University

P 144K; P 200R

Willmann, Gerald, University of Kiel

P 34B

Wilson, Bart J., George Mason University

P 9A; P 167N; D 187P

Wilson, Bonnie, Saint Louis University

D 132K; P 202R

Wilson, Rick K., Rice University

P 88G; D 88G

Wolfers, Justin, University of Pennsylvania

P 71D

Wolfson, Shael N., Southeastern Louisiana University

P 134K

Wolters, Jurgen, Freie Universitat Berlin

P 106G

Wolverton, Ann, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

P 35B

Woo, Chi-Keung, Energy and Environmental Economics Inc.

P 178N

Woo, Jaejoon, DePaul University

P 192P; P 223T; D 248U

Wood, J., Wake Forest University

D 45C

Wooders, John, University of Arizona

P 187P

Woodward, Douglas, University of South Carolina

P 249U

Wooster, Rossitza B., Portland State University and California State University - Sacramento

D 175N; P 175N

Wright, Joshua D., George Mason University School of Law

D 129K; P 129K

Wright, Randall, University of Pennsylvania

P 7A; P 140K

Wright, Rodney, Arkansas State University

P 35B; D 141K

Wu, Stephen, Hamilton College

P 60D

Wunnava, Phanindra V., Middlebury College

P 60D; D 98G

Wurtz, Astrid, Aarhus School of Business - Denmark

P 91G

Wynn, George, University of Tampa

P 96G

Xie, Lili, Ball State University

P 248U

Xu, Yongsheng, Georgia State University

P 106G

Yakovlev, Pavel A., West Virginia University

D 37B; P 144K; CH 144K

Yang, Fang, Middle Tennessee State University

P 14A

Yang, Lei, University of Colorado - Boulder and Texas A&M University

P 61D; D 120H

Yankow, Jeffrey J., Furman University

P 71D; D 103G

Yanochik, Mark A., Georgia Southern University

P 121H

Yasar, Mahmut, Emory University

P 4A; CH 4A; D 61D

Yavas, Abdullah, Pennsylvania State University

P 29B

Yayi, O. Nasser, University of Delaware

P 172N

Ye, Michael, St. Mary's College of Maryland

P 104G; D 126H

Yen, Steven T., University of Tennessee - Knoxville

P 171N; CH 171N; P 233T

Yeoh, Melissa M., Clemson University

P 26B; P 232T; D 244U

Yildiz, Hallis Murat, Ryerson University

P 73D

Yoon, Yong J., George Mason University

P 47C

Younas, Javed, West Virginia University

P 248U

Young, Eric, University of Virginia

D 19A; P 19A

Yu, Junhua, University of Alabama

P 5A

Zadrozny, Peter, Bureau of Labor Statistics

P 131K

Zanardi, Maurizio, Tilburg University

P 160N

Zang, Wenbin, University of Kentucky

P 209R

Zavodny, Madeline, Agnes Scott College

P 210R

Zeager, Lester A., East Carolina University

P 17A; P 49C

Zentner, Alejandro, University of Texas - Dallas

P 102G

Zhang, Lei, Clemson University

P 218R; D 218R

Zhang, Qiang, University of Memphis

P 3A

Zheng, Liping, University of New Hampshire

D 14A; P 66D

Zheng, Yuqing, Auburn University Montgomery

P 205R

Zhou, Huafeng, Southeast University

P 127H

Zhou, Yixiu, Middle Tennessee State University

P 14A

Zietz, Joachim, Middle Tennessee State University

P 171N

Ziliak, James P., University of Kentucky

D 51C; CH 51C; P 70D

Zillante, Arthur, University of North Carolina - Charlotte

CH 9A; P 9A; P 29B; D 49C

Zuber, Rick, University of North Carolina - Charlotte

P 185P

Zwick, Thomas, Centre for European Economic Research

P 1A

Zyren, John, U.S. Department of Energy

P 104G

Zywicki, Todd J., George Mason University School of Law

P 8A